League of Legends General - /lolg/

Feel the Strength of the Earth General


Fuck the OT, we live in the present, not the past


someone fucking gift me it already

dont have any thresh on my phone edition


Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.

That's one old general image.

Jhin BEST husband.


kill me

whats ur fav anime lolg????????????
this one is mine
super funny XD

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

hey dude i love u

mfw when my mum comes up to my room and tries to tell my that anime is anti-christian FUCK MOMS

But Im brew lolwut

>Playing a game with forced meta

I don't know what to say

my dad says anime is for girls and queers
i wish i wer naruto so i could kill my dad

wow thanks

tfw no girl who will love you nonconditionally and bare your children

>mfw picking Nocturne into Yasuo on OFA

xth for I miss stacking revolver on Vladimir

ye same but theyre mostly sloots so its no worries

just make money and focus aesthetics until you can get what you want

I HATE Riven!


>ping is 67 pretty consistently
>fps is fucking 140
>only have firefox, chrome, skype, discord, and music bee open
I mean I know my internet is shit, but why the fuck would I have 67 ping if my fps is that bad? This doesn't happen anywhere else.

Where do you live?

Draft normals is great to play when drunk.

Your in a room with every champfag
With a gun and 1 Bullet
Who do you
What do you force them to do to eachother?

bring it into geek squad
i know a guy he'll fix it up for you

thinking of getting a cull with jhin if im ahead in cs and kills for shits n giggles, bad choice?

Post qt league girls being violent please

Oregon, when I'm in portland I'm fine, but when I go to medford it's shit. It used to be fine too, even post server move. I have no idea what happened.

Is there a god?


whats his name lolg?


tfw no obbesesive stalker gf whod suck my scent for money

I live in western washington, and my ping's never been better than 70 since the move. It's mostly due to the sheer distance from here to Chicago. I don't think you'd improve too much on that with a better internet connection.

Best husband.
Best chest.
Best hair.
I miss Graves poster.

waito piggu go homu

Do you guys ever get hit in league even though you're clearly blocking?

you didnt do a low block

yeah i heard hes a godly sona player

But that' nots the problem, I'm fine in portland, and when I was back here for winter break it was perfectly fine, and this was way past the sever move. I have no idea why suddenly it's just awful. I'm connected to a 2G source, which I figured is probably part of the problem, but then why am I getting consistent 67 ping? Makes no sense.

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

jesus is actually an aggro top player because he wants you to fight and pursue after him and westle until you figure out the truth the God is real and loves you like a father
but not my dad he hates anime

How could you hate someone so kind and cute?

>mfw learning Azir
How do I birdman of many orders?

Why do women always go for assholes?

Eu Has better posters than NA
Disprove me bundles of sticks
Inb4 imthems autismo rage

>literally slaughtered hundreds of innocents
>left noxus because they gases the ionians who were fighting back instead of killing more defenseless people instead

tfw no gf that doesn't let you beat the shit out of her but is still too scared to get help so even though she resists you can still bruise her up on the weeends if you're careful about ti

why does this picture exist

ayy lmao

>jesus is actually hashinshin

i would fuck her
but I wont because I CANNOT betray my wife Neptune

Burden of proof is on the person who makes a claim. Quality shitpost though.

>Burden of proof is on the person who makes a claim
prove it


>Doesn't get camped for the first time in a long time
>Goes 13/3/8

Hmm.. Must be a coincidence, teams in gold know how to take advantage of a camp, right?

>Next game don't get camped, second in a row by some miracle
>Go 20/7/8

Must be a coincidence

For real though, fuck the fact that junglers always camp assassins.

I mean I get camped no matter where I play the majority of my games, despite good trading/farming/warding tendencies, but it's an everygame thing when I play assassins.

I mean they do we just got a bunch of tripfags and imthem the NA posters also post during eu Times

yeah that sounds about right

thank you lol

She's a changed person user, don't bully her because of her past

>isis recruitment is better than shitposting

>Project Ashe doesn't have any lines for allied Yasuo

Tfw the lolg discord is literally a tonne of people who Don't even post here anymore and its all NA cucks

>people use discord
kikes cant shill out for a teamspeak

Oh sorry. I was too busy coming in Lulu.

>posting here

>using discord

im literally posting right NOW you goober nozzle

but lets talk about midlane, why is TF the most based champ for mid in the whole game? he can literally break even or better vs any lane, and he can win peoples lanes for them.

why are you all not mastery 7 with him yet?

>2000 + 10 + 6
>posting on Veeky Forums
Now that's just sad.


because I'm not good on TF

>break even against syndra

run flash/ghost or flash/barrier vs hard lanes

never too late to learn

A lot of em Dont post hetr and it was literally shutup imthem is the boss with bis autismo rage and bad spelling
Like brewposting is fucking Stupid and imthem got so triggered by it

>farm with Q
>don't feed her
>get jungler to gank
>win game by killing and snowballing other lanes

>The enemy Illaoi just literally 1v5'd my team

Holy shit, we caught him alone in bottom lane and he killed 3 of us before the rest escaped

What a disgusting hero, I had the misfortune of laning against him aswell.

I like the dad beans variant better

>syndra flash+stun+ignite+ult

>he can't learn

I would gladly do that as long as you don't decide to change your gender right after I missed all the graduate schemes to move in with you to a new town
But you have to be pretty and nice and educated

I miss 6k hp death machine Vladimir. If not for the hotfix buffs maybe we would have gotten to keep him.

>Murdered hundreds

Riven deserves to suffer for as long as possible before I send her broken soul to Hell.


So, just like any mid laner?
You know abyssal is actually a popular item on TF, right?
RoA is another popular choice as well.

Letting Syndra set up her stun is being bad, play around it if you aren't stupid and never try to 1v1 her.

>picks graves top
>gets fucking learnt
Deserved it.

>le war is murder meme

>Play hotmonkeydick
>E onto ADC, Q-R kills him instantly
>W to get away-
>Syndra and Garen both ult my clone

Illaoi is a girl

The dude playing her is a fat neckbeard just like you you fucking weebshit.

>let me just kill these innocent civilians
>I declared war though, so I'm actually a good guy
Mohammad pls


What match was that?

Where did the user touch you?
Show me on the doll.

I go to gym and shave everyday.
Dont project (You)r frustrations on me

Pokemon gym doesnt count

Why does Project Ashe say Project Yasuo can't be trusted?
She doesn't know?

>pretty and nice and educated

alright sign me up

you move fast push lanes hard as safely as you can and gank as often as your ult is up

if you keep up in cs/even a little behind youre still doing better than the other midlaner because of how tf's passive works. not saying you should have less than 100cs at 20min but keeping up + adding assists/kills with ults will spring you ahead to being a murder machine. even if you fall behind you can become a ranged click stunbot if you have decent cdr, which you should with now how zhonyas/abyssal gives you some.

im not saying syndra is an easy matchup, but a good tf can get a lead on anything and opens up a lot of options in game regardless of how the game is going for tf or his teammates

>playing Pokemon
holy shit you are a manchild

>u k


Lore related.
Basically Yasuo is an outcast because people think he killed his brother and his master, but he was framed by Hoboslut

>there are people out there who will unironically never make it past silver

>ywn molest Irelia