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Hana Song

>you fell for the loot box currency scam

Hana tied.

So I ended up just coming out of a game with some of my far lower ranked friends... we lost. R66.

Our Reinhardt and Zen kept pushing way way way too far forward, and the Zen would always slack on applying Discord. He would put it on a target he was firing on, sometimes kill the target, then forget to reapply.

Are these numbers any decent?

Oh, and in G2 when I was playing McCree, their Reaper called me a hacker. I wish I had a cap of it, it was the first time anybody ever said that to me. It felt like I was validated. Even though I honestly should have swapped back to Reaper, I only started off as McCree because I expected offensive Pharah.

>you're too poor to fall for the loot box scam

>guy goes bastion on defense, and asks someone to go reinhardt and mercy saying "its gonna be good"
>everyone tells him to switch he just asks for shields
I think I'm done, it's impossible for me to reach rank 65, so I'm gonna go ahead and strive for rank 1. If I can't be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst

It's time to kick Hana off the table

You were pretty on the nose about Genji's drawbacks, really.
There's a reason why about 80% of the playerbase has a skill rating of



Why would you further nerf Mercy when she's arguably even worse than Symmetra right now?

I want to find this under my christams tree.

-Damage falloff numbers tweaked on his M1 so damage falloff starts sooner but isn't completely extreme (nerf overall).
-Fan the Hammer buffed ever so slightly to make it something besides "I need to finish off this low health target" panic button.
-Roll hurtboxes match the animation.

-Can set down multiple Steel Traps (up to two?)

-Sonic Arrow cooldown reduced to 15 seconds.
-Scatter Arrow changed to be less random and more for actually bouncing off walls.
-Less arrows per Scatter Arrow to compensate.

-Bring quick scoping back.
-Base damage on scoped shot increased to 30.
-Venom Mine cooldown decreased to 10 seconds.
-Venom Mine damage decreased to 50 to compensate?
-Venom Mine no longer inflicts self damage.

-5 more ammo to Recon Mode's clip.
-Less noise on his footsteps.
-Some sort of shield would be nice too but we all know how that turned out.

-Hammer swing speed increased (1.3-1.5 swings per second?)
-Scrap Metal can now be used to apply armor to your turret by hammering a full health turret with enough scrap (up to a maximum of 75 armor?)
-Molten Core stats remain the same (maximum armor of a Level 3 turret remains the same and any armor it had at Level 2 is placed at the bottom of the bar.)

-Barrier no longer disappears 5 seconds after it's been put down, only disappears if broken or a new one is placed.
-Barrier strenght increased from 600 to 750-800?

-Nerf Amp-It Up Speed (currently +110% movement speed)
-Nerf Amp-It Up Heal from 40 HPS to 30 HPS.

-Orb of Discord reduced to +30% extra damage.
-RMB charges faster but can be held for just as long as it currently can at full charge.

is that even fucking possible?

It wasn't bait. Mercy has a 2% pick rate.

>Zen gets buffed who pairs well with Genji
>the new whine of the month is now Genji
As a pre-nerf Widow abuser this makes me laugh. This is almost as bad as June when every other post was screaming for McCree and Widow nerfs.

Stop spamming your fanfic
I'm gonna fucking try


>Someone on your team picks ana
>Have to physically place yourself in front of her shots to get her to heal you

every time

>Nerfing mcree fall off damage again
Explain why before I read any further

> paying for boxes
> playing for boxes

>you get everything you want from level up drops

What does she mean by this?


who is the worst hero in the game?

Mercy, Symmetra, or Winston?

>Making Widow overpowered and a must be again
Kill yourself waifushitter


>6/16 of my last loot boxes have been legendary
>sharkbait roadhog (i don't like this fat bitch at all)
>2 striker lucios
>1 hittpyhop lucio (duplicate for me)
>500 coins
>sparrow genji (worst skin in OW)

>even then, she still refuses to heal you
Every fucking time.

why do the French throw 9999 silent letters in all of their words, god damn this language is stupid


At least Mecy can dish out some consistent heals and make some game changing plays with a good ult. Symmetra is just a teleporter that takes up a hero slot.

u wot m8

-Ultimate charge rate increased by 10%.
-Ultimate is now limited to line of sight.
-Revived heroes cannot move until they're vulnerable.

-Photon Projector range increased to 6 meters.
-No longer slows down when placing a turret.
-Turrets now have 20 HP.
-Alternate Fire travel speed increased.
-Teleporters are not refunded upon an objective or point being captured.
-Shields now gives 25 extra Shield HP and turns 25 of the character's existing HP into Shield HP (I don't know, do you want to face off against 200 HP Tracers, 250 HP Genjis, and 300 HP Reapers?)

Mercy isn't bad, she's simply outclassed by Lucio and Zenyatta, specially now that she can't just activate her ult every 10 seconds.
I gave her back 10% of her ult charge speed so now it's minus 25% her original ult charge speed and removed some of the more genuinely ridiculous aspects of her ult.

You know, the one you kept crying about.

Make me.

For Pharah's sake.
Also I feel like he takes up 76's usage a bit.
Sort of like what he used to do to Reaper when it was all about his M2.
It wouldn't be a drastic nerf, I'd prefer it to be overall small and have his M2 buffed to be better.

No, (You).

Kill yourself my man, and the answer is mercy.

These guys forcing you to see their emote by standing in front of the door or you. Always the same genji emote too...

This game is perfectly balanced the way it is right now

>Mercy isn't bad, she is simply outclassed by all of the other healers in the game
aka she's bad

>my first legendary skin was a Junkrat one
How long until a patch that'll add new skins for everyone?

But it is Winston who works best with Zen.

this is why American English is the best English
It purged most of those unnecessary letters that the French put in

>For pharas sake
If phara isn't staying 20m away from mcree its her fucking fault.
>It wouldn't be a drastic nerf
Yes it would be mcree would be fucking useless then, he would have to be within 10 meters to do any meainable damage and by that range both Genji and Reaper can out dps him. user please break rank 55 at least before you try to talk about balance I am trying to understand how you can be this mentally challenged.

Mercy is too weak
Genji is too OP

>people in 60+ that need to use voice as a crutch to win and can't just reliably use the basic commands
>people in 60+ that pick reinhardt then don't bother being aggressive and just let enemies plink at their shield constantly
>people in 60+ that intentionally throw games because "wah you didn't give me my hero!"

I've been bouncing between 62/63 for a bit now, when do people grow brains and get better?

>terrible ideas
>pharmercy poster
every time


>Zen pairs well with Genji

Zen pairs well with literally any DPS but is best with McCree since he can 1 shot people

Also people have been complaining about Genji for like 2 months m8, it's only just now creeping into mainstream

Halloween, maybe.

>Genji potg
>Presses Q
>Flails about
>Team Kill
This is worse than bastion ever was, he actually has counters.

>Voice chat is bad
Nigger what it helps you explain where peopel are easier then any basic commands in game.
>rein hardt not being aggressive
So use his fucking shield and stay killing people from behind it then. You are about as retarded as the faggot spouting his bullshit balance changes.

how do we make Pharah great again?

>Ana is bad meme

This is why I try to use nanoboost + Reinhardt as much as possible.
And you shitters can't even complain because she is not picked by """""""""pro""""""""" players.

Nerf McCree

lmfao mercy fucking sucks now what the fuck

>doesn't heal as much as ana
>doesn't deal any damage
>still has to bait the entire team in order to get a good ult
>doesn't even get ult instantly anymore

what's the point

>faggots crying on the forums about Sombra ARG being too hard and are begging for clues

Whats the point of an ARG then? Why does blizzard have the shittiest gaming community begging for literally everything.

I'm not saying she's bad, just that most people who play her are.

People seem to think you play her like Widowmaker just because she has a scope

>communication in a team game is a crutch

I'm glad I played Winston

>Someone on your team picks ana

Fareeha's dad is Morrison

WINston is like the best hero ever m8.

Witch healslut skin when?

By not being a retard and knowing how to place and position yourself.

>people in 60+ that pick reinhardt then don't bother being aggressive and just let enemies plink at their shield constantly

Its your job to kill people when you're behind reins shield. Reinhardts charging infront of a group of people acting aggressive will only kill him and leave your team defenseless.

In any game people fail to understand the difference between tournament meta and ranked meta.

Notably Pharah was super strong in tournaments but soloqueue ranked she got dumpstered by 76 because in tournament you would always have a pocket mercy on you.

You should be able to co-ordinate the most basic of things with what the game offers you, people can't even do that. I'm seeing people that can't even use the ultimate status command constantly.

>stay behind the shield when reinhardt doesn't move and makes no attempt to get you through the chokepoint or to cover ground


>9 heroes completely useless: Torb, Mercy, Mei, Symmetra, junkrat, bastion, pharah, widowmaker, and hanzo
>Perfectly balanced with over a third of their heroes basically having no purpose.

He serves no purpose beyond making the enemy genji feel good about himself

nerf genji

>Reinhardt has his shield up in the choke hoping his teammates will use it to pick off one or two enemies making it easier to push
>instead they have faggots like you complain about it
I am more questioning how you made it to rank 60 while being this fucking retarded. Is this your first team game user?

>you should be able to coordinate the most basic of things with what the game offers you

So what's the button I press for the "genji is behind us and up my asshole please kill him" voice line for when I'm playing support that's not Mercy because who the fuck plays Mercy

>opened 30 or so summer boxxes so far, no purchases made
>only want tricolor widow and tricolor D.Va, maybe their voicelines too

>got both of the zarya skins
>got track and field
>got lucio emote and one of his skins
>got fucking Jap genji
>got the hog medal pose twice

>"You're charged up, get in there!"

how is it possible for McCree to have joined Overwatch at 17? Wasn't he already supposedly trafficking guns for years before that point? Did he join the cartel as a 12 year old?

Based Mcree started young user

It's like I didn't just nerf the other healers so she's relevant again and gave her back some of her ult charge speed in exchange for cheese.

>he would have to be within 10 meters to do any meainable damage
Woah there.
I didn't say his M1 should be reverted back to it's original damage values nor did I say his damage falloff should remain at 2.4 damage per meter.
In fact, that's the whole reason why I left that so completely vague.

>Pharmercy poster
I also posted a picture where 76 and Pharah were in the same picture.
Guess they're fucking now, huh?

I just wanted to post a picture of Pharah.

It's not too hard to imagine if his father or older sibling was already in on it that he joined in at an early age

The same way it's possible for Mercy to have gotten her medical degree, rose to head of surgery at a prominent hospital and make a groundbreaking discovery in her research field by the time she was 17

>Get nanoboosted
>as d.va
>out of my mech

Well ok then.

>pick ana
>dish out loadse heals and OK damage
>have a roadhog and a reaper who give me a thumbs up when both our ults are ready
>3-5 kills every time we ult together

>and also sleeping ulting genjis/soldiers/mccrees
No better feeling

Mercy was a trained doctor and chief of surgery at that age. Don't pay attention to Blizzard story since it always is dumb

Works pretty well actually.


>Friend playing as ana about to nano boost me as Roadhog
>mechless dva walks infront of ana and takes it
don't blame ana you whore I had this happen this morning


>Lucio, Tracer and Zarya get sports skins

So, are we supposed to get games similar to Lucioball also for Tracer and Zarya?

I played a lot of tf2, but I have shitty aim so I always did medic/engy/sometimes pyro. Is it a dick move to spam mercy? And I don't mean picking healers in shitty cases where you've already got someone, etc. Just grabbing a healer early on in the draft. Also, if your team is getting hung up with turrets, is that the sign you need more dps at range (pharah, bastion, etc)?

She makes more sense as Junkrat.

im a late widow main. can anyone please describe pre-nerf widow? was she more fun to play than she already is now? and how/why did they nerf her?

>win game
>"Holy shit I got potg as Ana!"
>think it's going to be when I sleep an ulting genji, throw my grenade on a Reinhardt that's getting zen orb'd + Ana healed so my teammates can focus him, and kill a discorded McCree while I'm pushing the payload
>Actual potg is me just killing 3 low health targets

eh I mean...I guess

Mercy is useless now, pick literally any of the other healers if you want to be productive

She was a quickscoping beast. She was a lot faster, more fluid, and much more smooth.

She was like butter, and this is currently like "I can't believe it's not butter!".

Anyone want to farm some lucio ball on NA?
Drop btag

>On a win streak of 6
How many ranks am I about to lose once the "forced 50" boogeyman catches up to me, /owg/?

Mercy is the worst healer right now, I wouldn't pick her. If you really want someone who requires no aim play Lucio.

Lucio is one of the few characters you can pick literally every game 100% of the time and it's not bad, even if you already have another healer.

Pharah 76 and McCree are all pretty good counters to turrets

>Coin flip defending on Hollywood
>Team goes Rein Bastion Mercy
>Say over voice chat "Guys theyre expecting this"
>They do it anyway
>Get rolled immediately

Just... im staying at 50. fuck it

Can someone explain to me where there is no setting about joining quickplay matches that are already in progress? I'd rather wait 10 seconds longer and join a fresh match rather than get put in the same roll 10 times.

They nerfed her because she could literally two shot her only reliable counter winston

why is everyone so mean to Widow?


Just got rank 60 today. started 2-8 at rank 46 and now at 60 by playing solo queue

Should i try to climb to 65?
