ITT: We name our Hedge Funds

ITT: We name our Hedge Funds.

Camelot Capital Partners

CYA & Bain Capital

The Centauri Group

Cummings Cater Branch

Allah and Sons

Guacamole and Pringles™

Kill all Googles

Private Investments

Karl Marx strategists

shillin URRE.

WeBuyApple Advisory Partners

Bridger Capital

Risky Veeky Forumsness """""Investments"""""

Pepe, Wojack, and Associates.

Meme Capital.


Leverage, Options, Nummerical Gains, Capital and Trust

Meme Magic Money

Stratton oakmont 2, electric boogaloo.

PondSee Schematics

Sell Low Capital

Steinburg, Leibowitz, Weizmann Holdings

Gotta be a pipe hitting member of the tribe

Long Term Capital Management

Massive Gain

Kek Global Investors

Memefont Investment Bridge Capital Holdings LLC

investment fund inc

Dicks out for harambe strategic investment

Log of Shit International Investments Group, LLC

Stratton-Oakmont, Inc.

John R Crook And Sons, GmbH

>So Cheap, it's a Steal

Falador Financial Group.

Livermore's Grandson Capt Mgt.

BBC Capital

Shut the fuck up. I explained to you why not to buy URRE in the thread you made on the subject.
URRE is not a good buy right now.

Doing Your Son LLP

Myron D.Z. Gaines&Partner

Noseberg Asset Management

MTG Capital Investments