How often does Veeky Forums check their spare tyre? I keep putting it off because it's a bitch to remove

How often does Veeky Forums check their spare tyre? I keep putting it off because it's a bitch to remove.

spares are for faggots
so is getting a flat

you arent a faggot are you?

Just like to say fuck GMs spare tyre system
Thing gets rusted to fuck and never drops, I just sawsall the cable and leave it in the bed
Only 1 out of 6 will drop regularly

get fucked tripfag
how do you even know that GMs spares are bad
>he owns a GM product lmao

>spare tire mounted to a swingout on my aftermarket rear bumper

It's not the spare, they're full since I don't buy faggoty ass bitch cars, its the release system.

Because I've owned 6 of their trucks and vans and an STS.

>squeaking intensifies

>I've owned 6 of their trucks and vans and an STS.

Last time I checked, the spare was not there anymore.
It has not returned since.

I sometimes dream of it breaking off under my truck on the highway at night and just sitting there. Awaiting a lowered Honda. But it's probably down a Canyon off a dirt road

My spare is 23 years old.

I'll just call AAA for a tow.

>Implying that I have a spare tyre

And you still carry it in your trunk

>implying my car has a spare
>implying my exhaust doesn't go where the spare would have been on a standard car
>implying I've even gotten a flat in my 3 years of ownership

If you own a car made in the last 5 years have you even checked for a spare? They are phasing them out to "save weight" and many people are getting caught out getting a flat, opening the wheel well to find just a shitty repair kit and a cheap ass air compressor.

Oh and the spare tyre is now a $300 optional extra when ordering your car lel.

> tfw my car left factory with no spare
> tfw I drive by all you plebs styling
> tfw you can afford a complete secondary set of nice wheels as spares

>tfw gotten a flat twice on my car
>tfw good tires under warranty, so no problem there
>Just got fucked by the shop boys over inflating when I left
I've used it twice, but I'm tempted to remove since I got AAA for my birthday. But they only tow a distance of 5 miles I think. Debating.

I really should get a spare.

Can you carry them with you on whatever journey you take?
Doesn't matter if you have 100 spares if they're 100 miles away.

I need a full sized spare tyre.
My tyre got a building nail in it just before the easter long weekend, shredded the tyre to shit.
I had my front set replaced for ~450 due to jewish markups and i didnt want to drive with the space saver. it was 14 inches and had 1/2 the diameter of my other tyres, it was disgusting.
that way i couldve waited out until prices went back to normal.

My spare takes up way too much room.

>Not having an original Japanese spare tyre in your car

I prinanely could squeeze a "spare" but it doesn't matter as my rims are staggered. Plus at a minimum of 265/18/35 for my smaller tires, that eats up significant space just for one.
Yeah totally agree there, complete spare set is no good if I'm not close to home. Gotta pay to play they say

>having a spare tire in/on your race car


mine is 40 years old and I even have the original air can to inflate it.

just get a sealant kit.
save weight.

>one (1) screw.


I've thought of doing this, but i've been told BMW includes the spare tire in the rear as part of the supposed 50:50 weight distribution, so i don't really want to fuck with it.

I check my spare tire pressure every season because it needs to be at 60psi. BMW was nice enough to allow you to check its pressure without taking it out of the bottom of the car, the plastic container its in below the car has a valve on it connected to the tire.

I don't. In fact I'll remove it in my next car for extra storage space.

My spare is actually slightly larger than the tires on the shitbox, so I can only mount it in the back. all 4 tires and the spare are directional, too. Meh.

It's old, and buried under shit so I don't look at it. I keep a pump in the trunk anyway.

>mfw cars where you have to remove the spare to fill it

>tfw have to remove all the parts and shit at the gas station to access it
fuckin' ell

>How often does Veeky Forums check their spare tyre?
I also carry a 12-volt tire inflator air pump in the old car, so I don't need to worry about the air pressure in the spare.

My new car has no spare tire in order to save on costs and weight. The big empty space fits a 15-inch donut-style spare. Instead, it comes with a can of spray goop that seals small puncture holes and a 12-volt air compressor. The problem about the goop is that it coats the entire rim inside, so it needs some cleaning before a tire can be remounted back onto that rim. Some shops may have an extra charge for that cleaning unless you had bought the holed tire from them.

I never used the goop for the two punctures. Instead, I pumped more air into the tire, continued driving a bit, then pumped more air into the tire, repeat. Finally I got to a place that patches tires. It's easy to limp along because I have remote tire pressure monitoring so the tire pressure for each tire is shown on my dash's info display.

>My spare is 23 years old.

Do those cheap-looking spare tires work if they are that old and you re-inflate them? Or do they crack open and blowout under load? Picture is example of spare for my car and its scary cheap jack. Damn it's an ugly spare when installed.

About every 10 years. It's still fresh, even though it's the original spare tire from 1992.

My spare is on the rear door so it is really easy.

>tfw no spare in my 40k car

Thanks Germany

The fuck car has this retarded setup?

Truck spares seems like they could be a bitch

I can just imagine trying to get those rusty bolts off from under your truck on a cold rainy night, rust falling in your eye, your whole back completely wet

you shouldnt be going more than 50mph and for more than 50 miles on one anyway, its literally just to limp you along to the closest tire place.

always ask the shop you get your oil change/ inspection at to just check the air pressure in your spare.
they'll fill it up at no cost, so its just one less thing

Blame the normies. It's scary how many people can't even change a fucking tire these days. Most will call a tow truck just to fit a spare.

Carmakers mention "weight" to appease car people, but I think the real reason is that the manufacturers figure the patch and compressor kit has a better chance of getting a modern idiot back on the road without help, compared to a spare.