Be first time insured driver

>be first time insured driver
>the best quote I found for full coverage was $210

Why is insurance allowed to cost more than a car? This is the biggest scam ever.

Because it usually also pays out 25-50k of medical coverage.

when I was 20 or 21, I had an 95 integra GSR, I was paying 390 a month for insurance.

I bought the car for 3k, and I owned the vehicle for 11 months. Basic math would tell you that I paid more for insurance for less than a year than I paid for the car.

car was a shit ton of fun though.

pic unrelated, I think?

My first car was $297 a month to insure.

>buy car
>dont insure it
>spend the money on sick mawds instead
>dont actually go racing and just shitpost about it being fast on Veeky Forums



tfw insurance is legally required

>stale meme

My truck only costs about 300 per year, be a good driver and you won't get boned

Is it per month?

>full coverage
just get liability

Why do we have to be boned in the beginning? After 1 year of serious driving anyone is capable of driving better then most, heck old people/soccer moms worry me more then most bros under 21.

Because literally statistics. Not only does your age and driving record and driving time matter, but also what you drive and where you live. Insurance companies got this shit figured out.

>financing a car
You did this to yourself.

I mean that is understandable, it just feels bad man.
I still get sketched out seeing people texting and derping though.

1. Buy a car that isn't crashed often, my BMW M is cheaper than a 370Z or most SUVs
2. Just get liability coverage

Other than that don't ever get a ticket.

in this 15 years
I'm crashed me car, twice
no complain about insured fee
its worthy every penny, hopefully you don't use it.

>Why do we have to be boned in the beginning?

The other problem is the huge claims. More and more people treat an insurance claim as a way to make money as opposed to getting fair compensation to pay for the repairs or medical bill. Instead, you get the "chronic pain now I need free vicodins for lyfe from dat axcident and i can't work for da resto mah lyfe, so yous gotta pay me for dat".

With people trying hard to be dishonest every which way but loose, the insurance companies end up paying more. We then get higher average premiums all the way around for full coverage. Mine is pretty high because I paid for more coverage in case there was a multi car accident plus I had passengers that also claimed. With boosted full coverage on my new car, it's running $138 per month which is a bit of a shock compared to how low my previous car was and my no accident rate. I feel sort of ripped off, but then again, if I dropped it to standard full coverage that the average person gets, the rate would drop down.

>$350 per 6 month period
>1 speeding ticket and 2 HOV (car pool lane) violations in the last 3 or 4 years
Seems okay to me. I'm 28 and drive a 2001 Jetta

Nigger what? That's a good price for full coverage unless it's some early 90's shitbox.