
Retard Wiki Post Makers Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.0.5)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it me or are some of the wooden fence enclosures scattered around Coldwind maps very easy to exploit as a survivor?

if the killer is stupid then yes

Now I remember why I play mostly Killer. Playing Survivor just isn't that fun. At least it won't be as bad with the new rank changes where you're not absolutely fucked over when some shitstain body blocks and spams heals on you after you do four generators solo and makes sure you die so he can escape for free

>"I've never played killer before"
Survivor hides in a locker on the other side of the map for four minutes.

>"three dead is enough for a pip"
>"it's your fault that the survivors are utter shit at surviving"

>be a killer
>find first survivor in 15 seconds
>hook him
>deliberately leave him alone so someone can rescue him
>nobody rescues him, he dies
>someone disconnects
>find the third survivor, hook him
>deliberately leave him alone so someone can rescue him
>nobody rescues him, he dies
>fourth survivor jumps into the hatch
>don't pip
Now, tell me, is it my fault that none of the survivors saved one another?

>"lel anecdotal evidence is totally valid"

Not even going to bother requoting myself desu

I dunno man, the ones with two pallets and two windows are set up in a way that it's extremely hard to lose sight of the killer and you can almost always judge where he is. This one guy just always knew where I was wherever I tried to go or double back or juke. I caught him off guard once and got a hit but I wasted so much time even bothering and eventually said fuck it and left.

You're just bad plus i bet you didn't break the pallets

Fucking hatch is stupid af rework it or remove it devs you shiters

Anyone want to see some farming fags get rekt?

1. As soon as it opens, allow the killer to see it as if it were a door switch
2. Give it an opening animation like the door switch

There, I fixed it.


So is SWF officially broken? I heard there's been problems but I'm finally trying it out and I'm just getting No Matches Found.

twitch dot tv/totallyworthless/v/82715072

Skip to 15:20 for start of game, 17:00 for rekkening. Also some backstory, the guy playing killer is a friend of mine, but I didn't know it was him. We had met when he was tricking rank 1s into thinking he was farming, but I specifically don't farm so he didn't get me. Messaged me after the game and we started playing together. Then this match occurred like a week later. 24:55 is when I find out who it was and get on his teamspeak. I'll warn you it gets loud though.

Is the party queue broken?

No, just barely functioning. Be prepared for possible 30 minute queue times, then having the killer dodge once you actually do find a lobby.

ugh. well thanks.



Do you have to open it all in one go, or can you 99% it and then finish it off once everyone is dead?

was trying early today. for some reason it seemed that playing a game of KYF followed by SWF helped, but that's probably just in their heads.

All matchmaking in this game needs to be fixed, but SWF is a disaster. why put something in the game if it works maybe 5% of the time?

You wouldn't be able to open it until you're the last survivor.

Hatch is now useless and not at all a viable method of escape.

Good. Hatch needs to be removed ASAP anyway.

Quit hooking third survivor killerbabby

honestly is it that big of a deal? if you play well it shouldn't make much a difference

By that logic doors are useless and not a valid method of escape.

There aren't two hatches user.


>fix generator
>killer is now forced to(and willing to) stop camping the hatch and search for you
>you can now choose to go for the hatch while he's roaming, or fix remaining generators and give yourself 3 points of escape

Hello level 1 survivor

I just learned you can climb those mountains from the 2 sides, i probably would've lost time there if any survivor ever tried to meme on me on that place

Literally git gud

Why don't you try playing without the hatch before telling others to git gud?

that only works if there was only one gen left to fx user. The hatch is to allow the survivor that doesn't suck ass to spend twenty minutes slowly and painfully crawling the map and incrementally fixing generators before being forced to commit to one of two locks that may or may not spawn directly next to each other. It's still a viable option but that certainly shouldn't be the only one.

Why don't you git gud at the game before throwing around your worthless opinions like they have any weight to them. Face it, you're just pissy because you didn't get 4/4 sacs. Whether or not the hatch is a good mechanic or not is irrelevant to you since it didn't work to your advantage which means it must go.

>>inb4 buttmad survivorbabbies can't properly refute it so they resort to personal attacks instead of acknowledging how pants-on-head retarded the hatch is
>calling others' opinions worthless while broadcasting their own opinion on how the others perform in their games like it's relevant to the discussion

No one's going to waste time writing up a meaningful argument because you've already demonstrated a complete disregard for such things in the last ten threads you bitched and moaned about the hatch in.

We've learned from prior experience that posting the same copy-pasted screed again and again won't accomplish anything except to waste our own time and the time of others. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

>Survivor hides in a locker on the other side of the map for four minutes
Then gets crows on them and is easily found, gg.

>you've already demonstrated a complete disregard for [meaningful arguments]
I have yet to be shown a meaningful argument, friend. So far, the only one who seems to be taking this personally is you.

>get a Fragrent Bog Laurel offering
>I'm an objective-focused fucker, may as well pop that and get some extra points
>killer burns an Ardent Shrike Wreath
>manage to get my objective points and be the only one to escape
>killer was a rank 1 with NOED 3 and Shadowborn 3
>my Hope 3, Spine Chill 1 level 16 ass did better than two level 50s with the infinijuke shitter's starter kit of Sprint Burst - Self Care

it was a pretty good day.

>so bad he can't even handle the hatch

Keep crying

>p-personal attacks ;_;

Holy kek

>So far, the only one who seems to be taking this personally is you.

...nobody said anything about you taking this personally.

I don't care about the insults themselves, I care that they're not arguments and how they show that the person making them is unable to make arguments.
Well, he did accuse me of disliking the hatch solely because he thinks I'm buttmad about survivors escaping.

Woah hoo hoo, where do you think you're going /dbdg/? It's time to fire up those Daily Rituals.

You did remember to do your Daily Rituals, right /dbdg/?

He never even used the pallets, just kept running in this weird loop where he'd always vault a window. There's enough fence space that I couldn't gain ground on him.

>Bonus bloodpoints offerings are universally doubled in strength
>Uncommon and better Survivor bloodpoint offerings now give one third of their effect to the rest of your team
>Uncommon and better Killer bloodpoint offerings give one quarter of their effect to the other categories
>A Very Rare tier of bloodpoint offerings is added that increase the bonus effects to 50%, but have the same boost as the Rare tier
bloodpoint booster offerings are now more effective and team-oriented, and aren't just the entity throwing traffic cones at your head to slow you down

>Matchmaking always tries to find other players as close to your rank and level as possible (instead of the current shitshow circus of 'rank 20 level 1 killer vs rank 1 level 3-50 survivors' or vice versa)
>Your rank is recorded at the end of every game, anyone who gains more than one rank at a time gets nothing and is placed into low-priority matchmaking for the rest of the month
>Serial saltbaby disconnecters get placed in low priority matchmaking temporarily, but with increasing penalties (as well as tanking their rank)
>When ranks reset, you get bonus stuff (bloodpoints and offerings) based on your highest average rank of that month
you now have an actual reason to rank up and stay ranked up, and the end of the season isn't utterly, literally fucking meaningless


As a team based game, it makes some sense to have the solo remaining player at some disadvantage.

I would agree, however, that it's bullshit to have the two locks spawn within vision of one another. A player should be ABLE to succeed solo with the hatch, but it should be by no means a guarantee.

In fact, the fact the hatch is an instant out for them actually works to their benefit; either they can get out or the killer has incentive to camp/search for it, taking pressure off the generators.

>Instant out
Not if I don't hit them it's not.

I didn't realize I was playing against the fucking cast of Splinter Cell

I hope to Christ you weren't Wraith, because Wraith can't lose, ever.


So did they actually make it so the wiggle meter depletes much slower/not at all in the patch? Is that what they meant by "Added a penalty to the wiggle build-up when a killer puts a survivor down"

>sac 2 survivors
>last 3 gens are around the basement, as planned
>last 2 guys are hiding hardcore
>eventually find Claudette and down her
>carry her back to the basement area with Iron Grasp 3 but drop her to go after Jake who fuck up a gen
>chase Jake all the way to the other side of the map
>chase him around the mine shaft trying to keep him away from the infinijuke
>he tries to play keep away with me with a pallet
>fake him out and down him
>get him to the one hook on the map he didn't sabotage
>find Claudette thanks to crow bros
>she breaks free after like 2 seconds
>it had to have been at least 3 minutes since I dropped her

I still caught her and got her to the basement but damn.

>Rat gets trapped in your room
>Trying to get out through a door by gnawing at it but keeps darting back behind cover every time he sees you

It's like I was playing DBD

It means whenever you drop a survivor and pick it up it adds a bit to the wiggle meter so you can't infinitely pick people up and drop them.

playing as billy
I'm currently stuck in a game after one disconnected, two were sacrificed, and one left through the gate

But it's not taking me to the scoreboard and end screen. wat do?

Anyway, why is this game and so many others being released so fucking broken?

Because lower standards, most games these days are "early acccess" in a way AKA not complete/still have tons of bugs.

Even fucking Street Fighter came out unfinished. Fucking retarded this age of video games.

If you want the least cancerous region, change to Japan, they have literally no clue what infinites are 99% of the time. They do camp hook though, but you can't really blame them when THE FUCKING TUTORIAL TELLS THEM TO.



>start a match against a bunch of low level/low rank Survivors
>find a Dwight, he's trying to infinijuke over palettes
>just walk away, come back a few secs later
>he's there working on the same gen
>whack him
>as I'm chasing him around a Meg is just crouching in a corner, right next to a gen
>walk right up to her before she moves
>down and hook her, walk away to entice injured Dwight to be altruistic
>the three remaining Survivors all d/c at the exact same time

Well that was weird.

>getting consistent pips and steadily ranking up through careful play and keeping my head down
>if I rank up any higher people might start to think actually I know what I'm doing when in reality I have no clue
>plus I main Jake so I'll start becoming part of the lobby dodge problem despite not using or even liking Saboteur

Maybe I should switch to Dwight.

Literally every high level player has saboteur. It doesn't matter who you pick.

Why Dwight? Jesus christ why is Dwight such a shitter magnet?

>Jesus christ why is Dwight such a shitter magnet?

The Killer should be able to leave. As in, if you open a gate and don't immediately escape, the Killer can walk out and the Entity, disappointed with the remaining Survivors, doesn't let them Survive. Because motherfucking christ, even as a Survivor main, it just drags the game out so much when you have players who open a gate and then run back in trying to do remaining gens and shit, whilst the Killer can effectively do nothing.


This could be simply fixed by giving survivors zero points for gens repaired after the gate is powered and zero for hooks once the gates are opened.

Just fuck them up while they farm points for muh pips or wait for the hatch

Actually yeah, just a flat out zero point gain across the board except for Altruism, so that Survivors can't farm points off Killers and will only get more with rescues.

It's impossible without NOED, and even that got nerfed.

>It's impossible without NOED

But billy and trapper can do it, only wraith is fucked unless you don't get a double tap and they don't have sprint burst

>hey stand still and don't jump in the hatch for 5 seconds while I obviously rev this fucking loudly telegraphed chainsaw, would you?

So any reason for people to put some fake twitch url on their name? I wanted to share this easy game with you guys and if possible show you the visual bug that happened at the end of the match, reason why that guy escaped.

it's not getting removed killercuck
get over it

any tips for a novice hillbilly? I keep either getting shut out or only being able to down one or two survivors

Why did they change the req gens to 3 for an open hatch? It only makes the game more boring.

It's not even fake, learn to recognise the null's in this capital only game.

O-oh. I'm sorry.


*hides in locker*
*explodes generator*
*loots chest*
*sabotages hook*
*pallet teleports to the killer's side*
*gets pulled out of hatch*
*fails skillcheck*
*gets grabbed while unhooking*
*self heals*
*shines flashlight*
*sprints through window*
*teabags at exit*
*blocks other survivors*
*gets pulled out of locker*
*gets downed by NOED3*
*gets hooked*
*fails hook escape*
*doesn't struggle*

It's not your fault desu, it's just this strange game that wants to capitalise all names and cut them off. Sometimes the twitch streamers don't even know their usrnames are cutoff in lobby and post-match lobby.

>join a lobby
>three rank 10s
>type bye into the chat
>player asks me why
>I explain because we're not low rank enough so the killer will leave the lobby
>I don't think so, he types
>killer leaves
>join a new lobby
>he joins
>oh hey, guess you were right
>it happens again

>it was the same killer

>mystery box
>it's a flashlight add-on

Okay, so obviously the devs are retarded shitters that don't even know what matchmaking means, BUT can we at least admit that the way points and ranking work is pretty genius? It's structured so you get the most points from more intense games, with hook rescues and chases and so forth. Making camping the least effective way to get points is pretty brilliant game design.

Yeah but farming wraith babies like to exploit the point system

That doesn't mean it should get changed, it just means that they should nerf wraith into oblivion.

farm wraiths blow but that's no reason to destroy a killer who already got his ass handed to him in the last patch

Gotta love that gook host

>chung chong

Is there anything scrubbier than the Wraith wall hack add-on?

Wraith is trash now so there's a give and take


His perks are all booty now

Bloodhound was OP as fuck pre-patch, and you know what they did? They buffed it and made it even better. Wraith with wall hacks can find a guy, hit him and then hunt him down until the end of time.


I'm literally speechless

Go be retarded somewhere else.

You're complaining about Wraith being OP


but yeah, I'm retarded

>"Wraith with wall hacks can find a guy, hit him and then hunt him down"
>getting hit by the wraith

that's so sad user

>killer NOEDs you 5 feet from escaping
>picking you up
>guy runs past and escapes

Wallhacks and bloodhound just shouldn't be as good as they are. Wraith himself is shit and you're proving your retardation if that's what you think I was saying.

Anybody have pictures of bloodhound blood vs normal blood?
