Has anyone on Veeky Forums ever proven to actually own a Lamborghini?

Has anyone on Veeky Forums ever proven to actually own a Lamborghini?

bump, no one?

There's some user with a dark grey 430

No cause they are shit cars

Yes, sadly no one would ever admit to owning a corvette after being beaten by the gtr so many times.

No. Everyone who posts keys is just a fag who happen to see one at a dealership

Someone owns a GT-R here?

No but there's this old guy who goes to meetups in my town with an autistic wrap on his Aventador SV. He owns a wrap company and changes it all the time, before it was some reflective chrome bullshit.

I know there's at least one user that owns a Ferrari, but I've never seen someone on here with a lambroghini.

> a "supercar" made from VW parts

That fucking thing in particular even shares
the aircon with a fucking Seat Ibiza.

Only pleb tier idiots buy lamborghinis.

That guy that made a bunch of money off bitcoin did. He was from /g/ or something I think.

FUCK OFF OF THIS FUCKING BOARD. Is the only purpose of your life to derail threads where people trying to have a conservation?

Is that G-Dubya?

Not that guy, but yeah, some dude used to always go to the Veeky Forums meets in California with a GTR

Probably a rental

How much does that cost? Don't you still have to be pretty well off to rent a Lamborghini?

The older I get and the more I learn about cars, the less I'm impressed by Lamborghini, Ferrari, and other super car manufacturers.

Depends what "well off" is to you. Here in Toronto you can rent a Gallardo for a day for $800 plus tax and insurance and shit.

> a "supercar" made from VW parts
Apparently they run much more reliably with VW parts than they did with Italian parts.

>That fucking thing in particular even shares
the aircon with a fucking Seat Ibiza.
The cabin of a Lambo is even smaller than that of an Ibiza. What does it need a more powerful AC for? All car ACs are probably made of parts from the same four contractors anyway.

Nobody cares if you're impressed. Supercars exist to look, sound and feel a certain way. It's retarded to turn up your nose because you happen to know of cars that do totally different things as if they were competing with one another.

thats not too bad I suppose, my friends gf's family lives in that nice neighborhood by the Lambo dealership in toronto

Like in Vaughan? That's the only Lambo dealer I know of around here.

>implying you wouldn't do the same in his shoes

>Here in Toronto you can rent a Gallardo for a day for $800 plus tax and insurance and shit.

God damn thats a steal.

We have a place like that, super car rental place here in Atlanta but its hella expensive just to rent some of their high end cars for like 2 days. (aventador,gallardo, gallardo spyder,bently,huracan, sls,etc)


I got to drive one at a track, but don't have anyway to prove it. There was some chink in San Francisco that had a Ferrari a few years back.

Looks like Harrison Ford.

There was a guy who claimed to own a white Gallardo.