What if Churchill ordered Operation Vegetarian?

During WWII, Britain was capable of dumping enough anthrax on Germany to either starve the whole country or just turn whole cities into death traps, depending on how they chose to use it. Assuming that the Brits did end up using it for whatever reason (maybe the Nazis defeat the Soviets, the Americans stay out of the war, and Churchill gets desperate), how would they be viewed today? Would people see them as the real bad guys, especially since a lot of Nazi atrocities would never be discovered?




They actually did it but they've covered it up.

Lol k

lol. I'm being serious though, how would people react to Britain essentially committing genocide in order to win a war? Would Churchill be the "Hitler" of a post-Vegetarian world?

>Would Churchill be the "Hitler" of a post-Vegetarian world?

This is absolutely fucking hilarious when phrased and thought of independently from the context of this thread

>or just turn whole cities into death traps

You're thinking of aerosol-anthrax, the British didn't have the ability to do that until 1945. The anthrax cakes, which they had as early as 1941, would have only affected cattle. So basically anyone who ate cattle in Germany would die until the Germans figured out what was going on and banned it entirely. Germany was also depending on oxen for plowing, tractors were pretty rare, so you can kiss most farming goodbye too. Tens of millions of people would die, a good chunk of them not even German (since the Germans would just take food from France or Poland). I think under these circumstances Churchill would be hated, although not on the same level as Hitler and probably only by Europeans.

But a much more interesting scenario imo is if the British figured out how to deliver anthrax in aerosol form a few years earlier. Then they could just drop it on cities and not only wipe out nearly everyone living there, but make the entire area uninhabitable for centuries. Germany would simply cease to exist, it would be a giant blank space on the map of Europe marked "contaminated". In that scenario, I think Churchill would become the most hated man in human history.

Uhhhh dude? Anthrax is curable with anti-bacterial medications, how the fuck does a curable disease make a place uninhabitable for hundreds of years?

No shit.

I am ready right now to join the forces of our glorious leader Winston Churchill in his fight against the evil vegetarians.

Another interesting thing I have learned from this thread is that German cows eat cake.

I would have thought they ate grain and hay and shit like everybody else's cows.

> how the fuck does a curable disease make a place uninhabitable for hundreds of years?

By "uninhabitable", I meant "there would be no point living there, since people would be constantly getting sick from anthrax". The best real life example of this, Gruinard Island, has an area of less than 1 square mile but it took 4 years, 200 tons of formaldehyde, and god knows how much money to decontaminate.

I suppose you could technically have lived on Gruinard Island prior to contamination, but you would be spending most of your time in the hospital.

>anthrax cake

It's not not literal cake. "Linseed cake" is another way of saying "cattle feed".

*prior to decontamination


>Anthrax is curable with anti-bacterial medications

It is today. In the early 1940s, only one country had an effective antibiotic for the particular strain of anthrax the British were using*, and it was.....wait for it....the UK. The Germans probably would have been able to make one eventually, but they probably would have been too busy dying of anthrax, and even if they had developed one they would have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of sick people.

*Vollum 14578, made by a Canadian of all people

>Only by Europeans
He is literally seen as Hitler in India and Bangdalesh and Kenya

>Germany would simply cease to exist, it would be a giant blank space on the map of Europe marked "contaminated"

Sounds like a goldmine for the horror movie industry.

>But a much more interesting scenario imo is if the British figured out how to deliver anthrax in aerosol form a few years earlier. Then they could just drop it on cities and not only wipe out nearly everyone living there, but make the entire area uninhabitable for centuries. Germany would simply cease to exist, it would be a giant blank space on the map of Europe marked "contaminated".

I imagine people in general would be a lot more cynical and nihilistic if this had happened, it makes WWII look like a water gun fight.

If Churchill ordered it, Hitler would answer with v-2's retooled to carry the Sarin gas German chemists had developed.

the v-2s didn't have aerosol warheads, only the v1s did. It would have taken months to build a decent number of V2s with the right warheads. Germany didn't have as effective a way of delivering their weapons as the British did. Even in the best-case scenario for the Germans, they would have been able to kill about a million Brits but practically every German would have died.

can't imagine britain murdering and salting an entire country would be viewed more positively than the holocaust

even the effects of the holocaust is just limited to being displayed in some remote death camps and jewish survivors

half of central europe being rendered uninhabitable and the population stricken with a plague sticks out

it's like if USA would decide to not just nuke hiroshima and nagasaki, but the entire fucking country of japan

no way the eternal anglo would get away with that one

>no way the eternal anglo would get away with that one
The eternal anglo always gets off scot free user
t. Tony Blair

The potential of millions of Brits dying from chemical attacks is a big enough deterrent for any politician to not be the first to start with weapons of mass destruction. Even Hitler was smart enough not to do anything of that sort.

Wouldn't have happened since Germany had even better chemical weapons and wouldn't have hesitated to use them in retaliation.
Imagine the Germans using Sarin warheads on the V1 and V2 rockets fired to London.
Everyone still had the horrors of WW1 in mind and nobody wanted to repeat an even bigger shitfest.

As long as Anglo sphere won the war, it would be covered up and hush-hushed.

>hitler was a vegetarian
really make u think