League of Legends General /lolg/



Other urls found in this thread:


There are roughly 70 days left until season ends.

Are you at the rank you want to be?

>playing bard as """"""support""""""""

4th for the guy in the other thread who replied to me with

>tfw 5'7"

Would cuddle with

Does Jinx usually sit and dream like this? Does she think about her life and where she's going as a person? Of course, I doubt she sees anything she's done as something beyond a girl just having fun, but I do wonder if she ever sits down and thinks. Does she reflect on her life? Does she ever come to the conclusion that she's done nothing productive? Does she think of herself as a fuck-up? I mean, I sometimes think that when it's quiet she sits and dreams. She doesn't have any friends or anyone to talk to. She's not mentally sound. She doesn't have any plans for the future. What does she want most? The pursuit of happiness seems to be a goal, but what is the ultimate goal?

Additional info that OP failed to rush through.



6.17 Patch Notes:

Latest PBE Update:

No, I'm at plat V and need to get to plat IV+50lp in less than a week so I can decay away. Thanks for asking, its really nice to talk to someone about these things. How are you?

goal has been 1 division up from my previous year but ive been getting back into WoW and Legion will be taking even more of my time.

Almost plat though so im glad that im close at least.

Canonically? Causing mayhem and getting more of the super drug that makes her strong. Less canonically you can extrapolate from Ekko's lore that she's also getting back at the system that she feels betrayed by from her childhood or something along those lines.

Are you self-projecting by any chance?

Unranked? yes

but he did post those.

No, I'm currently in Silver V and trying to hit Gold. I've been stuck in Silver IV since like April and just got demoted to Silver V for the sixth time in a row, lel.

>Nocturne buffs on the PBE


Id agree with your choice, but most of the "unranked only" players get so salty so quickly over an unranked, no impact match.

I mean i get that you play only those so you'd like to play your best, but i honestly only ever play normals for off-meta builds, champs-in-lane kinda things. Like viktor bot/tristana mid things. I still do well so dont hate me.

fuck off

true user but you never know when noobies are gonna show up and be a little nervous about using a weird looking URL they've probably never seen before.

>Unspeakable Horror (E) terrify duration increased to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2


wtf is that reddit shit

>she's also getting back at the system that she feels betrayed by from her childhood or something along those lines.
That sounds interesting. At the end of the day she IS an anarchist. An anarchist rebelling against a system that she would say is 'boring' and 'slow'. Jinx probably knew nothing but poverty and hardship growing up the same as Ekko did, but Ekko didn't take out all of his frustrations on an entire city.

I wouldn't think so. I'm just looking at things from a different point of view.


at least I have that going for me when I talk to girls


Why is it so hard to get a forgot password email

Oh, guess it's just me then. I'm depressed.

if you want, post your na.op.gg page and ill give you the best advice i could give from someone who's gone through silver for the past 2 seasons.

I think this season, i got placed in silver 4-5 but i got up to gold 5 in about 25 matches. I always just coast in upper gold-low plat elo but always start off in Silver 5

I already know my biggest problem is playing too many different roles and champs.

well i guess if they're shorter than you. Im a sucker for the shorties, both guys and girls cuz Bi but i usually always meet girls who want taller-than-them guys. Guess most girls dont dig the guys who are shorter than them. Sucks for them lol

Oh, that's too bad. Anything you wanna talk about? I mean, if you're up for talking, that is.

Just fucking kill me.

>tfw 5'6"

at least im diamond v right...?

Just reached gold 5. Pic related.

This was my first ranked season and I went from bronze 5 all the way to gold 5. Very pleased with myself.

On an aside note, can you regift mystery skin boxes?

Meh, I'm fine. Just a mixture of lots of things: can't find a job, skipping college this semester, haven't talked to my friends in months, elo tanking etc. I appreciate it though.

>for the power of the ancient force
>riding on the winds of light
>fighting with both hope and light
>side by side we stand and fall

Why does she look like a qt jap trap with that skin?

you guys might be like "Oh how i wish i was tall"

Hitting your head on doorways, having to slightly slouch almost all the time in certain places/houses, having kids/adults ask you if you play basketball, having them ask how tall you are and then follow up with the previous question. For years and years and years, gets real old real fuckin quick.

I actually counted how many times i got any of those questions from junior to senior year, just for the fuck of it. 386 times is how many i counted. And no this wasnt written down, just a mental tally with a buddy of mine to update to so he could remember for me in case i forgot.

Plus you shorties are cute as fuck

You're welcome. Everyone goes through hard times, man. Just have to keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.

gj and nope.

Looks like you spam Soraka a lot. Tips?

A new thread already exists.

>bronze 5 to gold 5
holy shit user congrats, you just did what almost 60% of the player base cant (which is get out of silver/bronze)

welcome the the other 40% ^_^

If you dont mind, how many normals have you played previously before attempting ranked? And a little advice if you continue in ranked, DO NOT treat them anything more like normal games. If you think of ranked of something more important than any other normal match, you only cockblock yourself from climbing. Just play like yourself and ignore the toxic teammates.

Teammates dont hold you back, if you're meant to climb, you will do so without them.



how does the decay system works?
if it reaches 0 LP will the next decay demote you? To 100 LP? To 100 LP - the decay of your rank?

I have a skin idea

Taric and the Holograms
based on Jem and the Holograms, where the "truly truly truly outrageous" comes from.

video link for the babs who haven't seen the 80s cult classic -- youtube.com/watch?v=B9MqmKXH-sA

His mace can be an electric guitar and he could have like an all 80s neon outfit

yw rito

Lulu is the cutest girl!
Imma give her ALL the cuddles!

fuck you i want to be tall

Thanks for the info, user.

Be cute. Make goat jokes. Mash W on carry when they are getting touched in their nonozone. Try to heal whenever you manage to successfully land a starcall. It keeps you and your adc healthy

As soon as an enemy engages, use your silence zone on top of whoever on your team is getting jumped on. Frequently, this will be you so you will be placing it under yourself a lot. It stops casters and skill-oriented champs from murdering you and when the binding activates you just run away to safety and watch them get pummeled by your teammates. If someone is chasing you, place it underneath or behind you. If timed right, they will walk over it right when it binds and you can get to safety.If you are being chased and have some distance, keep slapping them with Q. It will slow them down, heal you, and speed you up but the second it takes to cast may let them close in and get you.

Mash your ult button when: someone gets really low and they are far away or you are getting jumped on and you are scared you're about to die. Better to slam the global heal button as your last dying breath than to die without contributing at all whatsoever to a teamfight. When in a fight, make yourself annoying. starcall and silence zone and poke them with your autos. A lot of people will change targets to a tasty, noisy soraka and get the pressure off of your adc a little so he can heal from your starcall-enfused heals.

Skill order goes: Heal, Starcall, Starcall, Heal, Silence zone, Ult, then max starcall and heal in that order.

I always go for a zzrots after sightstone. The splitpushing is miraculously useful and the extra speed around towers and armor/resist has saved me a number of times.

Very inspiring, user, thank you. I'm not sure where I can find how many normals I've played total but I've been around since a little ways before the shadow isles event so probably a lot. Profile says I have 575 wins on "classic" if that helps

>afraid of being bullied in soloQ
>just doing arams over and over

>tfw 6'4" skinny as fuck and wish I was a manlet so I could get away with crossdressing outdoors

There is a mute button.

Man hands

>Boxbox can cosplay this to perfection

Those are some very pretty man hands user

No hips or boobs, manly features easily hidden by clothing and accessories

Should I get Darius or Illaoi. Darius overall seems better and easier, but Illaoi is probably banned less.

Illaoi is easy and fun.

Darius is better in more matchups, but Illaoi is more fun.

>Want to try out a champ I am not used to playing
>Try to do my best
>Team never lets me since they rather feed out the ass to a point its unplayable.

This shit happens to often.

ok I'll get akuna matata

Who do I buy, /lolg/? I'm looking for champs to fill my top and jungle pool, because I only play like 5 champs in total for both roles (Gnar, Cho'Gath, Poppy, Vi, Fiddlesticks)

I don't care much for meta or freelo, I just want someone fun. Any recommendations?

Riot is testing the waters for a tranny champion.

as a supp main, every time I get a
I know it's gonna be a loss. why do people play these shit champs?

Jinx is probably the best ADC right now though, you are probably just bad at support.

>Jinx is probably the best ADC right now though
did you remove your tip jinxfag? you cuck you

man every time i get one its a fucking dissaster. does no damage, only lands half his skillshots, gets killed tying to ult
>get ez 3 kills before were 6
>he somehow still does no damage
>enemy team has an ez that for 1 kill
>the guys chunking us
I always end up building damage as a supprt if i get an ezreal on my team because that niggas useless


Here's your secret freelo botlane that you can use to run trains on people in ranked this patch: Tristana/Morgana

Land a sanre, use your e and attack twice, jump in, finish applying e, use your jump reset to damage again, collect double. build like jinx with bf>runaan>ie>rfc. enjoy lads. it's also safe as fuck in case you're feedlords who needs to get carried and scale into lategame.

>arguably tier 0 adc right now, definitely tier 1 if not
>just received a big buff and always floating around tier 2 range
>admittedly shit

you're 1 for 3 there buddy, not looking so hot. git gud?

Nah, shes just really meta right now.

Just wait for the Koreans and sheet

Dude what the fuck as soon as you tell me this i see one on Rush's stream. and she died instantly.

Or you could play Morgana with any other high-damage ADC and do better?

ez is good

jinx is shit

Morgana/Jhin does better damage, adds more utility to the team and you don't have to deal with Trist's laning if you can't force a snare.

I want to breed Lux.

What the fuck is this Jinx is good shit?

Literally not even the best hypercarry with bad laning, both Twitch and Kog are better than her AND on top of that she has bad matchups into all the meta shit.
With the lack of laneswaps in competitive now, you're out of your fucking mind if you think she's going to be top 3, let alone the best.

She got buffed twice over the last few patches retards. People also finally realized how to build her. She's gonna be a dominating force at worlds, screencap this post.

THANK YOU, what a shit champ. More like a CHUMP. People who play him are faggots.

>in a 2v2 lane

>saint streaming

She might be strong but she is still easily killed with any form of cc. Unless you are really that bad and gave her a huge advantage she will always be just okay.

>Killed easily with any form of cc
just like any adc. not even him but do you realize how stupid you sound?

The difference is she has no form of escape so she is easily fucked over if she doesn't win the trade. Just because you stun that Trist or Ez doesn't always mean you will get the kill.

no you retard different adc have different mobility and as such some are more affected than others by CC
a slow / stun are much less useful if the lucian can just dash on the other side of the wall right before it applies

Best girl.
Best breath.
Best wife.

Why can morde shit on mostly any melee champ?

morde's only weakness is he has no gap closers and no innate cc in his kit
if he can get to you though, you're kind of fucked

I love playing morde, he's always been a favorite of mine

genuinely curious user here, why did they make skt renekton instead of skt fiora?
I didn't watch every single match of the s5 world championship, but I remember marin played fiora a LOT, and he did really well with her
is it a case of pawn again, where he played a ton of jayce at worlds but was better known for his talon play in the korean pro scene?

Love getting ganked and getting a double with him

Pretty similar, I think Renek was chosen because Marin was the only one who really played it, and played it as a counter to Fiora.
In multiple cases they like to pick signature champs of the player rather than what they played most in general.

Are you me

because the players choose the champ




I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Do you think rengar will survive his second rework?

Why does riot think an assassin that gains ability resources only during a fight will be usable

No. they're fucking retarded.


Lulu? More like Poopoo

Why is Lucian still below 50% wr