League of Legends General /lolg/

Remember to send in your ideas for the next lewd contest!

OT: eyosongive.us

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kled is the best designed champion since gnar

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

I have more fun watching champion spotlights than I do playing the game

Friendly reminder to eat out your healer!

What would Sona sitting on you feel like?

So, What is this new jungling strat of buying tiamat first? does it really help with clearing with champions such as lee or udyr?



How do we make Aatrox great again?

Hey guys, daily reminder that while this games has forced stale meta, 105 of 110 heroes have been picked in the first day of that other game's International championship

How you feeling bout this. Lemme have them salty butt tears

I haven't played the game in 5 months, how is it right now? Are Rumble, Akali, and Shaco in good spots?

If your champion can justify having either hydra upgrade in their 6 item build it's best to just rush tiamat. Even if they can't it's still good

I want to rub my dick on that ass.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Always thank your jungler for a successful gank (where they also give you the kill.)

The international what?

Basic bitch and you should drink bleach


Best voice
Best dialogue
Best skin



like sex
now post more booty

Higher stats and base damages.

Techies and Pudge were meme picked


How shit will RENGAR be post Assassin rework

Yes, sortof if you know the matchups, no

claimed hehe..
neck urself for having such terrible opinions you loser



I want to go swimming in Lulu.


>damage dealt: 13/18
she's still really low on damage dealt, and it's all sustained over burst. You don't pick her if you want damage (Lucian and Vayne are below her on damage because their playerbase are shitters, you all know they are better than their playerbases indicate)

No that would just make him toxic cancer that kills everything and never dies.

He needs a whole new kit.


Honestly, though, I have never imagined a game like Dota or League could achieve a balance meta where every single fucking hero is viable in the highest level of competitive

(maybe every single hero except techies)


When is our girl remilia coming back and showing us those sweet tits?

>on massive loss streak, got demoted
>lock the champ i fucked up my promos with and never played again after that (morg) vs thresh sivir
>they are both easy to predict so i hit my stuff
>win and get back in promos
>adc adds me after game and gifts me blade mistress morg
>says my shields were perfect
i feel so warm and fuzzy inside

>Watching Kled's spotlight
>On board with it until Joust
>"We felt that interacting with enemy champions after you've lost a single advantage is no longer part of our design philosophy so we've made it impossible to disengage from fighting him entirely"
>"It's ok maybe he'll turret dive you and lose his ride LOL"
>"Except for when his ride flees, he also dodges turret agro, so hopefully you're not actually under turret"
>"Also, congrats on winning the brawl, hopefully you didn't actually try to punish him for it because now he has a refreshed bonus health bar and a better Sion ult that can't miss"
>"Does this seem overbearing? Don't worry about it, maybe he'll get so fed he tries to 1v5 or something LOL"

Seriously riot
Just make his mounted form fast and strong
And then make his dismounted slow and weak
It's really not that hard

We didn't want Rengar bursting people as fast as he used to, so we made his full burst combo 7 seconds long. This is a healthy gameplay pattern that allows counterplay and still provides the gameplay fantasy envisioned for Rengar players. Overall we like Rengar as an assassin so we're keeping him as true to that as we can without any of his current toxic mechanics.

After the renegade fiasco I doubt anyone would pick him up.

>roam top
>top laner flash ignite "secures" the kill when it was a sure thing
mannnn i walked all that way for nothing

Happens a lot, top laners are greedy as fuck.

this is a man



How many times does it need to be sad that with how radically different champ design philosophies are between the games that it's retarded to compare the two to each other

I claim this blueberry for taste testing


>juicy butthole
who the fuck cares? her penis is very feminine anyways :)

>main noxus girl
>want to climb
>want to vote for shortstacks
fug, guess i have to switch to an adc tristana main for the contest.
just make sure it's over before too long so i still have time to climb out of whatever shithole i drop into.

Honestly with all the bitching there's been about the Assassin rework's I feel like it's going to end up with them all being objective garbage because their TTK Windows outside of being stupidly fed are going to double and with all the ways to negate death in the game now will make the role as a whole utter dogshit

The greedy fucks are the worst. At least accept your assist gold and not waste your fucking sums on it.

You should've taxed, mate.

Watching a championship where every single game is very different is way more fun than watching a championshig where every single game is very similar

That's been actually proven, published in math journals so it's objectively truth and not even opinion. True story man

Seriously though. Dota has a crazy fun meta right now. That shit is crazy



They are giving them more utility to make up for their assassinations having counterplay

We are not as greedy as adc mains thou.
Your top takes ignite ew.

>mfw showing man cleavage every week


Is Sona fat?

New model, his character design is absolute trash. Make him a dedicated fighter who is rewarded for going in with something other than instant death.

what utility can an assasin have, other than deleting squishy people in 1 sec?

>Every Assassin will be as uncatchable as Zed/LeBlanc.

Just fuck my game up fampai



All she did was facecheck bushes with her fake tits and practically one-trick two supports.

She was incredibly binary and never broke away from traditional patterns. I dont care if she was a support or a woman all she did was be boring.

in the best possible way

They're changing how stealth works though too.

you paid for that tit job buying skins
might as well have a little fun with them if given the chance

like im the straightest man in the world but if given a chance to bend remi over and stick my dick up her poop hold i'd gladly take the offer

git gud

>New model, his character design is absolute trash.
As long as he kept his edgelord theme I'd be fine with a new model.

Deliciously fat

I wanna work out in Poppy.

They wanna make more Ekkos.

Ekko when done right was an AP built assassin that had to set up his combos and could potentially miss and should he fail could bail/get away quickly.

Ekko (as of now) is being abused by the dumb itemization to make a practically bruiser that literally only relies on his passive for damage while being a mobile tank. Designers built him one way that was balanced (AP) but itemization said "fuck that" and made him stronger a better way. (Tank)

It'll either be the hard gut-fucking they did to Evelynn ages ago (RIP no sight range) or making it frustratingly Sex-king.

Riot can either limp-noodle it or overpower it. There is no inbetween.

Expand your horizons bro

I love his edgelord theme but he legit looks like he was designed by a monkey. Sure, War from Darksiders looks like a coral reef on legs but give Aatrox that aesthetic instead of "weird naked red guy".

Nosejob first, bobjob third. No amount of silicone is gonna fool people if you're fucking manfaced.

Don't tell me that's a man/

I think they're planning on adding more cc, but only slows and roots that don't disable attacks or spells to help lock down out-of-position enemies, and granting vision of enemies to spot when someone is out of position is being talked about a lot as something that should be a strength primarily associated with assassins.

>katarina/talon/rengar with more cc
yeah, I know, rev up those meme arrows, but keep in mind every single one of those champions is supposed to get a big nerf to the time it takes to burst which is actually a massive nerf that calls for big buffs to replace it and leave them in a viable state.

In the past, when Rengar can't kill people in literally less than half a second he has been considered useless and this time they are committing to making not just Rengar, but every assassin incapable of accomplishing that feat while still remaining viable.

You know what's going in her, don't you?

the only reason she stayed as long as she did with renegades was for a boobjob actually

Eh, I dig his look. It's unique with some weird stuff but I like naked kinda armor man.

it really doesn't matter as long as your ball sacks don't touch

Don't go up in lane before minions spawn

Tank Ekko is only stronger when shitters don't realize they can dodge/predict the stun.

I have 6 rune pages just for Annie. I think I have a problem.

Standard mid lane scaling CDR 15 AP scaling HP, for against AD, for against leblanc (MR), movement speed + cdr, movement speed + AP blues and movement speed + MR. I pick movement speed if I'm not confident to win my lane, to win other lanes instead. Like if they have a scary jungler and I'm against malzahar, then I would pick movement speed and MR. Or if I just awnt to have fun being really fast, then I pick the CDR movement speed. But most of the time I use the first page.

>Twisted Fate: talon no F
>Twisted Fate:camp mid

Ekko's design is cancer incarnate m8.

They wanted to make a "utility assassin" but that entire concept in itself is retarded in League. He will never be picked as an assassin over the likes of Zed/LeBlanc who can kill more quickly and consistently unless he's numbers are through the fucking roof like he was on release and he was stuffed with so much utility that just building him straight tank to cover his intended weaknesses made him the best champ in the fucking game for months.

They're going to have to outright strip multiple parts of his kit out and significantly modify others if they ever hope for him to actually be played consistently as an assassin like they intended

This is more of a personal issue than anything. I can see what's likeable about his design but overall it's just feels cluttered and weird, you know? I could even take the "naked red dude" part if they changed whatever the hell is going on with his head and that weird Hellboy arm.

unironically having 6 rune pages in bronze :^)


WHO the fuck gifted Brew his Darkstar Tresh skin?

Do you realize what you've done?

"What's that little yellow thing in my slot next to my items? I dunno what it does."

I've been playing with two rune pages for every champion since 2012 and i'm plat

>Burning a flash when the kill was already 100% secure
Typical Talon.

>tfw just came out of a game killing a soraka over and over again

not having that shit

Why do you think Tresh didn't throw his hook?

Flashing out would be useless, he would had died anyway from the ignite. Better keep it off cooldown for another time when it will actually matter.

Evelynn is still sick for early game dmg and horrific gank potential since she shits dmg and can show up in the lane with little warning with strong tools to contribute to teamfights in mid to late game.

She wants to be more splitpush/skirmish focused and does really good at that.

The only person who could have gotten it was thresh, better to give the snowballing mid firstblood. There's a reason thresh didn't kill him for a few seconds when he easily could have

>The yellow thing next to my items
>people talking about Flash


I'm new to mobas. Currently watching TI6. The production is pretty amazing.

How are LoL tournaments? I'm currently focusing on Dota but I find the production alone worth watching in dota.