League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rengar edition



6.17 Patch Notes:

Latest PBE Update:

Best ship

Who has best feet?


third for me

and for the hero we need

>tfw I love Rengar's character and design
>tfw I hate his kit

xth for getting insanely fed

>not the SS Bismarck

Today, it's gonna be different.
I want to go swimming in Pix.

post all your bad player memes

xth for blue-haired girl of many dakka.

I'll go swimming in Lulu then.

Most best ship

Why do people still build Ekko with TF and AD items? Is he still better as tanky deeps rather than AP assassin?

So we root for Japan right?

Is poppy good again yet
Can I play her jungle

xth for rengar mains

When was the last time they released a true, dedicated tank? Zac?

I know there have been supports and bruisers with the tag since, but they were all classified as tank secondaries.

New thread hottie is an old meme

fucking imposters
I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>Sona will never be real

i'm so tired



Tomoka is literally trapped in Gold

He is not an authority you should even consider asking about Poppy

>jinx will never be raped and killed by an angry mob of ork boyz
Why are gods so cruel?


i o k i

i o k i

i o k i

i o k i

life and league hasn't been good for me for so long


>Riot still didn't put other Pentakil band champions to play lightbringer with their dance
>They will never make having entire team play it at once trigger full song as a global
>You will never ace anemy team and then SEVEN THOUSAND SOULS them

I'm mostly just asking anyone willing to answer desu

hi guys let's watch ioki's stream together :)

The fuck would you want that for, you jerk?

Does anyone here still have that screencap of that guy who posted "the last number of my post is how many sluts TL Piglet is fucking tonight" and the last digit of his post was 0?

i just want the eternal rest
hoppefully yorick can make it

Who do I pick against Kennen top that can actually kill him?

>implying you wouldn't masturbate to it because you're a cuck

The autistic faggot who pushed Zac x Riven beyond boundaries.

fun game
from gold 3 with 99 points to gold v with 0
fun game



feel better senpai

Everyone knows that Jinx porn is best when it looks like she's cornered, trapped, and helpless but turns the situation around and reverse-rapes her captors.

I'm not a fucking disgusting troglodyte. Also, it was a joke.

my dog just destroyed my headset


>get the urge to play a specific champion
>queue up with the idea to play them
>get the role I want, 3rd pick
>before I even get to pick the enemy team's first 3 champions hard counter the champion I wanted to play
>pick him anyway
This is becoming silly. It's like the 3rd time. Does Riot have sensors tuned for this kind of shit?

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>play bad
>get demoted
>complain on /lolg/
Git gud.

Should I buy the game on bundle?

Those 3 arcade skins look appealing.

How do i i make dj sonas music play in game?
For some reason I've been getting them constantly for past few days

Orks are agendered plant people, so i think that's a moot point


How many stacks does it get?

i'm not the one playing bad my teammates are
>it is your fault bruh just get better you dindu try enouff
fuck off

Psychosis isn't cute at all. Jinx isn't cute, stop posting her.

already claimed sorry maybe next thread


Saved. Thanks.

>implying mekz and dokz didn't put some extra throbbin' bitz into his boyz.
Stop mucking about ya git

>Me Unga
>Team Bunga
Can't make this shit up.

oh damn how's he gonna get out of this one?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Waifufags are so fucking beta and autismal

It's kind of disgusting these subhumans are breathing my air desu senpai

>people under diamond who bring up rank in arguments

so embarrassing

>Jinx isn't cute
Blasphemy! Heresy! Lies! Treason! Treachery!

I've considered suicide.

youre too late

>enemy laner is an ap assassin
>go banshees second item
>don't die but still deal acceptable damage
have i found the secret


Would health be better than magic resist in the top lane? Most match ups are usually noodle slaps in the early game, and most AP carries end up going mid anyway. I'm thinking of ad reds, health yellows, armor blues, and AD quints.


>banshee not hexdrinker

So as Anivia, should I be doing tear into RoA or just rushing RoA?


Complete newfag, what website are you using to view that? Seems pretty useful, actually.

building hexdrinker on vel'koz would just be weird

Worst meme of all time

You go abyssal

Now, waifuposting I can usually ignore.

But what the fuck are you doing m8.

Tear first so you can stack stacking it early, then RoA.

pretty bad taste in memes there friend
though I prefer molly myself

I mean so is veil second item on vel'koz.

That's not gonna save you against the Ahri who went abyssal 1st item

It's true!

>But what the fuck are you doing m8.
Wasting my time and my life.


Katarina will go 10/0 and blue will surrender at around 23 minute mark

Ahri does piss poor damage without morello, and because she needs her whole rotation of spells to deal decent damage she's going to burn through mana really quickly without it, never go abyssal 1st on her

You know what will, dodging the skillshots

Why not build Negatron Cloak into Abyssal later rather than Banshee's? Seems like an outright defensive second item is overkill and neuters your usefulness

I like doing Lost Chapter and then especially if I snag kills or early gold, grab a Negatron Cloak, finish Morello, and then finish the rest

thanks i came

I wanna go in adventures with shyvana!

I only built it because they had amumu as well, and i did save me from a mummy ulti later on

Feeling that maybe just negatron into giants belt for a rylais might achieve a similar effect though

Fuck no

*I wanna go on adventure in shyvana

How do I play as Gnar against Irelia.




Destroy the enemy nexus

Literally git gud
It's impossible to fuck up

So it begins...

>tank ekko nerfed again in pbe