I'm looking to spend around £2000 - £3000 on a miata to use as my daily for around 2 years while I save for something...

I'm looking to spend around £2000 - £3000 on a miata to use as my daily for around 2 years while I save for something nicer

(Not that I dislike miatas but 2 years from now I'd like to spend around 20k on something that's going to last me years and years and I'll fall in love with(

Just want your guys opinion on whether or not this looks like a half decent car for £2k?


I filtered for yellow because I've always wanted a yellow convertible.

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God damn why is every Miata in my area so expensive compared to this?

Because the UK has stupidly cheap used cars for some reason.

Buy Miata.
Keep Miata.
Daily Miata.
Love Miata.

NB's are cheap as fuck in the UK - not really sure why

>good condition
>47k miles
>post-engine update model
Go for it.

Because of autists obsessed with popups who refuse to admit the NB is a direct upgrade



Because less furry love than the US.

any mx-5 is cheap here


you what lad

>>post-engine update model

How can I quickly identify this in the case that I'm checking out the merket?

Any model past 2001 should have the 152hp "BP-Z3" engine with variable valve timing. The previous engine only made 140hp and didn't have variable valve timing.

you're talking the 1.8l I assume? one in OP is 1.6l and autotrader says it makes 110 bhp

also it's 2000 model

Yeah, I fucked up there. Sorry to get your hopes up OP, it's still a nice car if you don't care about the numbers.

op that's cheaper than I paid for my 70k mile 2003 Special Edition 1.8 (though they're all 1.8s here in the states).
I'm jealous of miata prices over there.

NB is my favorite gen.

Biggest thing to look out for is the condition of the soft top, quality replacements aren't cheap. Mine was $550 just for parts, and installation is a bitch that involves sewing and runs 3+ billable hours if you take it to a garage to install.

Aside from that miatas are pretty damn bulletproof. Only thing that's gone wrong on mine was a leaky gasket on my Torsen and the glove box rattles at 55-65mph.

How about this?


Autotrader lists it as 146 bhp but that could just be automatic, it's a 2003 1.8l

Hrm, for a 2000 with that mileage the price seems good to me, just check the condition of the top and use it as a bargaining tactic if it's not in great condition.

yeah the 1.8ls are all the same for 2001+ NBs.
Killer price on that, if it runs well fucking buy it.

NB is heavier desu

One thing that puts me off is that "5+ owners" though, 5+ owners at only 50k miles...

This on the other hand:

>2 owners
>is yellow (yeah I know but I like yellow)
>way closer to where I live

A little more miles and a little more expensive but only having 2 owners makes it feel like a safer bet

>not getting the superior, somehow even gayer car

>I filtered for yellow because I've always wanted a yellow convertible.
Weenie detected.

Yellow isn't a bad color op. I think the first miata is a damn good deal if everything is in order with it.

Why not get an FC turbo II convertible, Pretty sure those are around £3k.
Or just get a regular FC. There are plenty of cars around better than the mx-5 for a similar price.

Only 4 on uk autotrader
cheapest one is £8k

Stuff on autotrader is overpriced most of the time imo.