He thinks Answers in Genesis is correct about the origins of Earth

>He thinks Answers in Genesis is correct about the origins of Earth
>he thinks Ken Ham is smart

Why are Creationists such fucking retards? When will they just get their /rel/ board and leave us alone?

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maybe approach the argument and argue with them rather than mock them, I dont stand with them on their views but still dont just mock them, argue your point

>creationists =/= young earth creationists

>approach the argument and argue with them

>trying to argue with fundamentalists

Exactly. Present your claim in a calm and collected manner and try to stay away from a condenscending attitude. Though, to be fair, if they have no articles referring to important fossils, I will call them out on it.

For example, half of these skulls are hardly ever mentioned in YEC literature, while the other half has been classified as human or ape by their experts, mainly Lubenow and Menton.

>he thinks Ken Ham is smart

Tbh im not even christian and i think ken ham beat Bill Nye in their debate

He'd make a good lawyer, I'll give him that.

You're not a Christian but you are a contrarian

i've never seen a YEC admit defeat
there's usually no attempt a coherent responses, it's usually just answers in genesis images and bible verses

Where I come from, there are educated individuals who believe YEC to be true. While they may not admit defeat, it would at least show thwm that their view isn't as strong as they thought it was.

>educated individuals who believe YEC


To be fair, the only one I can actually confirm is one of my old high school science teachers. Was in his 30s I think. There was also my old theology teacher, but he was an old-earther. Funny part is, our curriculum spoke against that, yet he didn't know.

Is YEC taught in American schools? I thought that they had to teach evolution?

Private, not public. Plus I think my state allows creationism to be taught if the teacher prefers it. It's the Deep South.
Funny part is, many educated people that I know are against the idea, one of them being a Presbyterian pastor. Only learned that this last Independence Day.

It isn't at all

not even in the bible belt?

Anyone have an answer for this?

Honestly, if you believe an ancient book written as an obsolete mode of understanding the world contains the truth of Earth's origins in 2016, there's not a lot more to argue. This presumes the existence of a God that is active in the lives of humans and gave them knowledge about the creation of everything and thus is fundamentally flawed. It's the same kind of delusion every other person who follows an organized religion has, Christians just think theirs is correct for no realistic reason other than they were taught by their parents. In reality it's all the same as other religious interpretations of the world.



Why not?

Basically every creationist doesn't seem to know how time works which is kinda worrying

when will Veeky Forums gtfo?