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Night shift edition more like

neets wake up edition more like

Good morning

>tfw forgot to buy more teabags
I can't survive without my morning cuppa

>not drinking looseleaf
>>not drinking coffee when you wake up then tea throughout the day

guys ive got a v6 vy 2003 and i want it to go faster is it worth sinking money into or should i just save for the v8 eventually i do love the car (windows lights sound system etc) but i'm looking like a bit of a ricer atm with a super basic bitch engine

Will putting coilovers on my car make it hell to drive over speed bumps? I live in an urbsn area so there are quite a few here.

depends on how low you set them and how stiff they are

you can spend money to make your v6 match a v8
and for less money you could just buy a v8

I would drink leaf tea but my room mate was convinced we were trying to piss in his lil press and hid it so well that no one can find it.

Tell the cunt to get off the pipe. Might help with his paranoia.

Were you?

Regardless, when you find in it piss in it anyway. That'll learn the shitcunt.


>tfw still no call from RAC about an ETA
>at this point the only edible things that i own that isn't coffee is vegemite, a pack of onions and salt

Bake some bread m8

I am now. Going to fill it full of Lipton and piss so it doubly pissy

A couple of years ago the government imported these things called "buses", they are very convenient when you have no transport

TL;DR stop being a lazy cunt and go to the shops

>show up to forklift course
>see another bike there. Get hyped for bike bants
>it's a fat fuck with greasy hair
Why. All I want is to shitpost about i4 250cc elitism

i don't have any flour
wish my boss wasn't a stuck up cunt and would us let take the leftovers
nah mate. i live like 900m away from the mall, that shit is too far away for me

Lmao come back when you own your own business

I'll give you a box of shapes and a hashbrown from maccas if you suck me off

nah thanks i aint gay
that's some low entry requirements you have there mate

>1 dollar hasbrowns
Weew lad, big spender

Neither am I but I won't say no to a dick sucking

Fair enough, I'll throw in an apple pie if he swallows

Being a baker is bad enough but not owning the bakery is even worse lmao

>go into job provider
>see course for forklift license on offer
>hey can I do this?
>no because you have to get a job
>but this will help

>job providers in charge of giving jobs
I don't think it works like that

well fuck cunt
i wish i had payed more attention in school, but that's too late now

Mate. Just go to your local training place. It's about $300-400 and most of the time you will easy get a job with it, people throw interviews around when you have a license.

I hope this is true at least

What? You can't do it because it will get you a job?

dont worry kneading bread gives you massive gains

is it a bad idea to wear trackies to my job provider appointment today?, looks derro but it's cold as fuck and I wanna be max comfy

Wear jeans you boogann

Get a car you shitcunt.

It's the aussie national clothing. You have to

Had a guy show up in trackies to the SA meet. Always go with confy

My belt is broken and I haven't bought another yet, so it's either trackies or walking around like a nigger

>what's an Ethernet cable
I once wore one to the airport. The stares hurt

Extension cord, mate.

>hit a solid 160 on a dodgy road
>hit that speed where the bumps smooth out
Feels good. Love that feeling of extreme focus so I don't die

How much should a prepurchase inspection cost?

even more bogan
high tech bogan

if I can get my hands on a tickford AU xr8, should I get it or steer clear?

For a DD would not reccomend/10. Unless you get softer rates and set the dampening nicely but you can get the same effect from a good set of springs/shocks. Only reason to go coilovers is for moar lows/adjustments if you plan on tracking it. Cops also love coilovers, easy defects for them.

How hard/expensive is it to get coilies engineered?

Have fun.


What's wrong with AUs other than their looks that were clearly designed by a couple retardeds

I never understood how they went from the XH to the AU.

Nobody understands, not even Ford.

I've never been into Falcodores but XHs looked pretty cool.

Paging falcondouche.

Iirc the brakes were fucked along with other things

Not hard just expensive. Only reason my car is engineered for everything is because it has engine swap and a huge list of shit. Would be easier to stick the stock struts in for defect/inspection.

how do I go about selling my car to a wrecker?
shitbox shat it's last shit and no one would want to buy it so I think I'll just scrap it.
going to take off the wheels though and sell them on scumtree.
how do I do it /dat/?

Transmission, suspension and joints issues. And the headlights spray light like shit so you can't drive at night. Basically they just fall apart.

let 2nd shitbox run out of rego while it was up for sale no someone wants to buy it. do I spend $200 to add rego to it or do I try and convince them to buy an unregistered car?

it depends on the car but most people wont buy an unregistered car unless its really special.

it's just a pos shitbox. it's a woman with 3 kids who wants to buy it.. I could be nice and renew the rego but I'm already making a loss selling it to this woman. but if no rego she probably wont buy it. also not sure if I should get insurance just in case it bursts into flames or something if she test drives it.

i dont care about your shitty cars unless they are real wheel drive dorifto cars

if you own a ae86 or a miata or a twingo then u are a-ok

I almost bought an AE86 but fell short $1,000.

You could put "will put 6 months rego on for right price" and see if that makes a difference.

>6 months rego
shitnigga I live in SA we only get 3 or 12 months.

t. busriding Ameriblubber

>tfw car is in for servicing for the whole day

It's like I've lost my legs.

>car is in for servicing for the whole day
>in for servicing

Do sa cops care about 80cc motor on bicycle. Can i just put 250W sticker on it how can they prove it. Can i stick to back streets and along the river

If you cant service your own car get the fuck off Veeky Forums

cunt you don't even own a car

Ill race you when i get soupcharger for my alloytec

aren't you on your p's

Cut the bonnet latch maybe


If it's a shitbox they wont offer you any money, look up a local scrapper who will at least give you $100 for it, look up if any parts are sought after and take them off before the scrapper comes though.


Now you've got to deliver, cunt.

I should get a vz in july

What kind of bullshit is that?

No courtesy car?

>tfw mechanic's courtesy car is a late 80's Ford Laser wagon affectionately known as "The Beast"

That car is something else, I tell you hwat.

fat cunt

Who /comfy/ here
Laying in the back of my wagon listening to cruise 1323 in the hills, nice breeze coming through.

pic unrelated

M8, just buy a ceramic teapot from a salvos or something, cheap as chips. The only people who donate them are old grannies who want someone to get some good use out of their super nice tea pots when they die



I'm tossing up hitting the bong for the comfy warm chest.

cunt please dont get rid of the xr6t turbo on the r32, or at least post a dose and skid here before you do

This, I need a xr6t R32 dose

>Do sa cops care about 80cc motor on bicycle. Can i just put 250W sticker on it how can they prove it. Can i stick to back streets and along the river

>not using a 250cc air-cooled single
It's like you aren't even hecktik

Dose videos coming soon. It's next level type shit.

don't you feel like an autist putting on that car cover all the time?

>not putting in the engine from a Dr Big with a big bore kit to bring it up to 1000cc or so

Leaves drop a lot of sap and shit

m8 will i see you driving around north shore/beaches tonight?

+5 or +10 kW from this 'carbon fibre'?

+5kW and -2 weight.

Should have got frangipannis, they're +25kW each.

Probably not. What car are you in

Should I do it DAT? Doesn't look to bad

Le hilarios +25kw mcm meem

At least stick it on properly mang

>bought Doom 4 when it came out
>finally played it last night
>it was the worst game i've ever played
>literally so bad i may not buy a new game ever again
>have even gone completely off gaming now
At least now it's inspired me to go out and do shit instead of play games.

What went wrong?

>he didn't DL Project Brutality

It was terrible, that's what went wrong. It was a generic cut and paste FPS with no effort put into it at all. I used to think Doom 3 was alright but not great but in comparison, Doom 3 was the game of the year compared to Doom 4.

I gave up on gaming years ago, it's just a cashgrab with substandard product and garbage "pre-order bonuses" for retarded inflated prices.