League of Legends General /lolg/

gift me thresh edition


old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


how can lolchildren compete?

Best guy.
Best chest.
Best hair.

>Being so poor you need the playersbase to fund your prize pools
Top kek.

what is your point?

you think valve is poor?


why are lolbabs only capable of braindead posts

>50 posts early on a dead general

My favourite edition!!! ^^


Is Riot trying to tell us something?


that they look good together?

xth for my sexy spooky skeleton girl.

graves isnt hetero

>Getting baited THIS hard
Dotards, ladies and gents.

>"let me pick ashe tank top it's meta"
>vs renekton
>0/7 in less than 10 minutes
>"not my fault he's scripting"

mad cuz i got the first post in your shit thread

kys faggot

Sneaky jews...

post main and theme song

>tfw no vampfu champion

i want to hold hands with Lux

>played my first darius top game
>3-0 laning phase
>got a triple dunk off lategame
this champion is fun

>$25 dollars for some gems that unlock shitty skins
Its fucking nothing

Draw your main in paint and post it

Aw, you seem upset. You can't handle the thought of other people liking different things so much that you lash out at anyone with a different opinion. That's adorable!

Now Hextech Annie only costs an average of 130 dollars! (actually the bundles aren't even around long enough to accomplish getting a hextech skin for that cheap)

I actually miss old Darius just for the instant Q. If they removed the heal and made it instant again I would play the fuck out of him, now he just feels annoying to play.

im gonna build a wall around lolg with my great first post

I don't understand this hextech project event can somebody explain it to me? I'm borderline retarded.
I can get free project skins with these chest?

place em

Holy shit man

Guaranteed replies

Sion always wins.

with IP you can get a skin shard for an old project skin OR a border for a new skin (which is also an icon)

buy all 3 icons with IP then next week buy the chest thing, craft everything, and you'll get that

Blue easy
Next please

Is this game fun?

Why is project Ashe's ult so god damn hard to see

Blue team wins


Top obviously

You can do literally nothing about Nidalee and Jayce poking you to death

I love Lissandra!


>nocturnes build
what the actual fuck

All I see is a light blue wisp on the screen and next thing you know someone is stunned

It pisses me off so much when I see a Zac who doesn't build Liandry's. SO MUCH UNTAPPED POWER!


>wondering why the enemy kayle is so strong
>9 kills 0 deaths
>perfect CS

What the fuck were my other lanes doing?

Is Liandries Zac that much better compared to Runic Echoes?

>Fuck up lets him see the tornado in time to flash it
My sides.


wouldnt be surprised if over half the people that post in this barren wasteland of a general work for riot at this point

ded gaem

jacking off

Xth for bust

>What the fuck were my other lanes doing?
If you don't know what's going on by that point you're just as shit as they are.

It was a rhetorical question

It's fun about half the time for like a month or two when you don't know what the fuck is going on and you end up with other shitters who don't know what the fuck is going on (the other half of the time there's a smurf that destroys you and you don't even understand why).

Then you start to learn stuff about the game and realize how bad you are and then the game stops being fun.

After about 2 years after that you'll start to have confidence in your abilities and have acquired the minimum encyclopedic knowledge of every mechanic, champion, ability, rune, mastery, item, and element of the map in the game to actually play and start to enjoy yourself again.

The unedited one was so much better...

forgive me edition

Now that Riot is done with their purge, they might actually start putting more of that "Mild Nudity" into their game again.

You do know that League makes over $1billion a year?

>low damage as jungler

how do i do more

man, its rough playing yasuo if your team has no knock ups.

dj sona should be mandatory if you own her

anyone who picks arcade over dj is a fucking faggot that hates their own team

gank more

spot on.

>hates their own team

Im pretty sure everyone does.


oh shit i have 4 health better exhaust!

you don't unless you're a carry, a tank in a long game, or do a lot of successful ganks

damage stats are 'inflated' due to damage inflicted during laning phase, which you won't have some of

Just play Lee Sin or Gragas. Less about Damage, and more about play making.

Who /Trumprally/ here?

Will lolg MAGA?

anyone who picks arcade over anything has terrible taste.

Final boss Veigar is the only good skin from that entire line, Hecarim is also acceptable.

>soraka's heal is now a skillshot

>Is Liandries Zac that much better compared to Runic Echoes?
Liandry's has more of an impact in team fights.

literally useless unless made absolute cancer to make up for the change.

we already did that

How do i make her real /lolg/?

>literally useless

That's the point. Soraka players should be lynched.

>dj sona

Yes we will fuck hillary aka the anti christ

Go to sweden and steal a blonde girl

I wasn't planning to heal my yasuo anyways

I don't care what the skin looks like cause I'm not a cuck who plays support.

Music is just dank

>kled has no place in the game's lore whatsoever, he's just a LOLSORANDOM meme characters

good addition to the league of legends desu senpai

>Liandries Zac that much better compared to Runic Echoes?
why not both?

I hope that both Trump and Hillary mysteriously die the day before the election.

>global music

Cmon. It's the best Sona skin

Can we make the game end at whoever gets to 10 kills first? Having to wait 20 mins in queue and draft then dragged out 50 minute loss makes me want uninstall immediately.

>still caring about "muh lore"

it looks fucking horrible in game is 30$ too its fucking shit
it gets fucking old and its only used by people who are fucking clueless at sona all of her other skins are way better because they are actually cute I used to main sona aswell as thresh trust me on this

Better idea. Turn her heal into an aoe that depletes mana. Think Witch Doctor from Dota 2.


music is still dank senpai

never gets old cause i dont play sona

>buy 10 augment crates

>get project ashe, dragon trainer trist AND firecracker jinx

oh fuck yeah

skype : john.doe76452

Another guy alerted me to you guys so I can give out some more today if you add.

There's a discord thing too but im new to discord : discord.gg/VrZuC

her turntable looks great, her hair looks great, her ass looks great, and the music is great.

Nah dude. Cool music, neat effects, and her taunt, laugh, dance, etc are all better than default *furious string plucking*. None of the other skins come close.

why am i the only one to ever buy wards

half the time im the only one to even place wards

>firecracker jinx
Uninstall immediately.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

No one cares desu, 95% of the people that see Sona think DJ is sick because of the music. The 5% Sonawaifufags that think dj isn't the best skin can be ignored.


is there ANY champion that can 1v1 this guy and win? or is he the vayne version of melees?

No. If you want to not sit through 50 minute losses, go out and try to make plays. Don't do obviously retarded crap, but take any chance they give you. One of two things will happen.
1. You'll fail and the enemy team wins quickly.
2. You'll succeed and help put your team ahead.

>Master Yi

lulu buffs when

I finished tootbhrushing and will go to bed and not cry because today was a good day but almost