Image of God or Planet of the Apes?

Which do you choose?
(Bear in mind, this only part one.)

Other urls found in this thread:

*this is only


what did he mean by this?

daily reminder that young earth creationism is a 19th century american heresy originating from seventh day adventists

it's a creationist comic, no argument to be had really

poor quality bait, presumably

>uses chimpanzee
>not bonobo

>The ape evolves into a white male
So raycis.

No but seriously. Is it referencing some bible verse? Or is it just saying that moral man couldn't be the product of a process which involves the often brutal deaths of billions upon billions of living beings?

It implies that if God used evolution and called it "very good," then maybe He ain't so good. Also, there's some stuff about moral relativism being linked to societal decay in the U.S., which includes racism, homosexual behavior, abortion, and general loss of the value of human life.
I think they use something similar to Radical Feminists, who blame everything on one central concept. For them it's the Patriarchy, for Crearionists it's evolution.


Ain't too far off, considering they believe that evolution is inherently racist. They believe that it implies Africans and Aborigines are "less evolved" than white people.

>wah violence is mean
>everything should be nice and happy and fluffy rainbows

Evangelical Protestants are children.


What a tepid, soporific presentation. I was trying to be generous and entertain this ignoramus's argument but ... damn cmon now.

How prevalent is this stuff in contemporary American culure (outside the bible belt)? are these type
posters on every second highway billboard?

Usually confined to Appalachia more than anywhere else. Best example is, of course, the Creation Museum as well as the new Ark Encounter (which may or may not have been built with tax-payer's dollars).

jesus christ really

The majority of Christians throughout history were young earth creationists

and people used to think the earth was flat

seems to have faded away until the american great awakening

>Which do you choose?

choose? theres no choice in this you mongoloid, you cant choose reality

Why use tax payer money if an old man and his kids could have done the same thing?

How much did each of the 4 men get payed?

>Don't say they used more than 4 modern builders with cranes and powertools.

Ken ham: "Uuuh-uuuh, y-you weren't there! You don't know! Praise my version of Jeebus!"
But on a serious note, do you understand this chart? I can't tell what would be under the ape "kind." Apes in general? African apes? Great apes?

They'd claim that Noah and his sons had some kind of super-advanced antediluvian tools invented by Tubal-Cain, yet the Cainites never set up any civilizations before the flood.

Oh sweet ignorant user, they still do think the Earth is flat.

They think that NASA (for some reason) is faking a spherical Earth (for some reason).

Their main proof being that the ocean on the east coast of Australia looks a bit like a dog on google maps, and dog is God backwards, therefore SATAN.

I mean do you need any more proof.



The greatest problem with biblical literalism is not he creation. Noah's arc and the tower of Babel are both arguably more absurd

Kind is a completely arbitrary term, meaning "Whatever is convenient to my literal interpretation of the bible" and you will never be able to extract an exact boundary of what kinds entail from a creationist other than "common sense".
Since Noah obviously could not fit two of every species of animal onto his ark and because extinction of species is observably almost inevitable, which belies the continuing species richness of our planet, there must be some way of reconciling fact with belief.
So kinds exist. A type of hypervariable template that somehow manages to produce the variety of species on our planet within a few thousand years from the completely bottlenecked and limited stock aboard Noah's ark.
It functions as a type of taxonomic classification just completely shit.
That's not to say that all taxonomic classifications, genus and beyond, aren't also pulled directly from the ass.
Just less so than kinds.

It also functions as an idea several orders of magnitude more absurd than the evolution of every species on the planet within 3.5-3.8 billion years.

He meant that evolution is not compatible with the bible. Death did not enter into creation until Adam sinned.

And is therefore false.

The majority still are. We're just less vocal about it, partly because we think it's a distraction.

You have a problem with reality that is all your own.

There's a feasibility study for sale on Amazon showing just how the ark could have worked as intended.

And it did work as intended, or you would not exist.

How long does it take a poodle and a labrador to make a labradoodle?

A breed doesn't count. Those were artificially selected based on atributes humans deemed useful, be it practical or cosmetic.

I have a question for you:
Are these all in the same kind? Why or why not?

Sound legit. I mean its for sale on amazon, they dont just sell everything


Biblical Creation ofcourse.

Too much overwhelming evidence to ignore.

Evolutionism is full of speculations and imaginations, not actual substance.

>Kent Hovind

>what is Badger's Law


>Appeal to ridicule

Hovind deserves ridicule. Anyone passing themselves off as a scientist with an unaccredited degree is laughable. Anyone who takes his opinion seriously is laughable. Sorry. Get a creationist ideologue with a real degree and we'll talk.
Also he's a tax evader. So get someone who hasn't served time for lying too.

you on left

He'll no doubt use Dr David Menton PhD at one point or another.
From what I can gather, he's either a biochemist or an anatomist.

pretty sure those things at the front of the boat to break the surface tension of the water thereby creating less resistance are a modern invention

fuck these cunts are morons

Remember, they think Noah got instructions directly from God. Anachronism is the least of their concerns, right up there with australopithecines.

If intelligent design is true then God is the laziest/most autistic being in the universe. He spent all his time making crazy insects and shit and when he gets to vertebrates he just slaps a new paint scheme on a basic body plan. You'd think an all powerful designer would put some effort into his perfect creations and not give us teeth that don't even fit in our jaw.

Can you do it better?

This reminds me of Job bitching at God, and then God giving him 40 questions, leaving Job speechless.

None of us are all powerful or all knowing like God's supposed to be.

Greeks had them.

If God is all-knowing He obviously knows what He's doing.

So your bitching at designs is due to lack of knowledge. I.e you're stupid.

I'm not an omnipotent, all powerful God with the power to create an entire universe. But actually yes. For one, God gave us a shitty spinal cord with a terrible S shaped design. So God is either terribly lazy and a bad architect/engineer, or he prefers insects and other creatures more, because he obviously put more effort into them. Basically any first year engineering student could build a better human than God did.

This shitty thread again? Evolution is a myth, it has been proven wrong many times.

Evolution is a religion. Yes, evolution is the faith of atheism because it replaces God with man. When you've conned yourself into believing that some kind of ancient slime morphed into progressively complex and directional life forms, you are in the realm of faith, not science.

Most people who believe in evolution don't even understand it.
I have to explain it to them.

>Evolution Debunked

>Errors in Evolutionary Thinking

>Evolution is a Great Delusion/Deception

>Kent Hovind debunks Evolution (18 hours, life changing)

>Hovind destroys an atheist critic

>Evolution is a modern fairy tale

>The Greatest Lie Ever Told

>Overwhelming Evidence for a Global Flood

>Dinosaurs are not "millions" of years old

>Creation is a Scientific Fact

>Refuting the "talkorigins" website

Hide the thread and move on.

whilst it may have had the same effect iirc they were an offensive weapon rather than for efficiency in motion

>le "the way it is now is the way it has always been" uniformitarianism meme

the flood changed everything

>more Kent Hovind

>more appeal to ridicules
>more not-addressing-the-arguments

so you DO believe in evolution, just magic hyper-fast evolution.

Hovind is a brainless hack who scams idiots from their money and doesn't present any coherent argument to even address.

You don't address the homeless guy on the corner holding up a piss stained cardboard sign saying the moon is a hologram. You laugh at him and laugh even harder at anyone who believes him.

Including the basics of human biology and anatomy? Humans had longer jaw bones, a straight spinal column, a working appendix, better knees, and non-flipped corneas? Wow. Had no idea rain could do all that.

Nah, evolution is fine with them as long as humans aren' the ones doing it. Also, they believe almost all evolution is "degernative" in nature.

we have over 300 dog breeds we have made in less than a century.

An example of evolution from artificial selection.

You're just angry because Kent Hovind debunked your shitty darwinian myth.

>he thinks flood was just rain

Confirmed for retarded

>Kent Hovind debunked
He can't even debunk his tax evasion charges.

That is artificial selection based on usefulness to humans or fashion, rather than survival.

An example of variations within a kind you moron.

can you breed a dog to turn into a fish or alligator?

>Atheist tears intensifies

natural selection is real, evolution is not.

NS selects things, it doesn't create

Define a kind. I'll wait.

Tears of laugher

True, but it doesn't prove evolution.

Evolution relies on *mutations* to change things slowly over time.

over a few million years I could bread an aquatic animal yes

the IRS has recently come out and admitted they were wrong.

Kent literally made a video about it a couple weeks ago.

you live under a rock

Where do you people get your ideas? Evolution is specifically about variation, and specifically doesn't address the beginning of life. Evolution can't occur until life has already begun.

No you can't.

Because dogs don't have the genetic code to turn into anything else other than a dog.

Speculation, imagination and fantasy is not science, my evolutiontard friend.

Equivocation fallacy.

Read the other thread.


>celebrates political imprisonment
>celebrates censorship and dissent

The fact he was jailed for speaking the truth proves he was right.

He was hurting evolutionism, damaging it, so they had to silence him.


>Because dogs don't have the genetic code to turn into anything else other than a dog.
You share something like 60% of the same DNA with a fucking banana. Most genetic code is just leftover junk that isn't being used anymore or at the moment.

So not paying your taxes is free speech now?

The reason we have genetic defects is because of entropy, not evolution.

We are worse than our ancestors, every generation our DNA becomes more diluted.

You can say something as much as you want. It doesn't change the fact that science can and is used to draw an accurate picture of the past. both the recent past and the distant past.

If you deny that your basically denying a large aspect of science.

He was jailed for structuring, not tax evasion you retard.

How come every atheist that attacks Kent Hovind doesn't know his shit?

>every generation our DNA becomes more diluted.
diluted with fucking what. You're fucking dogs now?

Sin apparently.

Science points towards creation and a young earth.

Facts do not care about your feelings.

>Take a document
>Put it in the copy machine
>Copy it
>Now make a copy of the copy
>Then a copy of the copy of the cope
>Continue until you have over 7 billion copies
>The ink and letters become vague and harder to see

Entropy you retard.

>bible is empirical data

ITT: atheists getting destroyed

Speak for yourself. You can't tell me if this is a kind, you just shift the focus to something else.

No one mentioned the Bible but you.

>In 1998, the IRS requested account information after Hovind made claims about noncompliance going back to the 1970s on an internet broadcast. While his internet provider initially balked, the courts granted a subpoena on the basis that the IRS could demonstrate income and no filed income tax returns going back to 1991.[120] In 2003, Hovind would tell The New York Times, "I haven't filed a tax return in 30 years."

Like I said, not paying taxes. Doesn't matter the word for it, he didn't pay them.

If you can have children, you're part of the same kind.

Can have humans and monkeys create offspring? No.

Monkeys are animals with no soul and no conscience of God.

Humans are specifically made to dominate the earth.

>going to a page that is heavily edited by atheists with an agenda who hate Hovind

You're not even trying anymore.