League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sandwiches edition

Current patchnotes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Upcoming stuff: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

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First for bard

Why does no one draw actual anal yordle porn? Stop fucking blue balling me with butt pictures

next time for sure, then, thanks!

I really miss Graves poster and i'm having a terrible week aaaaaaaa

What the fuck happened? Why does no one in ranked play around trying to win and coordinate setting up a team comp that WORKS?

I've fucking had it having nothing but assassin's and squishy damage dealers and nothing but that on my teams. This is horse shit. In S3 and even S4 shit like this wasn't abundant.

>Main a champion
>Mains still play them after nerfs

Not everyone here is a fotm shitter you know.

Remember when Poppy was nerfed into the ground before? Guess what, people still played her. Azir's no different. Thats what happens when a champion has a dedicated fanbase.

Whether or not they are good is irrelevant.

Red side was kog/kat/akali/zilean/khazix.


What was the chat like?

Reminder C9 lost this teamfight


What should I get senpai?
Currently have 1975 essence.

>"coming top"
>Five minutes later I get 3 man tower dove while my Jungler is at wolves

Is the fate of every Top-mane to slowly devolve into Hashinshin?

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.


This kills the mage


what champ/role do you play drunk?

which is your main role? why did you chose that role? in your opinion what is the best champ for that role?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
password is vidya
four slots currently remain

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


universal unique untouched

i dont drink tho

I do too...;w;

Is Jhin poster around?

>Favorite role

I have a good amount of influence and the more interesting champions are there.

>What is the best champion
Statistically? Vlad or Cassiopia at the moment.

Though if you're good you can make any mid-laner work properly.

>mfw I realized how MF's bikini works on the contest pic
Humanity went too far

because i could babysit someone to get win
lulu is best baby sitter

I recently moved to jungle and pretty much any tank with cc is good.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left
Maybe we actually have enough players to launch?

password is vidya

She got her time in the spotlight.

Time for her to go back into the dumpster where she belongs

In my short time playing this game, I've come to realize that team comps don't matter at lower elo. I never intentionally dodge, and I've won with shit like support teemo on my team at gold.
Support. Specifically, Soraka or Sona.
Mid. Because it looked like the most impactful role aside from jungler, but being new I didn't feel I had the game knowledge to do well at it. Viktor in soloq, generalizing all elo levels.

>Enemy team locks in Sion
>Lock in Trundle

teemo skin, definitely the teemo

Jhinposter shows up at the most random times.


Lulu is best baby maker*

Why are you getting dived?

Why are you overstaying?

Do you have brain damage?

how would you do lulu?

>Literally spent a minute typing out a paragraph blaming my Jungler

Oh fuck. It's too late for me.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left

password is vidya

Damn. Was thinking into recruiting him to our husbando bandwagon. N-not like we're replacing him with G-Graves poster o-or anything...;w;

Who are you? Did I wreck your ass in a match? Or did I flame the living shit out of you because you're garbage at the game?

Actually, got that skin twice in the boxes.
But isn't Omega Squad a better skin anyways?

Can you teach me to be as cool and alpha as you? Not trolling.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums IS LIVE ON NA





>the most talented Tristana main in all of lolg on his world famous Tristana

all on bot

Because you have so much sway over every game it's disgusting. Rek'sai

how do twitch whores get any viewership when mfc/other stream sites exist?
Why does it seem that people still spam zed despite him having a fairly shitty winrate?

How many are there?

3, but you need to be loyal to your husbando to join

>Did I wreck you in a meaningless Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums custom match? Did I rage at you in game because you jeopardized my chances of winning said meaningless custom match?
That's all I heard. What's next; going to unironically challenge me to a 1v1?

I want to pick her up, tell her she won't be touching the ground again 'till she's pregnant and proceed to fuck her silly!

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. I hope you all had fun, and I hope you like the final product when we finish up next week!

get that kat skin, you'll be happy forever

I have mastery 7 and still have yet to drop him.

The single greatest trap of all when it comes to climbing while playing Top is that up until you get to competent elos it's usually better to try and ironman out an enemy tower dive since they usually result in a double kill for you.

not in that way "wink wink"

wtf is wrong with her facE??????

>most autistic waifufag for trist in lolg is a girl

How do i lane against illaoi as trynd? I still win games whenever i lane against her but its just my early game is weak as shit compared to hers and I never can duel her. So any trynd players can give me some tips?

any OCEfags on here want to play some normals?

>tfw permabanned and have to find some way to level up a new account while working 40 hrs

Is it time for me to quit my Challenjour dreams?

Can't you just buy a level 30 account?

>Elise flaming Gangplank
>"A summoner has disconnected." (Elise)

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA RESULTS

Greetings, everyone. I am new. (One moment – let me get this spork out of the way.) My name is Katherine, but you can call me the Penguin of Doom. (I’m laughing aloud.) As you can plainly see, my actions have no pattern whatsoever. That is why I have come here. To meet similarly patternless individuals, such as myself.
I am 13 – mature for my age, however! – and I enjoy watching Invader Zim with my girlfriend. (I am bisexual. Please approach this subject maturely.) It is our favorite television show, as it adequately displays stochastic manners of behavior such as we possess.
She behaves without order – of course – but I wish to meet more individuals of her and my kind. As the saying goes, “the more, the merrier.”
Ah, it is to laugh. Anyway, I hope to make many friends here, so please comment freely.
That is simply one of many examples of my random actions. Ha, ha. Fare thee well. I wish you much love and waffles.
Yours truly,
The Penguin of Doom

If you're asking me to post lewds of him I won't. No crops no nothing. /lolg/ aren't furries and I most certainly want to make someone else feel uncomfortable because I love my champion.

Feel free to have human though.

veri clos gam

No, it's been like this since at least the end of season 1. It's just that before, tanks and bruisers were strong but a good adc could still wreck them if they could avoid enough cc.

>Meet one of the best females I've ever met in my entire life on League, but she's no longer in my life now

>It won't happen a second time

I loved Kayla so much even though we only spent a few months together. We literally played video games from morning to night every day between masturbation sessions together. ;_;. The worst part is with the money I have now I could easily go down and see her whenever i wanted but I missed my chance.

This was originally supposed to be a post about league but I just ended up bitching instead. How can I find a top tier gf on this garbage ass game??

I've been doing that for my past 4ish accounts and they get banned easily

>HUGE fucking teamfight breaks out
>we get a quick pick up on cass and start to roll them
>running into the jungle its a huge cluster fuck
>suddenly we start losing
>wtf how are we losing
>ezreal has flashed, blinked and chased from their red all the way over to their wolves and is trying to kill a 100 HP support
>enemy twitch shows up to the fight finally and with no adc to help we end up losing
>ez jumps in after we die and gives him the triple
>next time we see him hes completed his IE and has LW
>ez thinks he did no wrong for literally walking out of a teammate mid row and chasing some useless support

I am BEYOND MAD. You could power the entire fucking multiverse with the amount of heat from my rage.

For what reason though?
I don't have a pic of pasta so imagine one.


IGN: Lulu Butterfly

well that was a clusterfuck

Don't listen to Draven, it's in every aspect to love your husbando. c:

Are you buying ones that were levelled up with bots or something? rip

Try getting an xp/ip boost, my friend got level 30 on his smurf in like 50 games since they lowered the xp requirements

we mean that you have to argue (not that we do anymore) for and love your husbando
no waifus either
lewds are optional

sent ;). In a game now though. I 100% expect you to be a dude though but whatever maybe we could be buddies.

too much dick

mid was pretty stale

thanks shib

>no waifus either

Thats a dumb rule.

Okay cool.

i will end your life

>When you own mom gives you contradicting "arguments" and you're still the bad guy when you point it out

4 months...

Also, season 6 looks like a total fuck up. How the fuck did we even get to this point after how amazing season 5 was?

>How can I find a top tier gf on this garbage ass game??
This might be a bit too crazy, but have you considered going outside to find one?

Anyone here uuhh....wanna play with me?

>Also, season 6 looks like a total fuck up. How the fuck did we even get to this point after how amazing season 5 was?


>Season 5

Key stone masteries are literally the reason for everything thats been happening.

Everything can be traced back to them in one way or another.

That's because we're the waifus

Few things are as comfy as a woman with the same hobbies as you who actually enjoys gaming and will play with you all day. Its honestly better than having an IRL girlfriend anyways. Staying up all night gaming together on skype is fucking awesome dude.

I mean, she was great outside of that but still.

Fuckin' hell I need to make an NA account, this is my only free time of the day to play and it's the dead hours of EU

thanks senpai

I thought they would be more tanned

>Finish DD
>Become Edgelord, lord of the edges

Is Linkin Park mandatory listening when playing Aatrox?

How do you play elise? I think she's fun, but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing.

*teleports behind you*

Somebody please respond