/lolg/ - League of Legends General

waifus and drama is not part of the celestial dingalings edition

old and busted

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man, i hate laning against soraka as jhin. all the damage i do is gone after a minute.

Waifu is a man's life
Waifu is a man's reason

Any one remember that video with the British kid saying he was the best Kassadin EU? His name was Death something? He made a shitty intro video of himself, can't remember what he called himself

Anyone been playing kled? Spin tales for us peasants.

Name at least 1 champ per role that you can think of right now that you hate fighting against

Yasuo (If I pick champs like Sion)
Rengar (unless I pick Poppy)

>be huge dia jungle one trick
>pick blind monk
>300k mastery
>go 16/4/15 and S+
>insec bitches all day
>two tripple kills
>kick flash theier j4 into cait to execute her
I know from the beginning it was the right thing to spam one role with cerain champs like an autist.

The S-rank game struggle begins. Also, elo.

happy waifu happy laifu


hahaha my sides, pls post results

I don't understand this memery. I was a one trick. But then my main got popular and started getting banned so I picked a backup.

But I don't always get my role so I have one I can play in another lane really well. And another I can play in that same lane for other comps.

And now I'm just a d5 shitter who can play four champions well enough to climb. How can I one trick harder lolg?

You would rather have Soraka in your team or her to be your enemy? And why?



what about that new champion?

>still no gp nerfs


Lee is my most play champ,but as I said I just one trick jungle.In the Jungle I have like 4 comfort picks,I mostly play 2,tho.For my second role top/mid,I only play Twisted Fate or Gangplank.

Just spam your champ over and over.Try to learn every single trick in the book,play hyper agressive and outplay your oppenent with your superior champ knowledge mechanics.

His W is busted rn. His ulti would be in a good spot if it didn't give so much MS to allies. Q is balanced af. E needs to be a shorter hop, it's too long. Seems a bit much.

>Carried so hard you have to take a smoke break
Just one of those games, boys.

I got carried or not?


riot getting lazy with champions

killing Soraka's on the enemy team makes me hard

yes, by fizz

>face a warwick jungle
>eh it's just warwick
>he goes on-hit build
>literally just goes from lane to lane and fucking slaughters everything
>he targets a squishy with his ult
>the squishy straight up dies from the ult alone

What in the actual fuck. Is this build some meme, or is it viable? I've never been so terrified of a jungler since pre-"rework" Evelynn.

That's why she is so great. Soraka main here.

There is nothing more depressing than making a smurf and playing pre-30. That's because 1, you'll be matched against other smurfs that are potentially actually several divisions above you, and 2, you're paired against people who are several levels above you and summoner levels are a powerful power source because runes, masteries and summoner spells are locked down at first.

I get it that Riot wants stuff to be locked down so newbies aren't overwhelmed by choices, but that flies off the window when it pits you against people that have a distinct advantage over you from the get-go.

Why do new people take up playing LoL when they have to play literally hundreds of games to so much as play in a leveled field is honestly beyond me.

then don't make a fucking smurf
>make a low level account
>why do I fight with low level players
the entire practice is shitty to everyone anyway

Why even smurf? If everyone who smurfed got their shit together and actually queued on their main accounts, the queue times would be much shorter - which is one of the main reasons people smurf.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>man these queue times are bad
>so lets make a smurf
>to remove more players from the pool at their main elo
>so there's more smurfing
>so there's less people

Wow, you didn't read the post at all, did you? Why are you in such a hurry to shitpost that you just reply without even bother to so much as skim through what you're replying?

gg this team indeed

So when will IP chests be availible? I did not bought anything since the reveal of them and i fucking want that free shards.

I'm a d5 (I'll get out soon shut up) main and I have a level 8 smurf that I just can't bring myself to play. Bots in ai games mean I have to 1v9 for very little experience and shitting on new or "new" people brings me no joy.

I'm almost at the point where I just want to buy my smurf. Has anyone done it? Recommended sites?

New players rarely actually care about that stuff, they just play the game and have fun.

Tomorrow, I think they said.

>There is nothing more RETARDED than making a smurf
I fixed that for you.

oh wow, haha, get a load of this guy

>ip chests
Like hextech chests for IP?

For what purpose? I'm bottlenecked by keys not chests.

Soraka is the best support. Tank supps are shit. Prove me wrong.

Depends entirely on comp. All supports have their niche and none are catch all.

Also janna is sexiest support.

My post isn't complaining about smurfing being hard, I'm just using my experience smurfing to highlight how awful the pre-level 30 experience is for everybody. I mean, if it's that bad for a smurf, imagine how it is for an actual newbie.

You're already below in terms of skill, and Riot actually gives you a further handicap by limiting your access to masteries, spells and runes AND pairing you up against people who have more access to them than you.

And for those who are whining about me making a smurf, I pretty much have to because I'm not gonna pay to transfer servers. It's not my fault Riot wanna jew me out for something that should be instant and free like Dota's.

ive not earned a single key fragemnt in a week, what is going on?

I respect your opinion but I like fishtits more. Soraka is also a fine choice of course.

You can get all your key fragments for a month in a very short span of time. Then they won't respawn until next month. It only starts resupplying them at the date you got the last fragment, and after that day the month after, you'll get more.

And of course, with the big gap between each chest you can get - it's basically just saying, "Buy some chests and use those keys while waiting for your S-rank chest cooldown to go away. ;)"

Why does Riot charge for server transfers?

I don't understand this. You're locked to essentially 7 keys a month. Two chests.

You get WAY more than two chests a month. If anything they want me to buy keys.

because people spend money easier when they're in a rush or want to play with their friends

Gee boss, I dunno

Seriously though, officially is because they have a price discrimination and charge less for IP the more 3rd world the region is. If they didn't charge for server transfers you could switch to BR or TUR, get tons of cheap IP, then transfer back to the US. Valve can get away with it because Dota is linked to the Steam system, which is already region-locked.

how can i tell when i can earn keys again? also, how can i tell when i run out of the ability to earn keys?

Ugh, that's RP, not IP.

You cant. You cant.

>Thunderlord's on Janna
You deserve it

Basically can't. It's supposed to be an attrition factor to it, you don't know when you get them so that you might as well just buy a few boxes and keys, right?

Welcome to F2P gaming.

Why the fuck does intentional feeding reports do fucking nothing?

I just did 5 games in a row of feeding intentionally playing teemo just running down mid lane and dying and I've had 8-9 people reporting my every match and nothing has happened

Post movies you like and other faggots in this thread pick you a champion based on the movies you have chosen. I'll start, niggers.
>Clockwork Orange
>Dr. Strangelove


i changed it to windspeaker's like 5 seconds before the game started.

not like it mattered since vayne ate all the empowered mf q's, fed, said ''im tilted lol'' and fed more.

ahh shit.

best boy and best champion? i don't believe it

Am I supposed to try and snowball with Aurelion Sol or just farm safely and wait for teamfights?

>Clockwork Orange
>Dr. Strangelove
Jinx, no contest.

is this stats for this season
how do you pull off playing 1500 ranked games in half a year

that is like 750 hours

actually I guess if you play 6 hours per day of only ranked that kind of makes it work out

but now that I say

6 hours a day for half a year used on a game

what are we doing with our lives

My nigga

90% of my games are shove the lane and go win someone else's lane.

Should I get a second dorans quickly to have indefinite mana sustain or keep rushing roa then?

>Tfw you will never carry Lux carrying Jinx and Kog to a safe place

Holy fuck that match has ridiculous amount of games played all around. They must segregate us who are climbing from groups like yours who are stuck.

Most of my games (in the exact same p2-d5 bracket) have 80-200 games played in ranked this season. With 300s being a lot and the rare 500 getting chat shamed.

Maybe Jhinn
He seems to fill at least Clockwork Orange
I have not seen strangelove

>Home (2015)
>Monsters University

>Want to play Nidalee and become a one-trick-pony to carry games
>She gets nerfed 3 days ago

What jungler is the best at carrying games?
Lee Sin, Rengar, Shaco, Kha'Zix?

I need someone to one-trick my way to Diamond

I almost never get a second dorans and rarely ever got a dark seal.

It's usually best to just get your RoA parts because even if you run out of mana as long as you shove the lane in you'll be able to base and E back without missing creeps. Sometimes you don't even need to cast the E and the passive MS is enough. Though, I take MS quints too.

kha "one-shots and resets" zix

That's a good summoner name for a Kha main

rek'sai, elise, rengar is probably being changed in the preseason, kha shifts in and out of favor with the meta, shaco only works for one tricks, lee just isnt worth it for the effort put in for the result

I don't even know if you won or lost.

Are you seroius? Even if you don't know Slav languages you can see the positive LP gain which means victory.

>It's a, "Lucian went 0/3 bot lane so he's RUNNING IT DOWN MID!" Episode.
Try not getting outplayed by a Vel'koz support next time.

This And its clearly written ZWYCIESTOWEUHTAƉORG. Are you blind or something?

Help bros, im on permanent tilt.
Had 3 of the worst teams ive ever had in a row.
0-10 mids, 0-10 tops, retarded supports that dont know they have an autoattack

They threw my promos to plat for me and now I want to call in to work (in 2hrs) so I can grind it out.
I haven't slept.
Why do you fuckers have to be so bad at this game?

>community that's obsessed with toxicity and overall safe space mentality
>tons of "lol look at the bronze players" content all over Youtube
So calling someone nigger in game is unacceptable yet messaging someone to the point where they have to name change solely because they missed a Lee Sin Q, is acceptable?

Do not play tired. Do not skip work.

>Missing Lee Sin Q's.

saviours of overextending nonwarding islanders ww@

even pinged him 10 seconds before that that malph was coming up from river

There is no such thing as tilt. There is you playing shitty. Stop playing until you can stop playing shitty.

Then when your not playing shitty focus on gitting gud.

Receive free plat.

Dude. You need to chill. Get up from the computer. Go find something physical do to for 15 minutes. Eat something. Go to work. Sleep. Refresh man. That's why you're tilting. Not because you lost but because you've used up all your energy and you're irritable and it's messing up your game play. And THAT is making it worse. Take a step back.

Try running the afk strat, it's what I did to get a 30 smurf.

Bot game. Not hardest or whatever, because your teammates will lose and you'll get less xp. Warwick. Bami's cinder->sunfire. idle at wolf or golems (if your team is intentionally getting you killed)
You need cinder to aggro the wolves and you can go fully afk until you die. come back from afk long enough to buy a sunfire and head back to wolves.

You're not really hurting anyone since bot games are so easy anyway.
Buy double boost, it will save you a LOT of time.

if i was playing vs lulu mid and that happened i would be moderately triggered


Just call in. What's missing one day of work?

Really makes you think

wtf i love jarvan now i am now a #J4D2

Is there a more satisfying Auto attack sound on other skins?


So with 6.15 my malz E no longer makes the proper "aids is spreading" noise when a unit dies.

Anyone else having this issue? I use snowday if it matters. Just wondering if I need to post a bug report on the forums.

Riot Kayle

>tfw have the skin shard for her.
>tfw not enough orange essence.

high attack speed high ap teemo aa Q aa is pretty fucking satisfying

I'm still getting it on default Malz. There are always skin-specific bugs so you should post it.

I haven't played in over a year. Is it worth my time coming back to see what's changed?

I'll try default skin to see if it's on my end and I need to repair or if snowday is bugged. Thanks guy.


>Jarvan is a horrible
>thought post was going to be about how shit J4 is now
Bring the prince back