League of Legends General - /lolg/


Horny faggots posting waifu and husbandos and thresh posting lost us the links edition

1st for Rumble


Accountbro here giving out more accounts for FREE to lolg - NA/EUNE/EUW and maybe LAN/LAS on request

skype: john.doe76452

test accounts (these WILL get banned, fast)





I only want to help my fellow lolgers

It'll grow. Just give it water.

Only retards post in early threads without saging.


xth for there will never be a PP Jinx skin or a Cyberpunk Jinx skin.


>When horny faggots and waifu posting lost the links

>tfw you do more damage as janna than your adc vayne

you're stealing peoples accounts, this is wrong!

Post 'em.

Say something nice and something mean about the person before you.

>support kayle

rengar buffs WHEN

>people playing zed again
>everybody chases him like retards and hangs around at 10% hp
am i gonna have to start banning his faggot ass again

Boy i sure like getting blown up by all fucking abilities that are not on cooldown while my team jerks off.

are you a cute girl?

My sides that image

More like Rengar complete bottom up rework when?

That entire kit is literally oozing with cancer.

Best girl.
Best lips.
Best wife.

Accountbro is reliable m8's

vg vs vg WHERE


I contributed to the autism. Am I part of the lolg club now?

For what purpose

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

There is so much Irony going on between you and him its funny.

a smurf, with a lot of champ, maybe some skins, without having to buy one or go troughg hell to level up one from a scratch. He's a hero

Buy my game, /v/


graves missing

shoot now i feel bad for not joining

Even Jinx supports the Glorious Evolution.


Even in your fucking strawman you make your opponent sound like the winner.

How does it feel to be this blown the fuck out dude?

old thread isn't even at bump limit faggots

on a scale from 1 to very illegally how does accountbro get these accounts

The thing to realize is that no matter what you did, you weren't ever going to kill Sona, so there's no opportunity cost to turn on Draven. At the very least, imagine that you turning on Draven could have saved Varus's heal, that alone would make it worth turning. Also never expect gank recipients to do anything right

What will be the big changes for S7 preseason?

My guess is that they'll further try to push the competitive game to match SoloQ and fail miserably

You have no idea what you just did user.

Just...you're done.

I see an Aatrox, so all on bottom

Janna's breasts look like they could fly out at any moment...

So he just gives accounts out for free?
Asks for nothing in return?

I don't know man, at the very least hes trying t get your IP for some reason using skype.

since when are people picking him up again? Thought he was garbage

But I don't want Jinxie to replace all of her pretty flesh with robo-parts.

Jungle rework again
big mid lane changes probably

he really isn't, he's just doing it out of generosity.

>don't like Anivia either
>watching user go maximum overmeme
I have never seen someone so mad

why skype tho

I want Lulu.

1-4 Work on mastery 6 Tristana
4-8 Work on getting Shen to mastery 5
9 or 0 work on Illaoi to mastery 5

All on red.

Can't give account info through the LoL Client since Riot keeps chat logs.

Should I get to mastery 5 before i go into ranked with GP?

I'm halfway through rank 4 now

user are you having trouble dealing with ice bird? Who are you playing, we might be able to solve you with whatever issue you are having with League of Legends: Clash of Fates for PC.

jesus christ all these peoples igns are so fucking stupid

>This buttmad someone called you out that you in fact fall for him
>Pull a strawman
>Still make him look better

There is not enough keks in the world to contain my sides. Thats pathetic. He won by doing nothing.


I actually think we'll be done seeing major changes to the jungle for a while. I think they've actually nailed it down good for once.

this image always makes my heart beat a little faster


Yeah I'm saving this and adding it to other anons picture.

This is too good. Going to make it now


all on based moooooosh


4-8 it's too late

ashe is by far the worst remake in the game
they literally just gave her free power, is like they forgot that she was the lowest adc dps in the game 'cause she has the most utility, but they gave her the biggest dps



Say it with me here folks




Where the fuck is TSM legends episode 22?


But Shen's fun though.

>ashe fine for months
>no buffs
>pros start playing her
Kill your fucking self

Shen is fun, that's why I'm level 7 with him

t. ashe

Riot doesn't give IP bans though.
Still seems fishy

what do I level order on jg vi? can anyone help?

I get that it's easier to whine about the champs that beat you then to learn how to beat them, but come on. Any of you guys that do this are lame.

Max R first

Go afk.

>full build Sivir with BT shield and censer Janna by her side

Literally unbeatable

Max q first e/w is preference second

Sure. If in that closed mind of yours this Sivir is fighting against lvl1 champions with no items.

start weq max qew if trinity/full damage build and qwe for cleaver/bruiser build

Shen is fun

You are cool friendo.

You realize Sivir trades ADC power for waveclear and the ability to meld with most teams right?

Sivir is a lategame goddess, maybe the hardest scaling AD paired with Jinx. Windslut is pretty crazy herself.

Unbeatable is an exaggeration but those two late game are scary stuff since they compliment each other so well and Sivir is so safe already by herself.

Holy fuck user, are you alright? Do you need assistance? Do you want someone to kiss your aching boipussi alright?

Warrior has pretty poor slot efficiency compared to all of the other items. It needs a smaller power spike and better scaling.

Saber components are overwhelmingly inferior for their gold cost compared to buying combat stat items at the moment. It's at the point where you are better off buying tiamat/bamis for jungle farming ATM.

Some fighters are in a bad spot right now. Xin, Jarvan, and the rest of their ilk need some attention. Rek is the exception that defines the rule. Jarvan just got a buff, but the problem is systemic and Jarvan was just a symptom.

Marksman itemization is still warping and fucked up. Marksman items are OP because marksmen are the only class that can buy cost-efficient attack speed, which fucks over fighters that aren't hard carries. It's underpowered because lane ADC items don't powerspike until three items in, which forces ADCs to buy assassin items in order to contribute to solo que.

Kayle is nice, fuck Sona though

I like Azir and Aurelion

Fuck Kat, she's bland.

Perhaps look up the definition of "literally" and state less flawed and redundant opinions.


>ADC power
Her teamfighting is some of the best in the game.
You mean 1v1 potential.
Although she has her spellshield and AA reset to help.

Her 1v1 is fine as well due to the AA reset and how hard she hits. Except for somebody like Vayne she should have no issues beating most other carries 1on1 just by virtue of the reset.

Accountdude is legit.

>le balance posting
user commited board suicide but are people seriously trying to defend Jhin in his current state? That mile long root W is not ok in any form

I'm tired of seeing this faggot champion every game.

when will they release kled
isn't it supposed to be tomorrow

results commander pony prancer with the genius tactic to run it down mid quote "dead game" for the epic base race finish what a legend

Oh and for non carries her spell shield disrupts most Mage combos and her kiting is insane so she can deal with those two.

Sivir is really fucking amazing.

>mad cuz bad

>try poro king
>we actually get bans in aram
>people ban Teemo
>Jhin and Lux run us over
Wow Riot actually managed to make a game mode that's even less fun that both SR and Aram.

What programming geniuses!

Generosity and abundance


Accounts have no value as per riot terms of service so I don't think its theft. Definitely unethical though.

The accounts get flagged for excessive logins if I post them here. Also, you'd get logged out, or a nefarious user would get the accounts leaverbustered or perma banned . There's no catch, skypes just the easiest and most used IM program.

I'd do it via riot chat but im on OCE and I don't expect people to patch over to me.