What IS systemic oppression?

Dear humanity majors,

Can someone actually explain to me what's systematic racism/sexism/oppression meant to mean?

I've seen many protesters and scholars mention it as their casus belli against society, yet no one actually wants to explain what they mean by that. It's not supposed to be like normal racism, and supposedly even Obama has some for being black.

Are systems of oppression actually accepted in academia? How are they seen/measured? Or is modern progressivism starting to act more like a secular religion?

I'm legit curious, hope this isn't seen as bait.

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What is ideology?
What is newspeak?

Systemic racism is when your kid dresses up as an Indian for Halloween and when a sports team logo is a funny native man. You can't imagine the literal holocaust this causes.

These are the real terrorists!

Systemic discrimination let's call it occurs when a state's institutions have an ingrained bias toward favouring a group or disadvantaging another

An example of systemic sexism which feminists and women may argue is corporate leadership is dominated by males who choose to perpetuate this dominance by mostly hiring males. Many women feel the system is bias against them hence systemic sexism.

Systemic racism in Canada where I'm from can go back to the Indian Act which is kind of part of our constitution, the Indian Act defines Indians aka first nations people, and outlines how the government engages with them and the government's duty toward these people.
It's a catch 22 because the

Small pox blanket must've kicked in

>It's a catch 22 because the
Indian Act ensures the government guarantees first nations land and provides benefits but it also takes away a lot of self governance on reserves which is why a lot of crimes go investigated by the RCMP (federal police) because the police force may be racist or bias toward first nations

Also many of the benefits for first nations only apply to them when they're on reserves while all good jobs and better standards of living are off the reserves

I hope these examples help, I'm not a proponent for either point of view

>go investigated by the RCMP
Go uninvestigated

K I'm done

That's not systemic racism that's just racism
Nothing in the political institutions disadvantage them, it's just people being ignorant imo
The Cleveland Indians organization would be more tasteful with a different logo imo

The only good thing about the Cleveland Indians is that logo.

>Halloween costumes are racist


Do you even watch based ball? Windians are serious contenders for ALC
I'm guessing ALCS will be Jays-Windians

It's a feedback loop from the history of slavery/misogyny whatever. Women are paid less because they made less, and thus are offered less. Blacks are searched for drugs more often because it's a statistically more likely bust for the cop. The employer and cop aren't necessarily being racist or sexist. It's just part of the institution.

This is a good example expect for the women being paid less because this isn't true
There is an earnings gap not a pay gap. Women earn less than men because it's more likely women choose lower paying careers, take more time off for maternity leave (which is acceptable imo) and generally work fewer hours than men
So if you look at total earnings yes women make less but that isn't systemic that's just women working lower paying jobs and less hours than men mostly by choice

Basically whenever white people do something that black people can't do because they suck at it

Yeah I'm a >Resd fan and all memes aside the Indians are pretty good right now, but I see them choking it all away in the clutch like they always do.

There's an argument to be made that black people commit more crime due to system racism and a society which has ghettoised blacks and perpetuated gang culture
Also cops killing people when they don't post an imminent threat to serious bodily harm or dear is fucked up and constitutes extra judicial killings

The problem lies in the fact that if you suggest blacks must improve their culture you are immediately just called a racist and nothing productive will happen in the conversation. It also doesn't help that Jewish owners of the music companies promote shitty gangsta music to make them think what they do is cool

Jays take the east
They have a 6 man rotation now with the best starting pitchers in the ALC and ALE, and their offense is full strength again. Orioles need to win the series at the end of the month and rays need to win or split the series in Toronto
red Sox are done

Cops are jumpy as fuck around black people and think any sudden movement is them reaching for a gun
But can you blame them for thinking that?

lol yes because it's (((society))) that perpetuates gang culture and not the gangsters themselves! D-Bo and Ray Ray would have been astrophysicists but society forced them to join gangs! The gangsters didn't do nothing and are the real victims here!

>you suggest blacks must improve their culture you are immediately
I didn't say this
I was implying society at large perpetuated their shit culture to begin with. It's a people who have been disenfranchised until even the 90s
It will take a couple generations to change

When there are no opportunities for them and gangs provide a sense of community, protection and income for them then yes it's a societal problem not a black problem

>But can you blame them for thinking that?
Except for all the recent footage which shows cops blatantly executing people
Black or white, US cops kill too many civilians.

Listen sport, I've worked in hood schools and no one is forcing those kids to skip class, smoke blunts and claim a set. And the worst part is, there actually are kids there who want to succeed academically but they get bullied ruthlessly by the thugs. It's classic "crabs in a bucket" syndrome and blaming ((((society)))) is a cop out that distracts from the real problem that in the cultural context of the hood being a career criminal is seen as more "legit" than doing well in school.

>I've worked in hood schools
I've watched The Wire

>the real problem that in the cultural context of the hood being a career criminal is seen as more "legit" than doing well in school
Then there needs to be a cultural paradigm shift which requires a societal effort. If society wants cohesion and lower crime rates then the systemic marginalization of a group needs to change

>Listen sport
Stopped reading


Inglewood HS

Go Seminoles

Sure but that cultural change has to
come from within the culture itself. People from suburban/upperclass backgrounds have no understanding of hood dynamics (I certainly didn't until I was exposed to it firsthand) and any attempts to change it from the outside will come across as patronizing at best. Ghettos are like little nations in and of themselves and when outsiders try to come in a change things you get a situation that is similar to the US involvement in the Middle East.

Systematic exclusion means a system that denies a group of people access to certain societal structures, e.g. political structures or institutions (and in the long run also what Marx called the means of production).

A system that denies women or black people (or any specific group) the right to vote is oppressive to them for example.

Nowadays systemic oppression doesn't exist in the first world on a state level, which of course doesn't stop some people to use it as a killer argument, or with circular reasoning: e.g. thinking that systemic oppression doesn't exist just shows your systemic oppression, etc.

>Are systems of oppression actually accepted in academia?
>How are they seen/measured?
On a macro level by analyzing states, institutions, organizations, politics and the rules and laws that govern them.
>Or is modern progressivism starting to act more like a secular religion?
Yes. The Humanities claim political responsibility over scientific method. Which results in them analyzing only the micro level, e.g. asking if a person feels oppressed, rather than looking the societal structures.

You're a fucking dumbass. There are no gangs in trailor parks and they have even LESS opportunities than blacks in MAJOR CITIES


I come from an Eastern European country, we're pretty damn poor but our murder rate is well below 2. Meanwhile American ghettos have Africa tier homicide rates (20s to 50s)

Fairly certain studies have controlled for that. eg women in the same career make less than men. Not because evil patriarchy but because it is what it is. When you're in an interview and they ask what you made at your last job, there's an obvious reason. But I'll concede that there is also an earning gap to some degree.

If it's used honestly (and it usually isn't) it refers to unconscious forms of oppression or racism, instead of an open and conscious decision to discriminate.

To take an example, open racism would be something like "We don't hire niggers". Systemic racism is if generally black schools don't offer the kind of skills that are necessary to function in an modern economy, leading to their pupils becoming unemployable.

>is modern progressivism starting to act more like a secular religion?
Why have I not thought of it like this before?

society offers the chalice but it's the nigs that choose to drink from it, it's on them

There are no opportunities because their society is populated by 80 IQ retards raised by single moms and high school dropouts

Systemic racism is a word that was chosen to sound scary. It sounds like systematic racism, which has gone away, and duly so. The sjw professoriate wants to ride the association to Jim Crow and the black codes to build public support for radical leveling and redistribution.

but there are plenty of scholarships and assistance programs for poor blacks

It's the MAN keeping us folk DOWN.

Yes but what's their end game? New segregation? Role reversal?

nobody knows

Endgames are made up brah

Ending western civilization

BLM came up with a list of vague policy goals recently.

1. End the war on black people.

2. Reparations for past and continuing harms.

3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people.

4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.

5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us.

6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society.

The language speaks for itself.

>Many women feel the system is bias against them hence systemic sexism.

Do they feel the same way about soldiers, coal-miners, or oilsite diving repairmen?

bro surely you can agree with me that US cops are violent as FUCK
lots of those incidents with the dead blacks simply should not have happened
not saying it's racism but surely you agree on this
but why

You know realize that "end White Supremacy" is code phrase for "remove Whites from all positions of power and eradicate White culture".

A white guy was unjustly killed by cops a year ago in Phoenix and there was fucking nothing, no media outrage, no BLM crying about cop brutality, no protests, NOTHING. Black Lives Matter = ONLY black lives matter according to these fucks. Fuck them.

>Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society.
Are they seriously advocating a state-within-a-state. What the fuck.

if there is a difference it is miniscule and can be attributed to the way individuals negotiate their wages

If you could pay women less and get the same quality of work, why would anyone hire men?

Was for

So basically
>dindu nuffin
>dindu nuffin 2
>gibsmedat 2
>new segregation
>new segregation

>A white guy

good to see how much you apparently care about this white man whom you don't even seem to know the name of or the related story.

The percentage of black people killed by police compared to the total deaths at the hands of police are 40%. The percentage of police who are killed in the line of duty by black people compared the the total deaths in the line of duty are also 40%.

Police are no more disproportionately violent towards blacks than blacks are towards police.

Keep reaching cuck, that'll get you places.

>This is a thing that happened

You didn't ask for a source, you acted like a patronizing, sniveling little cunt.

And his name was Daniel Shaver

Not that user, but have a video of a white guy who got executed by the cops to zero national mainstream media attention:


That's not even racist user. There is no express or implied inferiority of Indians in eithet action. Arguably in the mascot case it is an acknowlegement of some level of respect

>Daniel Shaver
>A unarmed Texas husband and father of two was fatally shot in January 2016 by a police officer who has now been fired and charged with second-degree murder.

Oh well that's why you don't hear about it user.

Because appropriate action was taken.

George Zimmerman was charged too. That still made national headlines for months on end.

When's the last time a black person killing a non-black person received any kind of major media exposure?

>George Zimmerman was charged too

Far after the fact and for other charges.

Although you could also argue the prosecution in that case just being inept as well.

Keep pushing those goalposts.

Not until you~

See, the great thing is, that since the black population isn't increasing in size, and they're a completely monolithic voting bloc, there's no reason for anyone to actually give a shit about what they want.

I work in politics (Democrat) at a state level and no one who isn't black gives a FUCK about blacks. And why would we? They voting for us no matter what.

Gotta love it when people get completely BTFO and instead of admitting they were wrong they keep moving the goalposts to oblivion.

>on camera pulling out knives
I'm one if those people that shits on the anti-cop narrative in general and not just BLM in particular. As usual the vast majority of these cases are artificially created moral panic over people that had it coming.

There is a movement to undermine faith in American institutions and Copwatch and Black Lives Matter are just individual ripples in that wave of subversion.

George Zimmerman did literally nothing wrong.

Thats the point user. He treats the incident as an individual incident and doesnt assume it is part of some larger system of police violence. That didnt prevent him from determining that shooting was unjusticified. But he kept his conclusions limited to those which are supportable by the evidence he knows.

You just replied to the wrong post I take it?

The prosecution was inept in thst case because the charges never should have been brought. There was no evidence to support s conviction in that case.

Seems to me that you're putting thoughts in his head

The black population has been at 10-15% since the beginning of time.

You have clearly never been to a trailer park if you think there are no gangs there.

>Do they feel the same way about soldiers, coal-miners, or oilsite diving repairmen?


>anything to do with beauty
>flight attendants
>book keepers
>anything physically easy

It's the thing people reference when they feel like there aren't enough blatantly racist people or laws to complain about, but they still want to have something to point to.

It's a very durable concept that will allow people to continue to claim oppression well into the time that they begin oppressing others.

Biker "gangs" are not gangs they are just white trash losers who want to loudly annoy people and have friends. They don't go around shooting other bikers. In fact, they tend to show respect toward other bikers

>They don't go around shooting other bikers
Come to Australia. They are literally everywhere and in control of essentially all of our drug trade.

It's pretty crazy. You actually see them everywhere.

The only reason we have "hood schools" is because school funding is based on local property taxes. Therefore rich people try to move to the richest communities they can, causing "white flight" and gentrification. The (black) people who have less wealth overall due to being oppressed for generations, end up in a inner city ghetto. This is a pretty classic example of systemic racism.

Sorry m8 but they are proper gangs. Talking about 1% now, they're often in meth business and they do dirty work for more serious organizations.

>the only reason we have shitty schools is because rich people have better schools

>causing white flight and gentrification

Those two things are the exact opposites you dumbass.

So whitey should make his kids dumber because muh oppression?

Why do Austrians always sleep in the middle of the road? I thought it was only an abo problem but abos can't afford sleeping bags

>white people want their kids going to a good school

I hope for the sake of mankind that this post is a bait cooked up by some /pol/ack

We end up with presidential candidates like Trump when there is such a disparity in education.

If we found a better way to allocate school funding and actually budgeted a reasonable amount to it, we could have better education for everyone without significantly lessening the experience of those already getting the best.

Once you reach an adequate level of education, the drive and aptitude of the student matters way more anyways.

Lastly, a flashy statistic: The US spends enough money incarcerating it's citizens each year to make public college free. Lots of those people are in for a few grams of weed.

Uh yeah. They're opposite sides of the same phenomenon so they have the same cause.

Fuck off

Yeah, at least when the government refuses to pay for school, that's true.

This post is a great example of the oversimplification and warped thinking of Americans that excuses black people from educating and improving themselves as a community.

College has been more economical than prison for a while now. Why do you think Yale went from generating men of letters to becoming adult daycare? The "education" system exists as an economic prison around the proles who are too stupid to create value yet not stupid enough to destroy it outright. That's why we have "gender studies" and "sociology" degrees.

>whites move out

>whites move back in

Cry more cuck

That's not true. I used to work in Athens-Clarke county schools. They have excellent facilities, better than many school systems I've seen. However, the area around is poor and black, and the students consistently do very poorly. It is their culture, where the thugs that commit crimes ridicule the kids trying to do well for being "too white". It's sad that black culture encourages terrible life choices

You're missing the point. The way schools are funded leads to people who are all poor being clustered into inner cities and made to attend poorly funded schools.
This is systemic oppression because it's a part of the law that entrenches wealth among a small group of people and reduces the chance for social mobility. Not necessarily racism, but it's a good example of systemic oppression in general.

Personally, I don't blame these white people either. I think the government should actually shell out to educate it's people. I think that's one of the most important parts of a democratic government.

I'm all for giving schools the funding they need but the deeper problem is the neighborhood culture outside of school. The issue is that a lot of these kids view "success" as only attainable through entertainment, sports or crime. So unless you're a rapper, a baller or a gangster you've sold out to the illuminati or whatever. Hell, some of these kids pushing dope have pretty good math skills but it would never even occur to them that they could be an accountant because that isn't cool.

>Why do Austrians always sleep in the middle of the road? I thought it was only an abo problem but abos can't afford sleeping bags
You get drunk and the road is a good choice.

Actually have slept on the road before.

Have a friend whose step-dad is paraplegic as he slept on the road and got run over. It's really no joke, especially in aboriginal communities where you cannot really see the roads.

god dammit man.

They sleep on the roads because asphalt retains heat well into the night.
t. abo whisperer

Fair. Maybe there are more important factors. I'll admit to grinding my personal axe about the education system.

But I still think it's an example of systemic oppression suitable to the purpose of explaining the concept to OP