I want to live more independet from tax and a socialist system

I want to live more independet from tax and a socialist system
>live in Norway
>taxes alone are 50% if you do good echonomically
>If we didn't have oil, the system would fall apart
>I don't want to contribute to a system rewarding the lazy

Where do I move?

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Good ol' 'murrica.

>wants to move away from Norway

Jesus. I would gladly swap but you wouldnt be happy

will you become third world once the oil runs out?

>Isle of Man

If you're not a billionaire you could try Czech Republic or Estonia.

In Murrica he will still lose 50% of his income but it will be spent on corporate welfare and the military. Either way, hard work and success is being punished.

California here...
Our taxes are over 50% too if you do well, we just dont get any benefits (but county/state govt workers do amazing!)

>tfw 25% tax average
>all goes to gibs for niggers and shillary's pantsuit pockets

Feels bad man.

Reminder taxation is theft. If a corporation paid a legislator to draft a law that no one voted for, it is not representation, and we have gone to war for less.

Also just do as the spics, get welfare gibs and work under the table.
Punish the workers, reward the slackers, recipe for a great nation amiright? MAGA.

Wealth redistribution isn't socialism. It's an attempt to shrink the wealth gap between classes to keep capitalism alive in the long run.

>give a man a fish etc
>but hey let's steal money from productive members of society and gibs it to niggers
>surely this will turn the niggers into productive members of society

Of course not. But the poor tend to riot and loot much less often if they get lots of food and tv.

>Where do I move?


> No taxation
> No socialist structure
> Literally no government worth a shit
> No rules
> No restrictions
> No labour laws
> No regulation

S. Korea

So just fucking put them in a labor camp. Why do I have to have ten niggers riding on my shoulders stealing money from my pocket?

How about Russian Federation?

I live there right now. If you work hard here and do something powerful, so you get serious money.

Local taxes are very low by the standards of Norway. I pay to the state 13% income taxes (you can specify any income, but get ready, that the tax office looks at your bank account) and 70 euros for my 1-room appartments (36m2 in my own) near subway station in 1.500.000 inhabitants town.

By euro from each, and you will get riches. In Russia this is easy to make, and many people are getting rich on this.

Rural Mississippi. Just intentionally lie and hide your money, pay white trash off the books. But you won't have garbage pickup, there are poisonous snakes everywhere, you might catch Zika or west Nile virus, and the water bodies have flesh eating bacteria.

You guys actually have it pretty good. The tax rate just sucks.

The only other option to escape the high taxes would be the USA.

>The only other option to escape the high taxes would be the USA.
And then lose access to free healthcare, decent infrastructure, and your freedom not to be shot or run over randomly.

It practically rains bullets and SUVs in america.

Let me reccomend some high-class literature by a business major on why welfare and socialism don't work as intended.

Estonia. I'm from Finland and our little brothers will be our big brothers in about 5-10 yrs

>doesnt want to pay taxes
Move to a third world shithole then

>taxation is theft
Its literally not. Youre paying for a service. Feel free to leave those behind and expatriate yourself

It literally is theft

There is no choice in what service you buy, or any competition in providers. Don't pay and you go to jail.

Not who you're replying to, but I don't think you understand the definition of "theft"

I pay 22% here in NZ. max is 33%
Also 15% sales tax, but that's it I think.

No capital gains tax here too, nice!

>I don't think you understand the definition of "theft"
Theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

Sounds like tax.

>he doesn't know what Allodial title is

Living in this country is agreeing to taxation and the services/good you receive in return. No one is forcing it upon you.

>Feel free to leave those behind and expatriate yourself

>Leaving the IRS
>Any Year

So taxation is a fee attached to the constitutional right to life and liberty? It's been decided in multiple Supreme Court cases that the government shall make no laws attaching a license or a fee to any rights protected by the constitution and if they do, you have the duty to ignore the license and fee with the ability to engage in that right with impunity.

(I don't know what country you're in, but I'm arguing for the US)

>people stop trying to innovate or build businesses since you don't get rewarded for it
>people with business ideas just move to a country where they are rewarded for the hard work they put in

>Living in this country is agreeing

Every agreement needs to be physically signed and the both parties need to be in their age of consent.

Just being born without your permission does not make you liable to taxation.

i cringe when i read this.

you are right, he can easily move to another country if he wants to. hes passport is ranked 3rd in the world.

So give them bread and circuses?

Move your money to Switzerland

Zuckerbrot und Peitsche

Poland has one ofthe lowest welfare systems.

go freelance, harvest your own crops, collect rainwater, produce your own electricity.

sales tax


I stopped paying income tax. There's some you just can't avoid like sales tax, but I don't mind it.