What would you rather choose?

The Right choice or the Good Choice?
The Right choice is bad.
The Good choice is wrong.

I choose to not choose at all.

depends on what you mean by good or right. by what standard are you to label something as good or bad, throw us a hypothetical!

Right. I've always had little regard for myself and more for the intangible.

You are being forced to kill someone innocent, because your loved one is being hold hostage, if you don't kill that person they will kill your loved one, if you kill the innocent, the person you love will be free.
The good choice is saving the person you love.
The right choice is not killing the innocent person.



kill them no thought about it.
the only right choice is what is right for me
they aren't innocent, they are guilty of being weak.

What happens if I just walk away from the situation?

I would rather be right than be happy

Very well, lets try another hypothetical situation.

Someone that is very important to you is about to get shot. In this scenario either you or that person will die, but only one of you will get killed and the other will live.

If you die, the person you saved will suffer for the rest of his/her life.

If you don't do anything, he/she dies.

The person you love will be killed, because you didn't kill the innocent.

well see here's the thing, I am highly deficient in compassion and empathy to the point of being a sociopath or psychopath, I could easily walk away and not think about it again, that being said I don't particularly enjoy living, tough choice to be honest.

they will have to die then

Alright, what about this one then?

You have a very important test coming up, if you manage to pass the test, you will most likely be successful in life but you will losse the event you've waited your entire life for.

If you study for the test, you will lose the event of your life.

If you go for the event, you will not be successful in life.

This "event" is a once time moment, that you will never be able to see again and you've wished your entire life for.

I'd probably do the test without studying because I have poor memory and have few to no passions in life, I find most things boring and because of this there is no event that I could hope for even if once in a lifetime because deep down I know it will bring me as much pleasure as doing the test would.

desu if I died I'd give no fucks because I would be dead. If I didn't, then they wouldn't be suffering. Win win either way imo.

So your choice was the right one or the good one? The Wrong one or the bad one?

I would kill the innocent person out of self interest. Both are innocent, my love is both innocent and my love, thus, my value judgement would incline me towards killing the innocent. However, I think reality would leave open more than two choices.


It's not a matter of "good" and "right," it's a matter of bring happy with doing right.

In the hypothetical, if I kill the innocent I've done wrong, period. If I don't kill the innocent, I haven't. My loved ones living or not living doesn't change the moral status of my actions.

I agree that understanding the reasons behind my act are important, but intentions and feelings don't dictate moral permissives.

Well, desu i didn't like the first situation i made because it was saying what is good and right, that's why i made different hypothetical situations.

I'm with Granny Weatherwax on these issues, you have to do what is right, even if its bad