Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #842: Honkrasho Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/ Sunshine!! >Current Events
JP: UR Mari, SSR Dia | SSR Nico
EN: EliHonk Medfest

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Umi is love.

>EliHonk happened


I don't approve

I like Hanamaru

so do I

I like her sweet smile.

I like her sweet farts.

>tfw she tells you to call her Yohane


Posting best lesbians.

>Mogyutto outfit.
This is a good OP.


Best couple.

>the earthquake took out the marusmellfag that wouldn't shut up about creaming stinkstars and donuts

>a plane will fly into a building and take out the chikafag that won't shut up about Chika and Dia in Twitterspeak

>the rinfag that never shuts up about off-topic shit will be arrested for missing the trash can on CCTV

>/llsifg/ will soon be great again


>still posting dead memes



I miss the mole relocating meme.

Cute 3rd years

Someone is getting jealous over Chika and Riko



Mostly the Youcucks who's mad about being a nice guy cant get them laid.

What does this even mean?

Reppin' Veeky Forums!

You forgot someone.



Youcucks identify with that doormat girl because thats how they usually approach their love interests. They get triggered when she gets cucked in the episode just like they usually get irl and blame it on Chika.


Are you actually this retarded or are you just shitposting?

Im just stating fact, Youcuck.

Just wait for someone to bring back "marunigger" and it's complete.

>they can't just give up
Jesus Honk, how horrifying

ESL-kun I don't know why you're sperging and calling everyone Youcucks but I hope that whatever life issues you may have get solved.


Which raibu is most likely to wear full rick

dlete hsi

Might as well bring back Gangbangruby and diarrhea.

Note that I only called the Youcucks for what they are and nobody else. Good luck to you too, triggered Youcuck.


Can you bring back the mole relocation meme next?


I'll take this over yurifags vs hetfag damage control any day of the week desu.


I met Elicopter in a match once. Too bad I BTFO'd him hahahaha

No such thing as a mole in this franchise

Aqours has 8 members: Ruby, Maru, Yoshiko, Chika, Riko, You, Dia, and Mari

you forgot kanan


And none of them have a nice body. What a shame.

The one that suwawa voices.

You mean Shiitake?

This show is haram

Still not as gay as NozoEli.


Why did they share a futon? It's normal for DiaRuby to do so because they're sisters but anyone else got their own futon.

More bad ratings.

Because they are gay for each other.

Weren't last week's ratings a bit higher? I remember the first option being above 90%.
Looks like forcing ChikaRiko wasn't a good idea.

>using nicodouga instead of youtube or other sites

37k viewers is nothing. Also 2ch/twitter liked this episode.

Why is Riko so shit? She ruined the whole episode.

Where did this meme start again?

Kys Youcuck

Honestly, Dia ruined the episode.

When Karen started ruining the whole episode I think.

is it safe to assume that Maru is aquors' fatty now?

Is it a good time to bring out the marunigger meme yet?

And fatter than Pana and Honk.


She has to carry double the weight.

she's perfat

Because massive tits = fat.

Where's my boy? I need that quick summary recap of this weeks episode. What happens?

Why does Maru get the worst color scheme?
>Yellowish brown
Almost like the colors of pure stink.


Not because she has big tits, but because she vacuums up anything that resembles food whenever she's on screen.

She's a big girl.

what would you do if they agreed but would never be attracted to you?

>nearly 90 % good is a bad rating
fucking japs

rip fatfags

My bbygrl Chika
You're my mikan

Im finna peel off those clothes and succ ya dry

To quote the goat king of pop "i need you honey"

Ilu bae

Best demon sisters.

This is a great roll.
Also, got a second Dancer Kotori UR for 5x blue tickets, so I idolized two URs at once.

>great roll
>no ruby

Where did her bun go?

What's wrong with her face?

>worst girl
>any good
I've already idolized her new SR.

whoops, meant best girl, autocorrect haha

She took it off in that scene it seems.

I stole it.


Help, I think I'm starting to love Dia!


Cause she's a dork.

I love you


>dat chuuni pose
>befriended the best girl in 3rd years in one day