League of Legends General -/lolg/

old thread eyosongive.us
shyvanas midrift edition

xth for brutal, violent rape.

First for Rumble

New contest coming up, remember to vote for the best fetish

Best hair
Best chest
Best adc

I need a friend. Please be my friend.

Why can't people be this competent in Ranked games? Why does it feel like people treat Ranked like it's normals and normals like it's Ranked?
Fuck off.

>I didn't get first



>Cucked by worst girl in the game

Sucks user. But not as much as Riven does at the local gloryhole.

And forgot image fucking piece of shit.

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

full pic?

what's your server/ign user

>Turn on Tobias stream
>Playing Ghost

>Tfw 1 S away from Mastery 7 with her


Although I still think her quick combo shit should be removed and the Edge rework should come back

Xth for Katarina
best girl

French Kris me

please don't bully Riven, she had a hard life

idc, she's shitting up my games and needs to be deleted.

And I intend to make it harder.

Anyone else has PAX skins? I just want to play a game with all PAX skins being used.

>follow retarded ideas because you cant think for yourself and end up killing masses of people
>only realize your mistake in the end after you almost die yourself and all your friends do
>choose to fix the world by killing even MORE people

she deserves this.

So how's everyone doing tonight.

Pretty meh.
It's only 12:48am

What the hell do i do against dumb trolls? I report them but they basically waste my time. Was doing amazing against zed going 7/0 only to get killed by a fed caitlyn from Draven who died 6 times in the 1st 10 mins.

He just kept stacking tears the whole game, when called out he just said "its the new 'meta' haven't you heard?"
Nobody wanted to surrender even though a loss was approaching and i couldn't carry against a fed enemy team.

So what would you anons do in a similar situation?

>Play Poro King
>Enemy team is full poke
>They also hit every single skillshot, even from fog of war, and chain them perfectly between themselves
>Early on someone on our team jokes about hax
>They say they are scripting
>End match convinced they weren't joking

That was fucking horrible. Most antifun thing I've ever seen.

>lock jax top
>enemy locks Trundle top

Trundle is the epitome of not getting to play the game at all. Fuck that cunt.

>Literally any melee Top
>It doesn't matter how well you do the moment he hits 6 you just auto-lose lane

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

report move on hope enemy gets them. chill in base killing minions. Theres not much els you can do

don't you mean "Biking"

Nigga what? All his damage comes from his autos and Q, which is also an auto. E, stun, Q the fuck away. Also, get swifties.

You cant do anything, they will just continue to troll. You can only keep on playing and hope to get out of that MMR.

pretty good
played some league of legends with my best friend while bantering around on skype and now I realised there's no food in my house


Stop asking questions!


Xth for fertile waifus

>goes into queue
>whole team is a group
>spent the whole game bitching to each other
>lee sin feed
>refused to ff
this is by far the most painful game I have had to endure

>ywn give Riven your rape baby

So Rito was talking about bringing back Championship Riven, think that will happen?

What's the best source for champion guides? I'm talking about in-depth dynamic content... not cookie cutter bronze level garbage.

>A psycho
>A whore
>A hypocritical bitch murderer.

shit tastes.

Anyone up to join us for some fun normals?
We are on eu so just post your ign and we invite you in!

Playing the champ?
Otherwise look at pro-builds or op.gg or something for build and skill orders.
Watch streams.

And then there's Katarina and Ahri.


I call top.

>lee went cinder

Probably, riot likes to pander to obnoxious selfish kids who want everything, especially skins intended to be rare and exclusive.
Don't even ask me what is the logic behind this.

last year it came back for whoever did the pick ems challenge shit or w/e.

this year itll prob be locked to the Hextech crafting thingy for a limited time only but toxic people wont be able to get it.

I have it and I dont really understand why so many people want it. It looks like shit and Dragonblade/Classic are her best


because muh exclusive. i still run into some people that go ape shit because i have the icon that they gave out from back then.

Same feeling I get on PAX skins, except for Sivir cuz I like that Tron feeling. I lost count of how many times people asked me how much my account cost when I enter the rift in PAX TF.

Like holy shit, the PAX convention was swimming with the code cards back in '09. Hell, I remember seeing people throw them away after being handed by a Riot employee. I tried the game because I had some spare time.

>going apeshit over a shitty icon

fucking kek

>still dont have Riot Singed or any pax skins
>dont really care anyways because I hate all the pax champs

meh I really regret not buying Urfwick when I had the chance though. I feel like thats the one skin thats legitly NEVER EVER coming back besides the beta/pre order ones

>veigar players

>ineligible to earn loot

its good to see the Lyte legacy continue on

get ye gone toxic players

why must popstar ahri be the ugliest of all the skins

wait a second what this is not the game i was trying to post

The problem isn't fighting him, it's fighting his ult. That thing is the real killer in his kit. I was dominating him early though, he didn't really have a good clue on how to play Trundle so we won after I got 6/1.

>zilean mains

>tfw my friend who works for rito told me that I should pre-order LoL since it will be right up my alley.
>tfw when I ignored him

I miss Old Taric. I have no clue how to play New Taric.

surely you jest?


hes one of those champs that heavily relies on team coordination to be good just like sivir.

>tfw will never be Vlad's sex slave

Me sad

quick what do i build im dead

>end up in silver 2 after placements
>decide to play another game to see how bad it is
>mid laner fed yasuo and bot lane didn't communicate with the team
>they gave up 12 minutes in and started throwing insults rest of the game

man what the fuck. This is something I would see in normals, why in ranked?

Hey guys Im gonna go to worlds this year.

Groups, Quarters, Semis or Finals?

I gotta travel no matter where I go so I guess its just a matter of which event will be the most fun

God fucking dammit, I miss this so much.

>There are people in this thread who didn't experience the joy of logging in and finding out there was a new JoJ article out.

you can always be mine ^_^

High Silver/Low Gold is the dumping ground for 95% of booster babies.

I'm dying. I made a huge mistake in ranked and I'll never recover. I almost made it but I failed hard.

Winstreak with the Plank tonight,

Fun, doesnt get banned in gold, and hes a cool dude.

Feels good.

Sell abyssal and buy Banshees if it's late game.

What could have been.

Finals probably.
You can catch some lolg'ers there too.

The new lore sucks dick in comparison. I don't get why they needed to do such a drastic turn in, well, everything. I never thought the League was a bad thing for the lore, it's what binded everything together, and it's not like it was as restrictive as they said considering the main plot was about how little actual control it had.

Coincidentally my laner looked boosted. I hit him with one spell and he he stayed under his tower for 10 whole minutes, only getting 20. It took bot lane and mid feeding to just roll over everyone else for him to farm.

Any reason why they stopped this?

This morning, I'm waiting to get started on mowing the lawn.

Last night, I went 2-2 in ranked (p-2 as Janna, then 2-0 as Sona).

My jungler and support are at each others throats all the damn time and one is too passive aggressive to talk and the other is anxious as all hell about it.

Might've had a bad connection. All memes aside when you see someone who was boosted it is IMMEDIATELY obvious. I can't really describe what it's like to see a Bronzie in a Gold game but you notice them immediately. My hobby is making subtle boost jokes in allchat and watching them flip out.

I can't recall but it was something related to "summoners don't exist" and "we want to start fresh" after the whole "nobody likes lore so why keep doing it".

Finals, its in Downtown LA. So you have plenty of things to do afterwards.

what champion

>you will never be slavsquatter running away to nordicstan because you're scared of Tories

feels good

>tfw when I played one champ that carried me do Dia V.
>I play a different champion for practice on Norms and Im a boosted faggot all of a sudden.

>not recognizing Veigar's R

i recently realized that they abolished the "justice fields" lore.

why are we even playing then? is there any excuse plot?

did they even released a new lore/plot? or did they just give up because they were too bored to come up with champion descriptions?

You now remember Malzahar fucked Karthus shit up.

>Kassadin and Malzahar were arrested by League Adjudicators yesterday evening when they were discovered battling in the mountains outside the Institute of War. The Deathsinger, Karthus, was found “dead” at the scene, although League mages were able to revive him, since he was not technically alive to begin with. League officials have stated that the situation is completely under control, and while they will not be removing any champions from their roster, “[the offending champions] will be punished accordingly.”

most normie fags cant be bothered to read more than 3 sentences (see:patch notes)

It has its moments(the Harrowing story was awesome and alot of the new character backgrounds are arguably better like Rammus). It definately alot more graphic than before and for the most part it doesnt retcon to much (Garen and Kat still star crossed lovers,Ionia still got cucked by Noxus)
In a way it actually is good that the League doesnt exsist anymore.
It opens up alot more possibilities.

>lulunigger is surprisingly not a bad guy to play with

what is this world

>~20% cd is 8 seconds
>ult is up every ~40 seconds

was there anything i could have done

Really now mate, how hard can you pretend to care when you didn't realize 3 year old lore changes.

>Swain losing to Garen

It's not your fault.

>and for the most part it doesnt retcon to much
It has already retconned way too much.

At least I'm not a Skarner main.

So which role can kindred fill in if I want to be successful on ugly ass low elo?

Currently saving up for 6,3k IP and literally do not know what to get.

Would be happy with anything. I suck at jungling though.

I never felt so comfortable playing other champ than her.
I dont get why all the hate towards her tho

Shes a jungler