/hsg/ Hearthstone General

Dog edition

>Deck lists, news etc:
hello world

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

Old Thread:

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Explain the dog meme

how many wins?

Reposting, has anyone had success getting hearthstone onto SD cards?

How do you install Hearthstone (from Amazon) onto your SD card for Android, this is the shit I get

1. Download hearthstone and dont install it, never opened it
2. Move it over to 29gb sd card
3. Says not enough storage space
4. SD card now has 28gb available

I've even tried moving it over after installing the full 2.7gb app to the phone, but it still says not enough memory or storage, one of the two


got the same shit


i was able to move half of the app to my sd card.

post unfair, bullshit cards

I was able to do it with the PlayStore version. Once I downloaded the Amazon version for the promotion, I couldn't do it.


dies to shredder

This is what I assumed was the case

I hope someone finds a work around of the amazon version because this is so dumb

is reynad the best hearthstone player?

>le 8 mana 12/10 deal 5 to face

Can someone make a call of the wild version of this?

Don't know. You just gave me cancer. How much time do I have left?

i was just going to post that next if i didn't get any (You)s

>tfw winning game against fedora shitter on the back of 0 spells yogg as priest

Remember me?

>warrior protects the meta from aggro shitters :^)
really makes you think

It made me think I was right to keep playing aggro decks when laddering so I don't have to deal with 12 dmg windfury shitter or 5 0-mana giants because I kill them before they even get to plop down Thaurissan.

Fuck Call of the Wild and fuck the fact that every time Hunters manage to have both in their hand by turn 8 fuck it fuck it fuck it stupid piece of shit card who the fuck designed this piece of trash what the hell is wrong with you fucking go back to the god damn fucking drawing board and write any other collection of words under that spaztastic fucking image fuck.


He's one of the players who tries to make interesting decks and I like that

Pls no spamerino in the threaderino

Nice meme, Kid.

Yeah, life was easier back then.

>Finally made it to Rank 5

By the gods was this whole thing frustrating. On the plus side, I can finally stop netdecking and finally try out some of my own ideas.

>troggz rulez
>totem moaning
>for the life bender
>god of death monologue
>versus priest

the only stuff that triggers me

>when the 10mana 7/5 is enough to win the game
it's a weird feeling

10 mana 7/5 thet got brought back 2 times by ressurects and bishops

Fuck do I know.
Your curve must look like shit, but you have 3 of the best cards in arena and arena is a complete clusterfuck these days so anywhere between 3 and 12 I'd say.

>having difficulty reaching rank 5
>with netdecks

git gud

You'll be missed no you won't I'm fucking glad Patron is dead.

Hello I'm wanting to play miracle rogue is this list good?

>0 spells
>at turn 10
>as priest

what the fuck did you do the entire game, emote?

oh boy where do I start

feels nice knowing people still have my oc saved

Anyone managed to buy something with the Amazon coin buy back promotion?

For some reason whenever I get to the buy window it just wont let me choose the buy with coins option, neither does it show me that I will be refunded anything.

patron giant is just around the corner, cuck

conceal -> xaril

is that a new promotion

No, it's steaming pile of dogshit.
-2 sinister strikes
-1 farseer
-1 shiv
-1 barnes
-1 emperor
-1 malygos
+1 conceal
+1 deadly poison
+2 cold blood
+1 sinister strike
+1 leeroy
+1 motherfucking edwin don't even play any rogue deck without him

This is great. Thanks, lad. I've saved a lot of these over the time. Did you make them all?

The promotion is a ruse

>+1 sinister strike
shadow strike, my bad

I haven't been able to find it on the amazon store and no one knows anything about it.
Yet tons of websites are talking about it and all the streamers as well.

I just dont want to buy a shit ton of packs and find out that it charged my CC and I get dicked for the refund

>start playing hs since I like wow
>play shaman since I play one in wow

why are the games so uneven? will it balance out in higher ranks?

Win axe
Alex champ
12 dmg charge groom fro lethal
No armor cap or bypass

not this particular one, I wasn't really around during secret pally

the ones i recall being used the most are fon + savage roar druid, jaina with ice block/pyroblast and anduin with golden tirion

Is that an iPhone or a very gay ass looking android?
If it's android, then install android marshmallow and then format your SD card to turn it your internal storage.

wold shadowstep be good

we all know priest is shit but which priest deck is the least shit for the purposes of 500 wins

is this confirmed to work with the amazon version of hearthstone?

You balance it by buying 200 packs and getting gud.

yes, also don't pay too much attention to his post

what a nice young man

what's wrong with his post is it an outdated list or something

>tfw too dumb to play Miracle Rogue

That's just priest, most other decks even out later on

Priest isn't doing too hot right now, no big standout cards besides purify in the new event

same but i want to play it anyway

i don't know what that means but there are like 5 different ways to build miracle rogue right now so you don't need to just do what he says

Fucking hell Hearthstone gives me the runs like nothing else. Almost every match I feel like I need to go take a piss harder than I ever have in my life, and no other game does this to me.

No problem.
>30-40 minute moba matches
Can go every few games without issue.
>Hours upon hours of Witcher
Don't even notice.
>5 minute match of Hearthstone
Get the sensation that if I don't go RIGHT now my dick will explode every few minutes, without fail.

What the fuck?

So Team 5 needs to push out 1 Expansion and 1 adventure before BRM,TGT and LOE cycles out so that we have 2 adventures and 2 expansions for 2017 (Year of the Unicorn).

Else we'll have less content than when Year of the Kraken started.(+-45 cards)


What's the easiest deck to win 3 games with mage if I don't have any class epics, Flamewankers or Antonio Balleroni
Outside of the Arena

>Get the sensation that if I don't go RIGHT now my dick will explode every few minutes, without fail.

we're supposed to get another pack expac by december, then another adventure then next pack expac after that is the rotation

c'thun and c'thun buffing cards

Is this it?

will shaman be dead after totem golem, tuskar and trogg rotate out? i

Is token druid actually as OP as I think it is?
No matter what deck I play, I have 100% loss rate against them.
Too poor to craft it and test it myself

Reno mage.


jones#12508 NA
watch and learn

pls help friend

Call of the Wild should have been Hunter's Legendary card. They should have made an exception JUST for it.

I actually hope they'll experiment with Legendary spells in the future; I think it would open up interesting possibilities.

It's a deck that contains unparalleled amounts of bullshit, but on average it's not as consistent as warrior or shaman.

it's very good

they always should have been that way

inb4 mage gets a 10 mana spell that casts 5 random mage spells a enemy

I am done with Hearthstone

See you around

Control shaman would have a staying chance, but Elemental Destruction and Lava Shock rotate out as well.

>They should have made an exception JUST for it.
They didn't even need to do that.
Just make a 8 mana minion 4/4 with taunt and battlecry: summon the other 2 animal shits

>Next year, we'll lose:

Living Roots
Raven Idol
Quick Shot
Lock n' Load
King's Elek

Arcane Blast
Solemn Vigil
Murloc Knight
Twilight Whelp
Wyrmrest Agent
Paletress rip
Museum Curator
Exc Evil

Gang Up
Dark Iron Skulker
Burgle Nice archetype
Tomb Pillager
Lava Shock
Everything except 4 7/7

Imp Gang Boss
Tiny Discard Man
More Discard cards

Alex's 2 3/3
Cursed Blade
Taunt Monkey
Emperor Thaurissan
Flame Juggler
Argent Horserider
Brann and Friends
Huge Toad

What strange fate awaits us come January?

>nerfing priest even more
come on

See you tomorrow . ;^)

what made you quit?

rogues crashing this meta

Or they could have just made it "Misha the Giant Fuck Off Bear- Battlecry: Summon Huff Cocaine and Leok the What The Fuck Is That Thing A Lion With Wings Or What"

>But Brann synergy

Brann's fucking off after LoE rotates out anyway and we'll still be stuck with this asshole of a card

And Healing Wave

So basically everyone gets fucked except warrior.
>inb4 hurr dragon warrior or muh justicar
You would still be able to pick one of four or five viable decks left.
A new, exciting meta awaits.

>Brann+Barnes in zoo

This is kinda fun

>Rogue losing Tomb Pillager and Anub'arak
>mfw losing my favorite two cards
W-well at least Blizzard gave us good replacements. Like Swashburglar! Because getting two Starving Buzzards is so great.

And Malkarok gets buffed.

Reynad piloting the NEW UNCONQUERABLE ARCANE GIANT WARRIOR deck he invented straight from rank 3 to rank 4. Truly this is meta defining!

I would be cool, but they'd have to be actually insane to be Legendary considering stuff like Polymorph and Hex exist.

Could be something like a constant effect spell like pic related?

Lol this card is stupid.

warrior is losing like 70% of its armor gain, its dragons, and otk warrior blows without thaurissan


>Calculating how much I need to make my favorite deck golden.
>Already at 10000+ dust haven't even added the legendaries.

Fuck this shit I'll rather stick to normal cards.

Would an Arcane Giant Miracle Rogue work?

damn if only i could invent a deck to rank "up" with

>spend hours thinking of cool decks with nice combos
>extremely hard to play every turn tons of decisions
>try it on ladder

Nice game faggots

>warrior is losing like 70% of its armor gain