Why do whites continue to deny and cover up that pretty much every advanced civilization before the 1800's was black...

Why do whites continue to deny and cover up that pretty much every advanced civilization before the 1800's was black? This has to be the most blatant cover up in history, how do they get away with it? How do we expose the truth?

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How about debating an intelligent black man instead of memespouting?

You can't because you know everything about white history is a lie.

>How about debating an intelligent black man instead of memespouting?
You find one and I'll debate him, but you're going to be hard pressed, masterbaiter.

>i disagree with it so it must be bait
So are not actually going to debate me cumskin? Are you afraid i'm gonna expose the facade that most white historical figures were actually black?

>Are you afraid i'm gonna expose the facade that most white historical figures were actually black
They weren't and you aren't a nigger either. No (((You))) for (((You)))

Go back to freech

Not that guy, but I'm curious. Do yo agree with your OP image's supposition that europe was filled with africans before the 'germanic migration period'?

>No argument because he knows im telling the truth
What else could i expect from a cumskin


Yes. Europe was black before the Barbaric white invasion after the fall of the Roman Empire (an empire ruled by black men)

>Yes. Europe was black before the Barbaric white invasion after the fall of the Roman Empire (an empire ruled by black men)

So... o you mean just Europe sans scandinavia? Or just southern Europe... or just the parts of europe owned by Rome...?

I'm not mocking you, merely trying to understand the logistics here.

There's wewuzing, but then there's this. This is a whole new level.

bait/10 well memed

Romans and Celts were black, whites fabricated history to make them white.

Europe didn't become majority white till the 400's when the white BARBARIC Germanic tribes invaded. Europe lived in complete poverty and and technological inferiority till a BLACK civilization called the Moors showed them the technology that would start the Age of Exploration. They have been stealing from PoC ever since.

It's not bait, cumskin. Your just too afraid to face the truth.

Romans weren't black, celts weren't black, moors were only half-black.

So you're saying all whites are Germanic?

What about the slavs?

Raceposting should be bannable

So if all of the intelligent, superadvanced, powerful peoples of europe were so great, how did a bunch of white barbarian migrants manage to beat their asses so fucking hard that all of history since then has completely covered up these facts?

Hell even if this is true, I still don't really feel bad for being white because it means we kicked your black asses to the fucking stone age.

Romans and Celts were black, the white archaeologists living in Europe fabricated history so you would think whites always lived there when in truth they just genocided the natives living there. The moors were 100% black African men.

The slavs were peaceful Asians till the barbaric Germanic vikings invaded them. You know how all those cumskin historians say Genghis Khan was such an evil man? In truth he was just trying to take back his homeland which had been stolen by cumskin vikings.

This is a history board and i am telling the truth about history. If anything the fabrications of history made by cumskins should be banned from here.

>Romans and Celts were black
Citation needed.

take this /x/ tier garbage to you faggot

>"Prewar, smoothskin, we were all ghouls. Don't you see, smoothskin? It's all a lie. A big, fat lie. The Brotherhood of Steel was founded by ghouls. The NCR was founded by ghouls. Every president from Washington onward was a ghoul, smoothskin. You just have to face the truth."

>This is a history board and i am telling the truth about history. If anything the fabrications of history made by cumskins should be banned from here.

And by "truth" you obviously mean "blatant bullshit." Just because you're shouting the loudest doesn't make you any less wrong or any less retarded.

>Hell even if this is true, I still don't really feel bad for being white because it means we kicked your black asses to the fucking stone age.

>The slavs were peaceful Asians till the barbaric Germanic vikings invaded them. You know how all those cumskin historians say Genghis Khan was such an evil man? In truth he was just trying to take back his homeland which had been stolen by cumskin vikings.

OP is obviously a troll, but I'm legitimately conflicted. I've never considered myself a racist, but the idea of my ancesters being some sort of evil rapist horde conquering europe for themselves is pretty fucking great. If someone convinced me it was true, I'd probably actually care about identifying as white.

Calling us 'cum-skins' just enhances the rapist-god image you're painting here.

Because although the Roman Empire was technologically superior they did not want to stoop to the horrible, dishonerable tactics of the barbaric cumskin invaders. That was their downfall.

If i gave you sources you would dismiss them and call them "unreliable" because they do not come from the very people who fabricated history.

This is not a conspiracy, it is the truth covered up by cumskins for centuries.

Of course, no argument because the cumskins know i am right.

Of course. Only a cumskin would be proud of a history full of raping and pillaging.

You mean no argument besides the wealth of archaeological evidence you're claiming is wrong with not a hint of proof?

>Taking all this bait



>i can't make any arguments so i will call it bait

Are you guys really posting in this thread?

Jesus Christ.

Afraid they will find out the truth cumskin?

I've seen websites that claim aliens created the pyramids that contain more citations and references than from those two "sources". Try harder.
Take this to /pol/ they would gladly argue with you over this with more effort than we could, simply because we don't discuss garbage history and know bait when we see it.

It's pretty clear you don't have much intelligence if your logical argument is an ad hominem.

You don't like my sources because they aren't from the same people who fabricate history. It's impossible to find any sources you like because most archaeologists are white and they fabricate history.

This is true history, not politics, so i will gladly stay here on Veeky Forums.

The people who say i'm "baiting" don't have arguments either

I recognize that crown!

>when these cracker-ass honkies don't believe you wuz kangz

Do you see those people on the crown. They are obviously not white.

True "Wewuzism" is whites fabricating history to take credit for things they didn't accomplish.

Mozart was a Moore and the genetic pool of all Europe has at least 10% Moore if we find the proof of this and tell the /pol riders we may have a mass suicide of nazicucks

/pol/ uses history to back up its viewpoints, mostly white superiority, why aren't you over there and trying to challenge that? Because they would tear this trash to shreds that's why.

Now you are just using a tu quoque fallacy, just because they don't provide evidence leaves you no reason to do the same and claim the high ground.

You clearly show signs of paranoia and distrust for authorities who clearly don't believe your theory. You are in the same vein as /pol/ which claims that the holocaust never happened and the authorities run by Jews block the truth from coming out.

I honestly don't even think your baiting. The bullshit you've spewed and the use of "cumskin" is extremely common on black revisionist sites such as the bullshit you've linked in this thread.

You are truly delusional and i don't know how anyone can possibly think all that bullshit is true, maybe you just have an unwarranted hatred for whites.

I'm latino.

We Wuz Atlanteans And Shieet, don't believe the authorities and those intellectuals who are most materialists and fabricate history, liberate your mind.


ITT: White people pretending to be black to bait polfags.

>what the black cannot obtain, he'll pretend it was his all along until some naive soul believe him and give him right

Why do you afrocentrist have zero proof for your pants on head theories beside shitty infographics like that ?

Why are you so biased and angry while yet claiming to reach the objecrive truth ?

Why is there almost no black person in the academic scene ?

Is it that dem white devils rigged the game, or is it that you dark skinned people are just a lil less smart than us ?

The cumskins at /pol/ are the ones making unrealistic claims like saying the Egyptians who lived in AFRICA were blonde haired blue eyed Germanics. We are nothing alike. The Jews were black, they came from the land of Cush which is in Ethiopia.

You would hate someone too if they destroyed your empires and then stole the achievements of your race as their own.

Classic cumskin racism, we're not in those places because you pillaged our homes and took our wealth. You also never give us those positions because of your racism and bias.

Cumskin can't argue so he has to resort to memes

Nah people don't goto /pol to have political discussions people goto /pol because they know deep deep down in their heart of hearts that the European genepool is dirty and that white superiority is ending and they need a little bit of light to believe that they're better then everybody /pol riders metaphorically ride the poll of their dead European ancestry that was mostly fabricated in the 19th century

are we being raided by EgyptSearch

I agree with you and shit only cause I'm low-key Irish and I don't believe in European superiority.