/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

Last thread: /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Entrypoints: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Kernel)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel), 3.55 (Userland)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp Decrypted games: pastebin.com/4gm37Buj

-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade
-SD card access in DS mode is now available. ROM loading is still being worked on. gbatemp.net/threads/413015/

>Wii U
-IOSU allegedly happening, update to 5.5.1 recommended. twitter.com/Mathew_Wi/status/766504663826870272
-Enter under DNS Settings to block updates. twitter.com/NWPlayer123/status/766486134356529152

-TheFlow0 is continuing to update and improve compatibility for Vitamin. bitbucket.org/TheOfficialFloW/vitamin twitter.com/TheFlow0
-The source and a writeup of the stage 2 exploit have been released. blog.xyz.is/2016/vita-netps-ioctl.html
-HENkaku release 4 is out, enables spoofing for PSN access, update blocking, and more. henkaku.xyz
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-A webkit exploit is available on firmware 3.55. github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC

Other urls found in this thread:


Android on PS Vita when?

henkaku means revolution... vita means life... holy shit...

Are Axiom Verge and Darius Burst playable with henkaku?
Did anyone make dumps of these games?

When we get a CFW.

and a kernel exploit

I like you guys

wtf i love my vita now

anyone has a suggested number of hours?

truly causes you to ponder...

11.0 soft downgrade that doesn't require hardmod/another 3ds when?


5 hours?

vita means life?


>puff puff yo yo tetris

I posted before about having trouble with IA/VT not working and every single one I downloaded had the chink semen preinstalled, and as I know that fucks games up? Has anyone actually gotten it to work?

QMCA softbricks the memory card if it fails right?
So using a LAN cable is the best way for good speed and no accidents?

Disgaea 3 and 4 are already available.
I'll try uploading 3 to mega in a few minutes.

I think you should kill yourself /hbg/

I downloaded the torrent on nyaa and it works well

No. Where the hell did you get that idea from?

JP Nepu theme dumps actually when.

allright. ill let it sleep for 5 hours and then see if the I can't save.

if I can then ill let it sleep again but inside the game.



What would happen if some huge system like PS4 got hacked within it's first week? Would they stop selling them?

>tfw still lurking because of Henkaku
Release the source already Yifag.

Errors during CMA can corrupt your memory card

Can I wait until I finish my backlog?

Reposting these

*then see if I can save
I can't type for shit.
the research continues

Yeah I downloaded that and the game loads, but I get a freeze after the title screen.

>Hyperdimansion Neptunia 3


I must be lucky as fuck then.

any chance of an 11.0 software downgrade?

>yfw you found DGH2
Anybody want this? I can reupload it to Mega or something.

shit meant to reply to

w-when ?

but where's 2?

What games are not available yet in freeshop?

Just fucking die already Taikofag

Shure, how playable is it? I tried the attack on titan vita port and that was terrible.

>IA/VT gives a white screen when making a new game.

How the fuck would you get an error though?

soon taikofriend

fuck off memer


So, its not just me.

Is tayko such an awesome game,or why all these faggots want it?

Hmm is Star Fox 64 3D available?

>still no taiko

that I don't know, I haven't downloaded it yet but I can have it in a matter of minutes.

the fuck is that

which game should be dumped to be god of hbg?

good shit

DLC and updates when?


I wish there was a way to just install vpks remotely or something. Storage is so limited on this shit

Taiko and Gundam Breaker 3.


I think he meant DQH2.

Is there a better database for the games other than the pastebin in the OP? It's missing a few.

Also, how easy is it to play Super Heroine Chronicles with no Jap knowledge, only a determination to fist.

>this triggers /k/

>playing Dragon Quest on my Vita
The ultimate comfy. This alone makes himebrew worth it.

That's what I meant, sorry.

mini installer and ftping the rest is the closest to that.

>mfw marvelfags and DOAfags always get BTFO'd after every vitamin update


how come my ftp keeps timing out when im putting on large VPK's

>henkaku means revolution
wew lad

should i wait until vitamin 1.2 dumps to download games??

After installing vpk delete it and back up installed game, now you can download that game whenever you feel like

Dragon quest man
Rare jp game

>transfert large vpks
>by ftp

Where is my Super Meat Boy, Velocity Ultra, Don't Starve, Super Time Force Ultra, Rayman games, Darkest Dungeon, Nuclear Throne, The Swapper, Super Stardust Delta and Spelunky?
Seriously, I imagine one or two of them must have working links even if half don't work yet. I missed out on. Anybody want to hit me up

The fact that anyone would choose to own a Walther triggers me more.

Uppers is the holy grail.

If you have the internet to spare sure.

If you like to risk losing saves/not being able to sure.

I found that Umaru-chan game

>people on discord bitching about how they have to redump everything once 1.2 hits

I don't understand. Everything I've downloaded is running flawlessly. Why would you have to redump games that are working fine?

salty qcmafag

No clue where it comes from man, all i know is i can't play the damn game.

I've got 2 Vitas with different PSN accounts on them. One is 3.60 and all Henkakued. The other I haven't touched in like a year, pre-3.60, and on a different PSN account. I want to get the old one on the same account as the 3.60 one so I can share memory cards, saves, etc. without fuss.

I'm thinking I have to do a 3.60 upgrade with QCMA and then activate the account on that Vita with the Henkaku version spoofing in effect. Is there an easier/safer way?

Enlighten me my man, can i put them on a USB stick or something?

Many games either don't run at all or have a save issue. I'm sorry but your experience is not universal.

He's right though. If the file comes in as a full .vpk rather than a small .vpk+game data. It's faster to just install though qcma.


Nip version of Atelie Sophie here, C2-128 error after/during the first cutscene, haven't gotten around to testing with that chinaman magic yet

>install through qcma

You mean transfer everything and THEN sit through the install.

Send over the skittle as a VPK, install it, and then FTP the data over skipping the traditional "install" step.

>qcmafags deny this and prefer usually doubling their time spent installing

how do i get freeshop

So I should wait until 1.2 to download games? Haven't been really keeping up with the scene.

because if you leave your vita in sleeping for long hours. it won't let you save on some games or corrupt the saves.

im doing a test nowto see if the save glitch happens when you leave your Vita to sleep inside the game. or if it happens even if you press the PS button and let it sleep in live menu

diva X and taiko fucking when?

you can even rename some of the big files in mp4, transfert them with qcma, and move them back to their right folders and extension


So far I've played:

Odin Sphere
Atelier games (Sophie and Rorona)
Disgaea 3 and 4
Seven Pirates
Senran Kagura Estival
Dragon's Crown
Grand Kingdom

And some others I can't remember. Every single one of them hasn't had a single issue. Then again, I only downloaded games other people had already confirmed were working.

Oh, that explains it. I have a PSTV.

If you followed the guide just download it directly from FBI

Just play Jap X, it's the same shit.


Is there a list of games that need chink semen?
Does Katamari need chink semen?
Does P4G or Odin Sphere need it?


>yfw baidu is being a dick on a fast connection

Being throttled sucks

if you really want to play a particular game then get it now if not just wait for redumps

Yes, 1.2 is only needed for games that aren't currently working. Go ahead and download.

Did the guide, so i just open fbi and download it?
Severe hacking noob here

Sophie work with chink semem,tested with chink ver