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>tfw no 701

best cc for beginner on minwage?

Hello I'm back
Who /cafe/ here

as many as you can afford

Terrible advice, I'm 5'8 130lbs. Can barely pick up a 850cc.

Daily reminder house rides a honda and he will laught at you if you think you're smarter than him


lol when will they learn

daily reminder that honda a shit

>he will laught at you
>laught at you

Not me.


Just in time friendo.


Guy wimped out and bought something else. I am both disappointed and glad.

It's okay to buy bikes on craigslist, but is it use mechanics from there also?

no. I had a guy put an alternator in my diesel van and he didn't tighten any of the hoses so it blew up the first time I stomped on it.

I had another guy come and help me with my TJ water pump and he could not, could fucking not, get righty tighty lefty loosey correct ONE SINGLE TIME.

I know what I'm doing but both times I was overwhelmed with other work and my back was out, so I was desperate for some help.

what u got
its ok to buy but you need to know what you're looking at. people can be shitty and not tell you important stuff. it's all about how it was maintained.
mechs are businessmen, so check out their business a find some reviews.

Reminder he's a drug addict played by an Englishman.
Ever seen anything reliable coming from that?

>businessmen with businesses

pick one

2010 Ninja 250. I can't blame him too much when I showed him the bike before I repaired it after dropping it. He told me he found an undropped bike for a good price so there's that. Should have tried getting him a deposit from him so he would have stopped from searching. Oh well, now I get more seat time.

lots of real shops use cl to advertise. idk why, they should be on yelp if they're legit. if you're talking about a dude in his backyard, you wont ever really know

Well what are you asking?

Asked $3000, settled for $2800.

but if you're looking for a real shop you can just google, or like you said yelp. if you're turning to cl for mechanics you're both cheap and stupid.

yamaha worst tho


Reposting from old thread, got there late.

Hey, Veeky Forums.
Bought a Ninja 250r 2008 about a year ago and I was thinking of moving up to a Yamaha mt07 (restricted for A2 ie 35kw).

I loved the look of sports bikes for some time now but I've recently become partial to naked bikes and I've heard plenty of good things about the mt07 and it seems like a good fit for me, but I'm not 100% sure yet.

I plan to use it for commuting into the city across the highway ~ 30 minutes a day, city riding regularly as well as country riding so pretty much everything and from what I've seen it seems relatively well rounded.

Any thoughts on the matter?


anything > 250
(also yamaha a best)

have you ride one yet?

go ride one yet

>picture unrelated

he saved lifes
what did you do?

>restricted for A2 ie 35kw
just wait the 12 months, there won't be much of a difference.

what exactly restricts these eurocuck bikes? just a throttle stop? that's easy to replace, no?

Depends on the bike

>gonna check out an sv650s
>gets hit with this
Fucking hate this region. Done nothing but storm all damn week long.

not only that but you're in the midwest

I mean even when it's nice... what's the point?

I think KY is part of the southeast. and right? I miss the drought we had a few years ago. Could leave my windows down and not think about a storm coming and flooding out my car.

Kentucky is WORSE than the midwest bro

I mean better rides, but damn poor trash yokels errywhere.

come to colorado and ride with me. kkk is too much of a cuck

mostly, easy to remove.
But even if you're in a very minor crash or a standard police control you get a license and a driving ban and might even have to redo your A2. Plus they can impound your bike.

Or you're lucky and nothing happens. I mean chances are low and it's tempting but if it happens you get fucked hard.

lol europe

Alaska checking in. I escaped the shithole midwest.

Short summers, but they are glorious - 72 degrees and mostly dry for five straight months.

Sick bike

Show me your girly cock

Would ride when I get a bike out here or if you have a backup bike

Thanks, user. I love her.

I wish Honda would bring back the tricolor scheme. The paint offerings on this year's bikes are really depressing. Glad I picked up this 2014 new last year when I did.

no that would be honda

ayy lmao it's starting to clear up now.
Let me know if you get the bike. I'll ride with you.

>unironically living in tornado valley

How would one ironically live in tornado valley?
>checkmate, atheists.

I'm thanking god there are still 2015 300s on floors as much because they're $1300 off as this shit

That's not tornado alley

>asking me to explain memes

since there's always shit weather between the mississippi and the rockies this time of year I just assumed

I fucking wish man. I absolutely hate it here. I joined the military to get out of this shithole and they put me right back in it.
Nice, Alaska seems nice, it was on my wish list.
I should have one tomorrow evening, but I think we're suppose to get more rain and thunderstorms. So I might have to bring it home, clean it up, change some fluids, do some garage time with it.
Technically it's a little more to the west, but we tend to get a lot of the remnants of those storms. Very few are actually strong enough to produce tornadoes.

Here, have all of my envy. Looks good dood

How often do you ride two up? I would remove those pillion pegs instantly if the answer is never.

>Can't afford new tires I want for a few more days
>Have to ride my tires that are wearing flat for at least another 5 days


You know what, I always ride alone. I've been thinking about removing them. I think I actually may do it tonight, since you reminded me I've been thinking of doing this.

How much should I pay the dealership to inspect a bike and how long should it last?

Cost of labor x hour? Around $80?

Reasons for doing so would be to inspect damage, probably get a quote, etc.

usually theyll do inspections for like $50 sometimes free if you are getting a quote for work.

>tfw only 4 months until I am old enough to sit my full licence

>tfw taking my test tomorrow
Can't wait for my complementary ZX14

Best of luck buddy try not to throw the bike.

like my new addition? it's next to the throttle control pod

>not fitting a Dixie horn

Heavy & slow unless it's that one bike we race. - Honda.

Squeaks :3

>Heavy & slow
Heavy? Sure but as long as they make the VFR1200, they don't make exclusively slow bikes.

ayyyyyyy. where'd you get yours? I'm thinking of going to a bell. Maybe I'll keep the squeaker on my engine guards

Sv650 best bike

i honked it at a harley pirate after i cut him off. he followed me around the corner to a stop sign and nearly fell off his bike, laughing when i honked at him again


lol whoops

oh, and i got it at academy. i think it was like 6 bucks. i might try to fit the honker device into my exhaust. what would be a fun mod lol

tfw no sv50

>but muh XRR
>muh CRF450
>muh touring
>muh honda reliability

how do you like your ktm? what size it?

nice sv bruh!

you are houston area, right?

did the stock horn break?

Is the v-strom really that stronk?

no, I'm north of houston. are you in texas?

It's fun for what you accept its limitations to be.


Don't get too cocky:
>Filter to the front of traffic waiting at lights
>Community support officer filters next to me
>He's riding a fucking MP3
>Laugh at him so hard that I slip on a wet drain cover
>Drop brand new VFR
>Crash plugs prevent any damage
>Still feel like a tit

Finally upgraded from no bike. Got a DRZ400SM for my first bike.

its a fun bike. next project is to get rid of the bar vibration at high speeds. probably need to get a new handlebar. it's not as bad as i make it sound. if i see a correctable problem, i will fix it if i can. there had to be some cost cutting at play here.

other than that, it's a really fun bike. i want to get some dual sport tires on it.

i rode through a ditch coming home, and i almost didnt make it out, thanks to the slick tires.

oh, and here's my new windscreen. i like it!

They're fun bikes, user

north of houston? woodlands, or conroe? i'm in montgomery. i'm on the dbt map. oh, and this is a duke 390

this ain't /pol/ m8, keep the awoovement over there

I am north of you

didnt mean to cut the dude off. as i was changing lanes, he pulled out, too and accelerated. i'd be pissed off if i was the guy in back. he sped up though. didnt mean to do it..
whatever, he liked the horn. they all like the horn.



look on the map, dude

I know your pic is in a field but do you do any mild off roading a lot? I was wondering how good the street tires are for dirt roads and fields.

that's pretty north, lol

I just meant not to laugh too hard with your kickstand up.

They're not. Sumo tires slide everywhere

oh, that was him laughing! he thought it was really funny

>namefagging on your bike with that free Toyota badge