League of Legends General - /lolg/

Edgy Soraka edition.

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>play at night/early morning
>everything is pretty chill, no one flames or gets angry
>the teams are evenly matched, the games are exciting

>play at daytime
>idiots running around, total clown fiesta
>at least six people in the game are either polish/french and can't stop fucking typing in their own shitty language
>at least one yasuo/vayne main in the game who plays like he was aborted at the age of four


(◑ ᴥ ◑ ) good luck on the rift anons

don't feed

underrated post.

Post em
Rate em

Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.

If for whatever reason I am awake at 4am and in home, I play 2 matches of League. Best time on servers.

don't you mean with

How can Soraka have the highest winrate of all supports when she was just nerfed patch after patch?

>52 posts early

>oh, and also tell him to fight with a fucking lamp, shit's gonna be fair

>not knowing that Jax uses the lamp by choice
>not knowing that he still beat the shit out of everyone with it anyway

That's because in the night all of the little faggots expend all of the faggot energy they were filled with in the daytime, so they go to sleep. That's when the people who actually give a shit about the game are free to come online without the faggots bothering them.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>it's a GP mid thinks we have too much AD so he bans jungler's Lee Sin so jungler locks in GP so mid picks Teemo so jungler picks ignite flash and goes mid too episode

Image limit was reached.

I am but a humble farmer, simply gathering gold for my poor Q.
Please don't attack me while I tend to my crops.

>Wasting image limit on this shit EVERY FUCKING TIME

This is my home, the garbage can. Oh no, I am falling out of it!

Last thread was pretty much over-inflated because of the hunger games

>Most useless Yordle girl in the game
>Wanting to do anything with her
Poppy is clearely better and stronger

to be fair kalista deserves a very long stint in the trashcan, she earned it

>Very close and dear friend of mine gets permanently banned
>Apparently the reason was "malicious 3rd party software aka hacks/scripts"
>This is an absolute lie because my friend has never done any modding, cheating etc. in league
>They also have a perfect record, they're genuinely a great person and have never been toxic
>Support gave him cold and unfeeling responses such as "The system detected accurate evidence that you breeched terms of service" and "We cannot lift this suspension under any means"

What do we do? Should I tell them to keep sending tickets? Should I send tickets on my behalf too, or is that a bad thing? Would raising awareness on league forums and/or reddit help? Please, my friend did NOT deserve this and it's gotten them super depressed. They've invested years upon years of their time on this game, along with hundreds of dollars. It's a goddamn injustice and I won't rest until the corrupt bastards at Riot right what they've wronged.

I've still seen luluposter more times in my life than my mother.

Out in the country, we don't take kindly to folks that attack our character.
If you want to have a battle of fists, don't be surprised when you find yourself crawling away.

Just got demoted to Silver V for the fifth time in a row. I can't get past Silver IV. Been stuck here since April with like 300 games. Please help.

Make a new account and smap games until it hits 30. Account is banned, not person.

But yeah, contact player support until they give you a human to talk to.

Apparently, posting on forums and reddit is the way to go. Certainly not here, an user could shit a diamond and Riot wouldn't see it.

git gud

Sending help

You know what's going in her, don't you?

Add Tahm, Yi, Lee Sin, Garen, Azir

git gud

Why people still insist on playing in ranked with champion with which they have nearly 0 experience? Everytime when I see a person without even a lvl4 crest I know that it is a fucking feeder who will throw my game.

Also, Teemo players are fucking idiots. All lanes are fine, jungler camps mid and sometimes visits bot (giving us drake and tower FB), but this little fucker screams all the time "useless jungler" when he is aganist a fucking Garen and feeds all the time. Also this rat is useless in lategame.

Sure. I am waiting until after the assassin update to update it. I get the feeling the garbage can is going to get even more crowded because of it.

Daily reminder lolg

Karma is so fucking broken. They need to increase her mana cost or lower her q damage what the fuck. She is a sona is good. I hate these brainless spam champions

>I hate these brainless spam champions

Literally Rengar/Rumble/Zed standard.

>I hate these brainless spam champions
Welcome to League of Legends retard
Multiple metas have revolved around spamming your stupid spells at the enemy

Doing well on any of them is ten times harder than karma, fuck off with your opinions

Funny thing, when i say that everytime, people always use old karma as argument. But old karma was more op", but old karma had more damage". Since when is that, season 1? Are they fucking idiots or what

I love Trundle and I want to smell his butt!

good. keep it to yourself.

play cho but play till the end :)

>Entire enemy team is at our bot lane
>Ping for help
>Nobody comes
>Try to defend lose up to our inhib
>None of them come
>Think they might be pushing their base as compensation.
>Find out they are not pushing just farming their lane.

We lose while my team questions why we lost.

easy game easy life right ?

if you don't like spam you don't like league

Someone post NA discord link

>Playing Farmdog of Q Stacking
>35 minutes in
>Have baron buff
>See massive wave of minions pushed toplane to their inhib
>Their entire team is distracted pushing botlane to our inhib
>Oh baby
>"Nasus come help defend base"
>All four of you are up, just delay them
>Whatever you do don't run at them 1 at a time
>They run at them one at a time instead of buying time defending
>We lose right before I finish second Nexus turret

Sad times.

I have never see a cait win his lane
i thought that champ was supposed to win lane and yet those fucker lose to vayne, kog, sivir so people in d2 are either retarded or that champ suck

should I just spam bot games to 30 because sub-30 games are absolute cancer. the only reason I want to play sub-30 pvp is to get mastery levels on syndra but I just don't have the patience to try to carry 4 shitters vs 5 smurfs

are sightstones and red trinkets unavailable in silver V?

All the Good Caitlyn players went to the Caitlyn upgrade, Jhin. Anyone still playing Caitlyn is either clueless about the role, or hasn't unlocked GoodCaitlyn yet.

Is Nunu a secret hard counter to Zed or something? Just had a Nunu that solo killed Zed seven times in lane. Was our Zed just braindead?

Oh yeah, and that same game our Garen top lost to Elise top. Why are all these shitpicks so effective?

jhin is always banned mate

>play at low elo
>smurf every single game

Caitlyn hasn't been a proper lane bully in ages with ADC's being so weak in general.

>That Evelynn suggestion

Whoever wrote it up, I love you

It's normal or shit elo, anything counters anything over there.

What? Jhin and Caitlyn are nothing alike. Caitlyn is a mobile hyper carry and Jhin is an immobile AD caster.

>catilyn is a mobile hyper carry
Because of her E?

By that logic, Jhin is hyper mobile since he gets a movespeed buff on every crit.

>wake up from dream
>look around for Poppy sleeping next to me
>she's gone

Caitlyn isn't really a lane bully anymore. She scales tremendously though.

I beat teemos all the time with garen, literally just need merc treads and I win lane.

Jhin is everything but mobile. His movespeed from crit is shit without attackspeed which you only get late game, not to say you spend most of the game not critting including late


Breed shyvana until she mindbreaks and craves the snu snu

10 days left until it's released.

what runes should i run on taric besides armor?

thats why you build crit+ ER


14 days

How will Rek'Sai get fucked? Her mouth hole does look like a vag.

Heh, unless you go 3 IE 1 ER 1 BT your damage is pretty damn meh compared to arpen

yes they are senpai but who cares about it its a challenger thing u will never understand , kills and wining games are important nothing else :) btw im in s1 now fail promo for gold


>having to choose between annie and ashe bans

this sucks

thats why full crit is a good thing

run IE, swifies, ER, RF cannon, lord dominiks, and phantom dancers. it gets the job done for me

If it's true that League is balanced around pro play, then why is only 10% of the champ pool viable in pro play yet 100% is viable everywhere else? Shouldn't everything be 100% viable everywhere?

>Enemy has low hp
>Tell noc to ult when he is close
>He ults anyways not even close to the target.
>His excuse was he wanted to scare them from taking tower.
>They still took tower then he goes in to feed the enemy.
>He did this several times.

What fucking retarded logic is that?

>mid yasuo
>top diana

yeah, you know how its gonna go down

>not anticipating the void on void action

you're not a smart person

>checkmate, atheists

>random disconnects in league
>internet is completely fine during these disconnects

what is happening?

this doesn't happen in other online games i play

Actually, that's a good question, what will she do in the story aside from eating Pix and leaving a tunnel for Lulu to get stuck on?

Who would you Get Low with, /lolg/?


>illaoi support

Spam is cool.

Lux is probably a party gal, she'd be wearing those sexy bar skank outfits and hitting the dance floor to this song.

>could have been all void versus all yordles
>instead we get nasus and illaoi
>and varus (and kass who is technically anti void)

Already a blunder

>those support champions

>even needing to ask



same desu


It's heavily implied that the shit that corrupted him at the Pit of Pallas was some void shit, you know, with all them tentacles and purple shit.

>tfw singed top vs kayle

I think csgo is a really fun game without snowballing

It might be >>>implied but it still would have been better if the artist stuck to a full yordle vs monster doujin.

Also >femnasus
I wish this would stop