How did you learn wrenching? When did it all start for you

How did you learn wrenching? When did it all start for you.

l'm curious to hear what kind of stories people have. At the age of 25 l've done nothing but changed an oil filter but want to get into wrenching. l've been reading a lot of general engineering things related to cars but haven't yet started doing anything.

>depressed as shit, almost considered suicide
>friend invites me to autox
>get really into cars aND hang out with him
>invites me to wrench on his car and get it ready to race in a national
>have tons of fun
>life is complete 180
>new confidence and not so beta
>get my first gf, first kiss, and still with her

If you read this, you know who you are.
I'm entering my first autocross this week. Excited af

I never did anything automotive my entire life but then I joined the Marines as an Electro-Optical Orndnace man. I learned how to turn wrenches and set gaskets and shit torque specs, electrically diagnostics, tolerances and other shit that mostly pertaining to missile launchers and turrets and stuff and I liked it. So then I bought my first car (I'd had ones before but my dad bought if for me so I took it for granted) and it was a 99 jeep wrangler with a straight 6 4.0L engine, bought a Haynes manual and some tools and started doing my own maintenance using the skills i learned in the marines like oil changes brake pads, rotors, spark plugs wires and all that. Next thing I knew I was dropping fuel tanks, changing fuel pumps, fixing smog leaks, rewiring electrical, cleaning throttlesand replacing exhaust manifolds and shit like that. And it just kind of built on from there. I ended up getting a part time job at autzone even thiugh im still active dutt and I learn a lot everyday from DIY mechanics who come in to buy parts from us, the see that I'm interested so they teach me things here and there.

how can a regular get a part time job?

oh wait you call STABs aka reservists aka weekend warriors aka civi's, active duty to?

>Finally got job
>finally bought a car I wanted to work on
>got some tools
>laid off
>no money for parts
>have tools sitting around with no use for
>car is fine, but It's kinda garbage stock, I bought it under the assumption I could upgrade it
>seriously feel like killing myself somedays

They said cars were good for getting out of depression..

No you fucking retard u just work whenever your not in the field or training

Those dolls are creepy af and the people that buy them are pedophiles.

>whenever your not in the field or training
so you're a STAB?

Motorcycles m87

What part of active duty do u not understand? I'm sorry you're a weak willed pussy who cant handle more than one thing at a time, I clock 85-90 hours A week between both jobs while wrapping up my junior year of college and playing football plus a marriage. U don't NEED 8 hours of sleep

>bought my first car
>haynes manual
>tools and parts
>started wrenching
Also, buy books about every subject you like about cars and read cars forums posts

Lmao, dude

How fucking autistic do you have to be to blow up about something that small on the internet?

>guise I was only pretending to be retarded lmao

>be 18
>get first car
>dad surprises me a 2006 Mustang GT
>I have to pay for all maintenance
>alternator goes to shit 3 weeks into getting car
>refuse to pay extravagant mechanic fee bullshit
>look up how to do it and do it with a shitty tool set
>do it, a lot easier than I thought
>do everything on my car from then on out and later bought real tools, floor jack and began adding performance parts to the car
>cousin basically took me under his wing

I just refuse to go to a mechanic for anything except shit like alignments. My car has a huge fanbase so almost EVERYTHING online has a step by step guide and what you'll need to do it. It helps to inverse yourself in the community such as by being on those forums and here as well.

Auto repair is incredibly easy if you have any common sense at all. Unfortunately the vast majority of the world's population has fucking none. Even most college grad students lack the ability to use the logical thought process necessary to repair simple shit.

Even rebuilding shit like engines and transmission is p. Easy

It really is

You just need a decent tool set and a guide at first. Cars are like building computers - which is easy as fuck. Except with cars you have more variables and shit that needs that to be done perfectly.

Cars are like legos until you start getting into artsy shit like boring an engine.

i started with sachs 301 engines and i now do basic maintenance on my car. nothing fancy yet because the lack of space and tools.

Started with my fist car at 16. Didn't do much back then because I didn't know much. Many hours of YouTube, Google and hands on experience later and 10 years, I now feel competent enough to do most things on a car. I also do it because I don't like paying people to do something I can already do.

Dad was always into cars, not really anything super nice, but he's always had a Camaro. His whole thing was if it had four wheels he wanted his hands on it, didn't matter how slow or how ugly. Wouldn't even be able to list or count the amount of cars hes had since I can remember. Between him and his best friend I learned almost every thing I know about cars and if I ever had a problem with a vehicle they would be right there helping wrench away.

My parents wont even let me do anything with the my car (that they bought originally to be fair) because Im not "a professional mechanic"
so I guess I'll have to save up for my own car even though there's one right there to do simple touch up work on

>buy first car
>drive car and shit starts breaking
>be a goy and let mechanics shimmie me out of my shekels
>say "fuck it" and go to trade school for auto
>get access to tools, lifts, equipment, alignment rack, etc.
>learn a whole lot shit.
>do repairs on car with help from fellow Veeky Forumstist and save well over a couple thousand dollars
>feel confident enough and buy second car to wrench on while working as a GST

Still in school, but shit is already paying for it's self.

>just bought first car, a 1981 BMW E21
>have already put in $600 on engine repairs alone, not to mention other things (tires, interior)
>saved only by the fact that we have a trusted family mechanic who's been working on Euro cars for 30+ years
>have no tools whatsoever

Am I beyond saving?

When I realized cars are like big lego sets you can get wild in and wrenching satisfied my autism totally.

anyone else notice there is no baby in that picture?
I am not sure if i should be sad or if the person who took the picture should be.

Its a fucking doll kid, BOOMERs do this weird shit claled like like time out dolls or some gay shit idk wtf, fuck boomers

This is an 18+ only website.

>1981 BMW E21
>have no tools whatsoever

>Family is obsessed with classic Chevys, uncle has a massive private shop
>Memories of growing up on 60s Malibu, C10, and El Camino bench seats
>Come of age, time comes to get first vehicle
>Family says "Make it a classic Chevy and you can use the family shop whenever you want, we'll teach you everything we know"
>Find myself a cheap square body Chevy
>Enter a life of 'wrenching on old trucks with family' feels.