So, africans and nordics were the same thing, both were barbarians who lived in huts...

So, africans and nordics were the same thing, both were barbarians who lived in huts, killed each other and worship trees or animals

so why do neo nazis act like nordics are the greatest race to exist, meanwhile despising niggers?

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Stop doing these shitty ass thread idiot child.

>so why do neo nazis act like nordics are the greatest race to exist, meanwhile despising niggers?
Gee I don't know, maybe they have a vested interest in promoting the innate superiority of the nordic race?

Maybe because they can more easily claim they were the fierce warrior race that raised for slaves in even the Dardanelles than claim they are related to Shaka Zulu (spears be upon him)

>the innate superiority of the nordic race
if nordics had any innate superiority they wouldn't be fucking trees and killing each other for odin, until the romans came in

Because Africans continue to do that shit to this day whereas Nordics have built some of the greatest civilizations on the planet.



Jokes aside, you'd be as bad as the africans if the romans/mediterraneans didn't come and save you

Isn't this basically a "Come on! It's 2016!" argument
>we are greater than africans in 2016! history is linear so we will always be better

Well I don't see any doing that. Is it possible that you're just projecting yourself and blaming nordicism for your shortcomings?

>why do neo nazis act like nordics are the greatest race to exist

only Himmler believed that

misread your post

>well i don't see any doing that you are just projecting
grab a history book for god's sake

>worship trees or animals
How is that any worse then the desert trilogy?

Hell people who project the "nordes/Africans were completely ahistorical before We came" thing are fucking awful and perhaps even worse then Nordicist because the former claims to be more enlightened for not falling good for Nordic supremacy but falling for an even worse sentiment.

Well yeah, if in the future European civilization falls apart and African one doesn't, niggers are free to say "fucking honkeys".

But since it's the present, they're monkeys

>meanwhile, 1000 years later, niggers still live in huts

>desert trilogy gives you morality and introduces monotheism to you

>compared to norse pagans


Of course, they were both populations of human beings developing at the same rate.

They had a lot more potential than Africans, even if the were totally shitty before being civilized by Christians/christianized latin and greek culture.

The Germanic people were divided because in a whole lot of different areas, and to add a bit of salt, they were divided again by the Reform.
As the nazi regime had the ambition to unite all the Germanic people together, they had to invent something mythic that was before Christendom, which lead to the whole racial theories and pagan-revival.

>expecting neo nazis to have a cogent ideology

>They had a lot more potential than Africans, even if the were totally shitty before being civilized by Christians/christianized latin and greek culture.

How could you possibly know that?

Besides; Nordics never invented iron-working, Africans did. Nordics never invented agriculture, Africans did.

>The Germanic people were divided because in a whole lot of different areas, and to add a bit of salt, they were divided again by the Reform.


You mean they were easily and readily connected by the rivers and easy terrain of the North European Plain, and by the North and Baltic seas? They were all in the same area.

>As the nazi regime had the ambition to unite all the Germanic people together, they had to invent something mythic that was before Christendom, which lead to the whole racial theories and pagan-revival.

This is accurate.

then why did the gooks and romans develop before them?

Sub Saharan africans (niggers) never left the stone age.

Nice joke.

That's indigenous Americans.

Most Africans were iron-users by 1500 AD. That's sub-Saharan Africans using techniques developed in sub-Saharan Africa.

Nordics imported iron-working.

>That's indigenous Americans.
>Most Africans were iron-users by 1500 AD. That's sub-Saharan Africans using techniques developed in sub-Saharan Africa.
>Nordics imported iron-working.

>so why do neo nazis act like nordics are the greatest race to exist, meanwhile despising niggers?

Because Nordics did that thousands years ago, while nigs do that nowdays even though we bought them civilization

Not an argument

African nations have made huge progress though which you won't see in cherry picked photos that isn't to say rural populations don't exist.

>oh shit, he noticed that I have no fucking clue about anything
>quick, find a vaguely related meme, any meme at all

Nordics had farming and iron tools, they were barbarians but not primitives like the africans.

Passing from tribal wars in mudhut villages with spears to tribal wars in cities build by whitey with firearms brought by whiteys =/= making huge progress

The Nazis were Romaboos in some sense, just take a look at some of their architecture.

Nordics imported iron-working techniques.

Africans developed iron-working techniques.

You know nothing of current developments on the continent do you?

because the Germanic folk, the ones they actual spout as superior, not just the Norse, were far, far more advanced than Africans even back then.

>if nordics had any innate superiority they wouldn't be fucking trees and killing each other for odin, until the romans came in
when did these romans come in exactly? literally never happened.

They were not the same thing. Africans developed metallurgy on their own. N*rdics had to get the knowledge from southern europeans who got it from middle easterners

The Nordics were at a disadvantage from the start just due to their climate.

The difference being that Nordic peolle lived in a shitty environment hostile to agriculture which temporarily delayed their progress until more modern agricultural innovations came into play.

Niggers have literally no excuse; they're just low intelligence.

This backlash against northern Europeans by insecure blackhaired people is gay as hell. It's being edgy while still being politicallu correct.


Half the time people say Africa didn't develop because it was too hostile, half the time people say Africa didn't develop because it's too hospitable.

I guess you believe Africa is the easiest place on Earth to live?

Africa is pretty big. There's huge difference if you're in the savannah, desert, or tropics.

Then you think Africans are just less intelligent?

You'll have to explain how they developed iron-working and agriculture, then.


>it's not my people's fault that we failed to develop, it's the fault of the environment
Where have I heard this before?

Also why didn't the Nordics/Germanics just move somewhere warmer?

>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.

You retards post this shit whenever nigs get BTFO; it's getting tedious

"A Short History of the Early Church" by Harry R. Boer
It's otherwise unremarkable, don't bother.

Because snowniggers are retarded, mediterraneans are the real master race

The world in 1500.

The world in 1700.

There is development in Africa.


There was metallurgy in the Americas

But snowniggers are getring btfo here

Copper in Canada?

The Aztecs and Inca did not use metallurgy, the majority of Americans did not.

As of 1500, the majority of Africans were iron-users.

>Also why didn't the Nordics/Germanics just move somewhere warmer?
they did. and started extremely successful kingdoms and empires.

They literally did, buddy. Have you ever asked yourself where the names "France" and "Lombardia" come from?

which is why you speak English right? even has some nice pics of them too.

>grab a history book for god's sake
You see the difference is that I have to read a history books for examples of that in Nordics, but I only have to watch the news for an example of that in Africans. Do you see the flaw in your logic? You are comparing the ethics of Europeans over 1000 years ago with the ethics of Africans now, do you have any idea how much this proves our point that Africans are inferior?

Yeah moron? Africans still live in huts like that today while "Nordics" largely do not.

>Implying "Nordics" are the ones that got themselves out of that state, and didn't just import the technology, government, philosophies, and religions of others.


Sure, they imported, but at a point in time they became independent and started sorting out their own shit. Why haven't niggers done the same?

Name a single group who has not to some extent.


>which is why you speak this pidgin language crudely slapped together from multiple languages that have heavy Latin influence
Yes, it is.

The Nordics lived the good life.
Sounds ideal.
No one is saying that living the good life is superior, but realizing that it is a good life is.

The Nordics are the only peoples on earth to believe in their own innate superiority and realize their way of life was the best way of life.
Even if this way is seen subjectively it would still mean Nordics are superior for realizing it as their own best way before anyone else.

Still to this very day, we struggle to become gods of knowledge (Google), distance (call anyone anytime with a phone) sky (planes) war (modern weaponry is truly marvelous when examined in any significant way and it keeps getting better) we have found that we are LESS satisfied.
The Nordics did not see the world this way.
Their literature tells us their worldview more than anything else, by literature I mean both oral and written, stories, histories, accounts, etc.

Ancient Nordics were superior to ancient men and are far superior to modern men, for all our "godhood" we still can not see what they saw.

Thing is people have this fucktarded belief of "when my people or people I like are influenced by others it's okay because that means that they are open to change to improve. When people I hate are influenced by outsiders it's bad thing because they couldn't do it independently/ they could only do it because they weren't pureblooded and that that they are stupid as well as their civilization/ achievement being null because they had contact with other's/outsiders" which really ruins any type of discussion involving many historical topics.


Indigenous Americans had advanced agriculture and metalworking.

they didnt

And obviously the few african nations that aren't aids and famine infested shitholes totally didn't become semi-civilized because of european colonization or anything.

Adopted Buddhism from India

The Germans never worshipped trees you retard. They were holy and sacred land. Do catholics worship the Vatican and the cross? Or perhaps those are symbolic of something?

Fucking retarded shit heads are worse than /pol/ at least they have dank memes

>this damage control

>Old English, aka "German For Even Filthier Savages", is the same as post-Renaissance English, aka "Shit German, Now With More Loanwords!"
>implying you're speaking Old English today

Most of the progress of those nations are due to the governments efforts though.

>implyinh huts are inferior
>inplying equal conditions and needs in different environments

If I need a wrench and you need a hammer, I am literally an idiot if I say wrenches are better tools across the board.

germanic people were ancient ecologists, africans put cracks in the lithosphere with their farming techniques

By that logic French can't be credited as being Latin because of the changes it has undergone.

it can't, its a separate language to latin

Romance languages are simply the modern evolution of Latin. That's how new languages evolve, there simply modern takes on older languages. French is the modern take on Latin (in France), modern English is the modern take on Old English.


> Romans colonize the Nordic people
> the Nordics learn from their masters and develop

> Euros colonize africans
> africa is still shit

because they were developing at the same rate