It pisses me off that so much of the art before the 20th century was just religious and political propaganda...

It pisses me off that so much of the art before the 20th century was just religious and political propaganda. Just imagine what kind of world we would live in, if resources were allocated to science and progress, instead of backwards superstitions and oligarchies. I really fucking hate the human race, doesn't it just seem like we're the most insipid creatures?

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I remember when I was 12.

Yeah, imagine a world without religion!



>Veeky Forums is this easy to bait

OP is a caricature and we're making fun of him.





This meme has been forced to death already.
It's time for a fresh new meme.

Those people didn't commit crimes because they're atheist, and you're already an idiot, but you're also an idiot because the amount of deaths in the name of religion is probably higher than any other amount of deaths for any other belief or ideology, probably combined.

I think you are trolling but the general consensus of history is that peoplenary quick to awful things to each other regardless of the excuse

The theory of evolution gave them an excuse to do what they did.

>there is no God
>we're just an accident
>so it's ok to murder millions of people, we're just animals

It's not a coincidence that the most destructive wars happened after Europe went from Christian to socialist/atheist.

>French Revolution
>Bolshevik Revolution

That's a really dumb argument.

That's like saying philosophy is responsible for deaths because Caesar had a philosophy.

There are many religions.
There are many philosophies.

Stop acting like it's one monolithic thing.

>I think you are trolling
You're a moron.

He's right, you're trolling.

Nobody is that stupid.

If you're not a retard and count destructiveness of wars relatively and not by gross numbers, then the 30 years war was the most destructive conflict in European history and it was literally caused by some butthurt priest stapling a paper on a door.

Actually, it was caused by butthurt Catholics who can't handle people reading the Bible for themselves.

>A scientific theory at least 90% of the population is too retarded for to understand on an academic level is responsible for two world wars

Europe was still very Christian until after WW2. The absence of wars in Europe and the higher quality of life is what caused the decline of Christianity

>"y-you just dont understand it!!

What a shitty cop-out, you automatically assume anyone who disagrees with your theory means he doesn't understand it?

Your theory has been DEBUNKED.
The reason we don't believe in it is because it's not true. It's wrong, false, incorrect.

>scientific theory
shittiest meme to come out of marx's ass desu

It's not even a theory, it's a hypothesis.

>Socialism is inherently atheistic

If you have all proof to debunk it, why aren't you publishing papers on it? All I see is clickbait YouTube videos to collect that sweet ad revenue.

You have everything you need to completely destroy an entire field of biology, and yet you're just sitting there.

Because da jewz would cover it up, and they already have!!! Open your eyes sheeple

*tippeth headwear*

Good, now publish it and present it to the scientific consensus so they can throw the theory of evolution out of the window. As you said, you completely debunked it and they have no other option.