League of Legends General - /lolg/

old Smells Like Demacia edition

xth for very fertile witches.

>implying it's just supports
No one likes ADCucks.
t mid main

In order of difficulty


this is objective fact, inb4 butthurt junglers pretending map awareness and warding are exclusive to jungle

Top/Jungle player here. I agree.

xth for brewpost

why don't people build PD first item on Jhin?
Is literally broken as fuck

Would Leblanc's clone be able to get pregnant?

You think anybody gives a shit about your egotistical shit asses who think you're good for landing one of your four spells and blowing people up?

>diamond support main smurfs

I don't like mid mains

You are all fucking faggot princesses who literally AFK in Diamond because you die solo twice

Top lane mains are literal Hashinshins. While you don't AFK you blame
for everything after you die solo in lane

Support main here. We're definitely not a higher difficulty than any other role and we're not meant to be.

>giving him free LP
t. cuck

I'm not giving you my blue buff user.

I'd be willing to try. For science of course.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>0/28/0 Teemo
>Still won.
Holy shit.

lel k kid

Do adc mains really believe this?
There is literally NOTHING hard about right clicking all match long and every other role is mechanically more difficult than yours.

Play Elise, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Riven, Yasuo, ect well then go back to playing Jinx and Ashe.

t.buttblasted adcuck

pls respond i'm serious here
why do cucks build youmumu cuck's blade
it is shit, you just gain too much from PD

idc i get lp too

I agree
t thresh main
get the fuck out of here with that mid shit its just an easier toplane as bushes aren't a factor
its simple as fuck
also support is more difficult than adc as you literally have to play for another person as a fucking steppingstone and carry their asses

Some meme collector from rito pls forward this change to the balance department

or make panths ult global

what breasts

she flat as a board lmao


>tilted mid bab or hashinshin bab blowing up

>High mobility PANIC BUTTON ESCAPE champions with multiple escapes and gapclosers are harder than zero mobility carries with few escape tools


>blowing up
Did you imagine the victory dance in your head, kid?

Things people say to avoid a blame

cringe af tbqh familia

ADC should be at the very bottom, they get their very own babysitters in lane.

>thinking about him
>not thinking about yourself
You need to get your priorities straight, my man.

>Play Elise, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Riven, Yasuo,
>literally land your E the champ
>literally smash your keyboar the champ
>literally qrq the champ
>literally pink her spears the cham
>literally smash your keyboard: top lane boogaloo the champ
>literally free stats the champ

Wow user, that's some major bait.

>While you don't AFK you blame
for everything after you die solo in lane
>nigga if you're getting ganks up top your jungler's either doing something wrong or you're doing something very very stupid. Vice versa if the enemy top is camping and you don't feed you're doing something very well.

report noob jungle

>zero mobility carries

Kalista (garbage tho lol)

AND a support to hold their hand and wipe their bottom in case something bad happens to them bot lane.

Trying to hard, esse.

>This team...

>support babies thinking their role is difficult
Anybody heard any bigger jokes in this thread than these shit ass bronze vel'koz thresh mains who think they do anything but let themselves get carried.

"My lane was fine till your opponent showed up!!1!"

She's a lunatic with no sense of right and wrong.
She makes Lissandra look rational.

>Only meta ADCs right now are Ashe/Jhin
>zero dashes


>sorry my first time

>wheres my team

>thresh why no lantern
this is level 2 mind you

>enemy that killed me is op

>its not my fault im immobile

>you guys picked a shit teamcomp

>thresh why did u not build mikaels for me !!!!!
this was 10 minutes in

im enjoying having more thresh images to brewpost with

the fact that they -need- their own babysitter shows how vulnerable that role is to getting fucked up by the rengars of the world

Thats all spacing, if you're gonna go up alone as a jinx to a zed or fizz then you're just retarded.
It has nothing to do with MECHANICAL SKILL.

Jesus fuck, ive actually masturbated while playing adc.

Could you be any more buttblasted?

How often do ADCucks even have impactful damage in a game? LOL Not very often. I'd give a generous 1:10... for a role MEANT to do damage.

>Free slows for peel.
>Longer range than Cait.
Yes, this is doge.

>stop playing for months

>come back recently because league is just the best game ever

>d2 friend tells me run ghost on jungle poppy


She'll make me the happiest man alive

>their jungler is camping me

>FREE dmg
>FREE dmg reduction
>FREE atk speed
>FREE ms


>play leblanc the other day even though I never play mid and she is the only midlaner I even own
>carry the game with 0 effort
>choose when to go in, at no danger if initiated on
>only have to do a simple spell rotation to completely delete their enemy mid and adc
>harder than immobile carries like jinx
Mid babs are so full of shit.

>Jesus fuck, ive actually masturbated while playing adc.

>enemy team has troll
>ask him if he can help me stack soulstealer, he agrees
>ally proceeds to flame me and ask the enemy team to report me aswell because i am "just as bad as the troller"

do you honorable shitters even want to win?

>adcucks literally thinking their role is difficult when another person has to get them fed via spoonfeeding

when you get caught out who saves you?
thats what i fucking thought sit down like the brat you are you fucking mongol

because theres a korean build now

>most difficult

its the second easiest desu

Ghost got a huge buff, the movespeed scales with level. I haven't tried it though.

Poppy Jungle became viable again after she finally got buffed after the gutting, I was fucking with it on one of my accounts to see how it was and she can definitely clear and stuff again.

Still feels fucking shitty they nerfed her E range so hard and removed the goddamn auto attack reset on her passive.

I was trying all sorts of meme builds with her but I think Trinity Force is really strong.

>do you honorable shitters even want to win?
Yes. But what's the point if it's free?


>tfw not healing your support bitch and watching them die
I respect none of you.

>playing THE entry level support
>calling anything else easy


I want to

You must also think landing stuns with annie require skill and mechanical prowess

>retards arguing over champion skill in lol
league is a strategy game first, the only skill required is global thinking, not how you press qwer1234

>He actually thinks Soraka is harder than Thresh.

call him out for his underagedness and tell him that you do what you want because you're a grown man with a manly beard and he can lick your hairy asshole

RAPE Riven.

>entry level support
Nigga what? Last I checked entry level supports were Soraka and Sona, maybe Morgana.

this combat is almost as slow as COD

>too much

yeah you get crit and movespeed+ the reduc passiv while the enemy adc is getting ad to shit on your face

Is that why higher level players consistently win their lanes against lower level players? Global thinking?


Morgana is intermediate. Sort of a gateway support to Karma and (worse) Brand.

Literally every champion you dished up has multiple escape mechanisms and to some extend broken cooldowns.
Lee = Q, ward jumps, knock back and flash
Leblanc = fucking 2 in-built dashes and Flash
Nidalee = jump every 2 seconds while in cougar form
Riven's kit is just a plain joke, the champion is a pure cancer of the game.
Yasuo - you gotta be kidding lol
I seriously have no idea how can you find above champions more difficult than Ashe or Jinx

>people abusing thresh coming out of the woodwork

wew lads, just keep """"outplaying"""" people with that lantern yeah?

How many times in a row do you have to lose to get demoted from Silver 5 to Bronze?

blub blub motherfuckers

my friend pretty much only play thresh and is a fucking god with it, i dont think i have ever lose lane with him and yet whenever i go somewhere else half of the time the adc is pant on head retarded and blame all of his mistake on him, does every adc blame their supp for their own mistake ?

Hand her over to Ionian Officials to be tried for her crimes against Ionia.

>want to play kayle
>runes needed to play her top are over the top expensive


your a fucking retard look at male supports supports
all manly

look at male adc's
a bunch of fucking twinks bar graves and he moved away from all the faggotry you fuckers emit

soraka janna blitzcrank are the entry level supports get it right you fucking retard
flay existing makes thresh require some degree of skill

Did you know you could flay dashes on reaction?
Did you know you can extend the range of your lanturn with precise flash timing?
Did you know you have a small interval between activating hook again to do another action?

Yeah, but keep telling us how pressing w + adc on soraka is sooo much harder.

I want to be Riven's slave

Eat Riven

It depends entirely on your MMR.

Abusing what, user? That you can't dodge a telegraphed skillshot?

Just how anally annihilated are you?

Thresh is entry-level
kind of not extremely easy-CC on his Q
get-out-of-jail-card for his teammates on his W
extremely easy to get used toshort CC/slow on E
extremely easy to use ULT
collect tankiness minigame
play more than 5 games with him and you're a Thresh main

What site is that?

Crud. Champion.gg won't show my MMR, and I lost two games in a row. If I lose a third, I'm certain that I'll be demoted.

>bar graves and he moved away from all the faggotry you fuckers emit
Truth is post form.

>doesn't even check the stats before shitposting
Well, it's called SHIT posting for a reason...

MECHANICALLY you fucking retard, theres a reason why 99.99% of yasuo players are utter dog shit.

Before you even bother responding to this post i want you to look up the word "mechanically".

I want riven to put me on the ground with her thigh then sit on my face

I didn't want to make my own and only had one saved, a pretty shitty example since that ones a qte
no its why lcs players win against challenger players, because they know what to do around the map
cmon user low level players dont even know what their champs do

I meant op.gg

How do I learn to actually control the jungle, instead of just going around farming and ganking? It feels like a complex high level thing, and it's hard to force myself into doing it.

motherless doot cum
Just kidding it's counterplay.xyz.

don't worry
the probability that you'll get some smurfing high-plat player on your team is pretty high after loosing some games in a row
also the enemy team has a higher probability of containing retards

What the...? What's wrong with Twitch?


Why are there more bronze bitches and silver surfers here than usual today?


is bandlebro dead?

>THIS mad that he got called out on his retardation

>implying tahm w isn't a better thresh lantern in terms of safety
>oh yeah building tanky on soraka should definetly let you heal someone to full in one go

adc's can't except themselves doing badly so often blame it on the support for their own mistakes
even if it is entirely their fault for aa canceling multiple times and dying they will blame the support for not taking ignite to make up for their lack of damage adc players are usually toxic cunts as its the biggest """outplay""" role the only adcs who never flame are kalista players
because she actually takes skill to master
and is a qt

soraka janna sona bard zillean taric tahm lulu and nami all have better saves and you can also you know time your cc properly to cancel the fucking lantern or is that too fucking hard for you?


You're literally talking about a hundredth of a percent of players out there. And you're ignoring several of the top slots aren't even held by pro players. AND pro players get the added benefit of HUNDREDS OF GAMES TOGETHER.

lol fuck outta here

holy shit who knew thresh mains were so bootydestroyed? there are people ITT writing books on why their piss easy champ is harder than real supports lmao

Will that probability become reality, though. I just feel that I have to get god, even if I'm too autistic to understand how.

Just Yasuo mains trying to convince everyone else their champion is the apex of skill.