Just get a motorcycle bro it'll be dope and you'll get all the chicks

>just get a motorcycle bro it'll be dope and you'll get all the chicks

There are lots of car crash compilations on youtube as well, what's your point?

Go shill your shitty channel somewhere else

>there's tons of people who get pregnant with condoms as well as using the pull out method, so I dont use a condom
>posts video
>shill oy vey

We get it, you're too much of a pussy to ride, so you need to post a 2 hour crash compilation to justify it.

what;s your opinion on seatbelts?

yeah bro FUCK IT hoon it up man LMAO XD who gives a shit if I endanger everyone's life to get my gay little kicks of going fast on a motorbike fuckin normies man right???

>bare arms
>ungloved hands
I'd love to see the ratio of squids to GoPro users. I'm hardly the High Priest for ATGATT but seriously... heading for the twisties without so much as a jacket? Fuck me

lol yeah fuck cagers, dey dunno bout dat squid lyfe, lololol cager scum get out reeeeee

ITT: OP is a mad cuck mad at the fact his shitbox cage is slower than a motorcycle kek

you should try not being a gay, poor faggot and get a bike instead

>that bus

>all those fuckheads not using their mirrors
You should've been dropped again as a baby

I only made it 4 minutes in and all of these so far have been the rider's fault.

Over 99% of motorcycle crash compilation vids are. The #1 problem you will see:

Even where the cars has done something wrong, the cyclist seems to want to "show him this is my lane!" They'er nearly all avoidable.


bicyclists are even worse
>seperated road for bikes
>law mandates the use of those
>cyclists ride on street which is two way but only one lane

Two shitty contact patches can never have more grip than 4 wide contact perches. This is something that squid's will never accept, even though one of my friends has died in a motorcycle accident and 2 seriously injured they will deny until red in the face that a bike is as easy as control as a performance car. Yet the isle of man claims more bike riders lives than cars every year.

The contact patch on bikes only realistically is optimal on a track

but muh adrenaline

"You don't want to go play on the train tracks? Lmao what a pussy."

Where I live cyclists aren't obligated to use the bike path if available.

Kinda makes sense since sometimes the bike path is full of little kids and pedestrians and faster cyclists tend to kill those when they hit.

My personal favourite
>biker speeding and weaving through traffic
>undertakes into the fast lane
>driver honks at them for undertaking
>biker decides to brake check
>biker meets asphalt
Bonus points for jeans, t-shirt, and trainers, even more if a shoe goes flying.

Im curious, is the ratio of deaths/crashes for bikes higher than it is for cars?

I ride my bike to work every day, fug.

Need get more slide gear.

Yes for obvious reasons.