Why didn't Finno-ugrians (maybe with the exception of hungarians) accomplish anything of merits?

why didn't Finno-ugrians (maybe with the exception of hungarians) accomplish anything of merits?

>it's this thread again
Have a (You) anyway

>>this thread again
never seen it before

with what? there was literally nothing but dense forest.

I would say it is because they either lived too far to the north and lacked any population base to compete with the invading Russians or simply got invaded and conquered before anything of merit apart from pillaging and making up incest filled legends. ((Like with Finland and Estonia, where the first got conquered by Sweden and Novgorod and the second got conquered by wild Germans.))

Because they lived in bumfuck nowhere

how did the slavs succeed and the finnic peoples fail?

That's a strange question, do you mean that like how did they manage to get over the frozen shitholeness and Finns didn't ?

I'd say they didn't, because not all slav land is frozen shitholes like Finland. Some are typical temperate European climate, others are even southern mediterranean-ish climate.

Or you mean why one won over the other ? They were too few and not advanced enough.

At least the Finns made Nokia, which is like the fucking Krupp of phones. Shame it got taken by America and ecspecially Microsoft.

Nokia company was founded by Swedes, just like everything of importance in Finland. Finns are honestly a bunch of bitch ass swampniggers piggybacking the Swedes to success.


Well at least fins aren't predisposed to homosexualality.

this. the most famous "finns" Mannerheim, Tove Jansson, are both really swedes.

To be fair, FinnoSwedes are mostly just assimilated Finns.

Nokia was a making fucking rubber boots, tires and shit before they decided to get into mobiles.

>Swedish speaking Finns are Swedes
>French speaking Canadians are French

Tell me more of these mighty and mysterious # people.

>English speaking Americans are English

are you a retard or a troll?

First, Finnics were simply a more primitive people. This isn't their fault, it's due to their being early settlers in a land that wasn't good for agriculture and large populations.
Slavs migrated from the easier southern areas at a later date and brought with them more advanced technology, most likely stolen from Atlantis.

Secondly- and this is less concrete as I haven't read my atlantean records recently- Slavs practiced slash-and-burn agriculture which was effective in the short term, providing larger populations, but also required continually moving to less depleted soils which forced them to migrate to new lands.
So they grew their population quickly and spread quickly.

This isn't their fault, it's due to their being early settlers in a land that wasn't good for agriculture and large populations.

My sheep perished when mine folk sought to use it as food. I shall abdicate!

Neither, I just took the reductio ad absurdum a step further.



But you're not wrong.

Most of those people on the map were tiny. Even if they occupied large areas, most of those are useless taiga, steppes or forests that can't support large populations. Also, finno-ugric people spread out very early in history, so their languages became very far apart and they wouldn't understand each other even if they reestablished contact later. Even some of the languages that are closest to each other are extremely distant, like Hungarian's closest relative is Mansi and they are about as close as English and Greek.

Finland-Swedes aren't Swedes.
Take Johan Gadolin for example the Swedish speaking Finn who discovered Yttrium.
His paternal grandfather Jakob Gadolinius was of humble origins from the village of Hallu in the county of Kalanti, this is a Finnish speaking area with no Swedish speakers ever. Finns who became educated tended to be absorbed in the Swedish speaking community until the middle of the 19th century.

Anyway as for the original question, Finno-Ugric people managed to take the Proto-Indo-European urheimat from the Indo-Europeans how is that not an accomplishment?

but that made no sense. French speaking Canadians share the same blood as other Canadians and live in the same land, whereas an Englishman and an American live on different continents and have a completely different culture, save the language they speak.

Fenno-Swedes are Finns who speak Swedish and usually get really angry if you call them Swedes. They're really fed up with people saying they're not Finns because they talk Swedish and I, as a person with Fenno-Swede roots, always see red when foreigners talk about cultural stuff they know nothing of

>americans and brits have completly different cultures

I was agreeing with you and disagreeing with that's how reductio ad absurdum works.

American culture has completely branched off from the British culture in just 200 years

Because they live on Ice.

They created memes

Because there are literally none of them. With the exception of finns and hungarians who did decently, the other people amount to maybe 100 000 all together.

Didn't they have that big war with some aliens and shit a million years ago?

Then their civilization collapsed, all the space ships and laser guns broke down and they made igloos and hunted reindeer.

>Then their civilization collapsed, all the space ships and laser guns broke down and they made igloos and hunted reindeer.
that's actually a lie. Most of the Finns escaped to the moons of Jupiter with their spaceships and terraformed them. Only small groups decided to stay here

Don't worry though; they will be back some day

Finns literally did nothing besides piggybacking on the sucess of swedes and ruskies

And yet it's less shitty than either of those today
Top kek, lad

>possibly the poorest place to live in in early 20th century Europe according to many people who travelled the continent
>100 years later voted the most stable nation and is overall among the best places to live on earth despite a civil war, multiple wars with the Russians/soviets and enormous amount of war reparations
>only piggybacking
sure thing


Tbh Finland was doing relatively well compared to for ex Russia since they had a certain decree of autonomy inside the empire which also gave them a lot more flexibility than other parts of it.

They were certainly quite behind in comparison to Sweden, but they did manage to pass many social reforms which helped to stabilize the country after independence and the following civil war.

They did something right for a country that 20 years after a brutal civil war was able to stand as united against the USSR.

>possibly the poorest place to live in in early 20th century
>american education