Oldschool RuneScape/Old School RuneScape General - /rs07g/

>Latest news
- New skilling pets released
- Pretty new construction shit
- Everyone's Ring of wealth is buffed
- The horrible new skilling pets unveiled
- Everyone attended some cancer guy's big drop party
- Shitty raids are still shit
- Mega lame game mode LMS Still broken

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Clan Chat: OSG
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>/RS07/ Highscores and XP Tracker

>I haven't played in months, what did I miss?


>Prices & money making

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first for wolfgirls


i love memes

>look up a quest you remember liking
>it's only in rs3


i want to cum in wolf


And even worse
>it's part of a large quest series now that you will never play


nth for Hook is cute.

Reminder to do your kq tasks at kq queen

>while guthix sleeps and ritual of the mahjarrat will never be in osrs

what the fug

post inventory or shopped

Champ sighting number 74

>d chain
>no whip

1-2 Tail of Two Cats
3-4 The Great Brain Robbery
5-6 Forgettable Tale
7-8 Devious Minds
9-0 Hunter to 60


time to buy your battlestaves and herb boxes and check your calquat!

don't tell me what to do


its not 8 pm

What agility level should I get to not want to kill myself doing ME2 and MM2?

Doesn't matter in my experience

What's wrong with this? He probably didnt have 70 attack yet.

I did both with mid 60s. Agility is hardly necessary for mm2 if you choose the tanking route in kruk's dungeon, so I'd recommend doing that before MEP2 for the experience reward. MEP2 wasn't terrible for me either but definitely more of a pain than mm2.

>haven't played in months
>figure I'll get back into the swing of things eventually
>but what if I don't?

i did ME2 with 66 agility and it was pretty easy

whatever level you get full graceful at

Heard game is unplayable without alts soon, get to work before its too late



fuck off loser

sleep snug, smug.

>5 hours of this hell

i feel super duper smug that i got this long before they added perks to it

now you all will know my suffering

I wish the EXP was slightly boosted so this is a little more of an attractive option because trying my hardest to not accidentally click into a wall that'll push me back to the beginning and give me 100 whole agility exp

200k till 91 runecrafting, Really cba


How much for your account?

lookin for at least 150


so 0/10


Best I can do is 400

observe my repeating digits

how the hell did anyone do the tank route? I did agility and went the wrong way at the very end and came face to face with these range/mage monkeys I think that were hitting insanely hard. I actually died and when I forgot to bring a knife to cut the web to get back through and get my stuff and had to tele out and go all the way back again

very nice senpai

>when you accidentally talk in public

also gz please i almost quit the game over this

1-2 Crafting to 70
3-4 The Great Brain Robbery
5-6 Forgettable Tale
7-8 Devious Minds
9-0 Hunter to 60

Why doesn't somebody make a client with all the features of OSbuddy except actually fucking add features every so often?

shut the fucking hell up and fuck off you retarded shit for brains moron fucking idiots need babbies client fucking braindead dipshits hurrr i ned something to tell me whats on the ground bc im too fuckin retarded to right click and expensive items need to be colore purple bc im just stuipid and i also need a special meter by the map bc im such a drooling fuckwad i cant click on combat options to check my spec meter durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

your rage says more than any real words could

are you botting 5 accounts at once

why ?

this is a good meme

feel free to go study java and make your own

What are some good skills to afk while playing legion?

Been doing fishing... might do like ardy darts or something


Back into this game after about a year away. Gonna get membership in like 30 mins. What should i do to start making dank money? Last i played my buddy basically gave me whatever i needed or asked for, hes deployed now so no sugar daddy. Last i remember i was going for karamja elites for noted dhide bank

Shit account might as well start over.

make pies for people

>noted red dhide
>sounds cool
>91 rc for karam elite
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool my rc is staying at 50

go for qp cape. or do mm2 and fight demonic gorillas. get base 70s for cmb

Yea i was gonna work on 75 range and 50 pray for fc then slay to 70 in all cb stats. Yea RC is boring but was planning on that being first 99 anyways cause best cape

Anyone have a guide to setting up AHK?

download ahk then find the scripts online. Copy the script and paste it into a txt document. Change the file extension to .ahk and save. Be sure to include "Esc::Suspend". Pressing esc will pause your script. You can change the hotkey to whatever you want. Double click the file on your desktop to run it. If you want to end it just use your task manager.


that'd be a good kek if this was real and was the same dalek


nice keep up the good work


>osg plebs

lol who cares

Didn't that faggot run away after being bullied lmao


also is uncut zenyte actually worth 10 more mill than shards or is the exhange price wrong?

no one trades them, GE price is wrong

im not rich enough to use blowpipe
whats the next best thing

rune c'bow is perfectly fine

Whats something good to alch if im buying the nats?

wher u see a bot

longbows, dhide bodies, battlestaves

Where were you when the true osrs died?

After grinding legion's launch hardcore I'm feeling pretty burnt out. Just did a pissant light puzzle in the suramar questline and now I'm CRAVING mourning's end. Blizzard can't do light puzzles for shit.

what are the uses of a zammy godsword?

pking, escaping from pkers

Got a fat 18 mill cash stack so what should I buy?
zamorak hasta
bandos chest
dragonfire shield

boots fucking W H E N ?

91 rc is completely worthless desu senpai

shoulda stopped at 86

buy construction

>all these normies only getting rogues now

tfw wife hasn't logged in all day today....

heck off, sauna is mine

how do i not get fucking constantly killed at green drags

every time i go there its teleblock --> ice barrage --> ded

>Too many login attempts

what's an item I can buy a ton of at a minimal alching loss ? (10-20gp or so)

Burst maniacal monkeys

2k total world

alch while runecrafting

cmb & which spot


73 cmb and i sit on the one dragon that spawns close to the south eastern corner of ruins

why can the normal client be closed with one click...


Don't kill green dragons