/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Gnar and Lulu go on adventures in a TV show edition

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Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

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Find a flaw

League of legends is dead

I need a new keyboard lolg, what do you recommend? Quiet mechanical and backlit preferred.

Almost every ADC is better.

Come worlds he will be so pick/ban you will be screaming for nerfs when he is the last ADC untouched since the marksmen update along with Tristana

And you will be seen as the hypocrites you are

I want to BREED _______.

>that evelynn
So beautiful

>not the misadventures of Lulu and Veigar

each and every one of you wonderful silver boys

Who the fuck says Twitch is weak. He's extremely strong right now it's just that one Ashe arrow in the face and he'd dead

Fuck that

Gnar is better

I wanted Lyon to win ;___;

She's not real

No ADC is as fun as Tristana

>get 6 kills top
>decide to leave to help team secure fire drake
>die because ive got triforce only and noone helps me quickly kill them
>team gives them another infernal drake because they lost a 5v2 teamfight while i solo killed 3 of them top

can they just tell you beforehand if you are about to have "one of those games" so you can just afk straight away instead of after your team gives them 3 infernals for free

I want to breed lulu with gnar to make more best yordles.


>Playing Trynda top
>Sneaking more dragons than either of the junglers

lucian and jhin are both way more fun

Preferably "against my will". Obviously I'd want it but I'd pretend to put up a fight.

dragonslayer shyvana WHEN

>6/4/26 Braum
>only an S

Why the fuck is getting an S on support so hard?

FNC fans on suicide watch lul

>that filename


>that filename

Im laughing

im not sure if i should be tilted from that match

i couldnt handle the shit talking afterwards, i get angry when people act all schizo like they cant see reality

>wow i fed 6 kills in lane and you had double my farm but since i won im better than you xdddd
why I typed back i dont even know


All of them.

Except the men that people insist are girls like Illaoi and Talyiah

I had a game like that

A yasuo kept raging at me telling me to "stop feeding" and that I was "the worst ashe he'd ever seen"

Meanwhile he had more deaths than me and was running in to try to 1v4 the enemy team.

You forgot jinx.
Jinx is a little boy


i play on mute all

but some games are just so bad that they need to know just how fucking bad they are

>losing a 5v2 unrionically
>to their fucking support

if their hecarim was fed I would have -maybe- -maybe- understood, but he had cinderhulk only

this is fucking gold 1 we talking about

I want to FUCK Gumi Cat

what happened?

UOL 3-0d them

Is Gumi Cat a girl?

I'm mostly a top player but want to get into mid. Is it any harder? What champs are best for making the adjustment? (Not Yasuo)

Annie , Ahri , Malzahar and you're set

yes its much harder

imagine trading but its deadlier and far more based on champion than skill

then theres the issue of being able to get ganked from like 5 extra places compared to top

Wukong, Kennen, Jayce, Lissandra, Cho'gath, the usual stuff that sees play in both lanes will help you get used to it quicker.

At least, I assume not.

That's what I assume as well, but I don't know.
And I don't think anyone will really know.

different playstyle, minions aggro differently because most of your damage won't come from autos, lane is easier to escape from if ganks happen but is more explosive

you'll have more control over the map with roams due to location but so will your opponent, so lane control is still important, but in a different way

freezing is less important but still relevant, and breaking a freeze is easier

if you choose to play immobile mages mid understand that you will be priority #1 for the enemy jungler if his midlaner has any gank assists whatsoever, if you're something like xerath into ahri/vi expect a tent at all times

anyone simplistic that lets you learn to farm in new matchups and get off roams, annie is the most common recommendation in threads like this, ahri is safe if skillshot dependent, viktor has a very high skill ceiling but you can play like a bitch and farm with E if you want

it just takes a lot of games senpai just like any other game, play it a lot and watch some streams

It doesn't really matter, though.
I only attach myself to names, not to people.

It depends on what kind of top champs you play. If you're a tank only gaylord then you will shit the bed playing mid. If you also play casters or more mechanical picks, you should be fine.

Not sure why you want to transition, but Annie and Viktor are solid and easy champs.

why there is 2 generals


I'll probably play some more games as Annie. There are a few things I've been wondering.

How do I trade in lane? Q does a lot of damage but harassing with it means it's on a much longer cooldown. Should I be aiming to like, Q W AA every time I have my stun up, and just use my Q to farm otherwise?

Ignite seems important but TPing to other lanes with a Tibbers seems too good to pass up too. On that note, movement speed or AP quints? I know the answer is different for different matchups but I only have two rune pages and I need one for if I get an AD top.

I've seen Rod of Ages recommended a lot, but I don't get it. Doesn't that give up a lot of your early game dominance that would let you snowball?

Is that new rocket belt thing worth getting?

Impregnate and run out on
Stalk and masturbate to their trash.

those are some ugly faces


>tfw watched the video of qtpie talking about the s2 worlds
>all the memories of kiwi shitting the bed
>crumbz shitting all the beds of the world
>mfw watching dig being shat on so hard
I miss when competitive was exciting

Seiya looked like he was tired the whole series though

Best girl, best queen of course.

Smochi is nice and motherly but I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. She's a Savage and verbally tears people up.
I don't know if spiderbro can recover.

>have old account
>cant remember email or password
>tried everything

;-; is there any hope?

didn't know she had fangs like that fampai

discord needs to leave

no tits

guys i want to kill myself

i did a test and decided to 1v5 the entire match just to make sure that not having a team would hinder me

i went 9/10, did more damage than the rest of my team combined, more towers, and still didnt have as many deaths as our bot lane

this concerns me deeply and i am on harder tilt than ive ever been


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums na

pw is vidya

Fittest strongest bestest Queen

>People keep forgetting how strong Sejuani and Vi is now. Especially with the Tri change for Vi.


Best midriff

>ending positive in matches
>can't win everyone's lane for them

Maybe just bad luck, but since going back to supporting I've started to climb again. I'll agree with you though. Now that Gragas and Rek'sai are getting nerfed other junglers are getting viable and that's a damn good thing.

I can't believe you never told me to never get on smochi's bad side

maybe youre just an oversensitive pussy

xth for the lolg allstars ranked 5s team, which is currently looking for a d5+ jungler on NA who wants to play with us
add ign swedish on na or reply to this post if you're interested

do i need to tell you not to be an obnoxious weird douchebag?

Are tanky mids like Vlad and Swain any good?

One of these days I need to git gud with Destruction Girl

>why is vlad banned all the time

I thought he was good but I have no fucking idea how to play him.

>Towers should destroy traps if no enemy minions are there.

boy, I miss the old Tower target Ward.

You just rush visage and outdmg the midlaner with your empowered Q.

vlad is going to outtank most people

swain is going to 1v5 pentakill because he pressed r

Farm minions for health.
get spirit Visage
proceed to rape

I didn't do anything but she went absolutely ham on spiderbro and tore him a new asshole

>tfw all active posters are in Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums and nobody is left to post

A nation divided can not stand... or something like that
this is where a lot of the posters are, feel free to join us

results of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

>brand was a babby leaver edition

why does this thread exist if the old one is still active? didn't know it was still up rip

can you post the results on the other thread too?

What the fuck, why?

to shit up the threads, ofc

Can a anyone list the hypercarries for each role?

How do I into Annie mid?

Is Luden's => Rylai / Rabadon => situational item a good build?

How exactly to I pressure / poke the enemy mid with Annie, when her mana pool is extremely small early on?

How much of a meme is Protobelt?


Annie is one of the midlaners I have the LEAST mana troubles on.

Then again I also start Morello's because 100 AP + 20% CDR + Any mana issue you have disappears.

Protobelt is not even close to a meme, any extra mobility on Annie is fucking wonderful.

Also I don't really try to put pressure on the enemy laner very early on. You can farm so safely with your Q that even if they push the wave you can EASILY out-cs them. Once tibbers is up is when you want to put on the pressure.

CDR is pretty bad on Annie though, since you're very much bottlenecked by flash CD.

You'd be surprised.

Tibbers has other uses like taking objectives and you can still stun people without flash up and then tibbers combo them, it's just more situational instead of "whenever the fuck I feel like it".

Also once you get protobelt you have a gapcloser on a 40 second cooldown.

shibs playing without moosh or vice versa is actually saddening

Is Meemo actually viable or just dank?

>not getting CDR on ALL mages
Most CDR items have mana regen on them.

>Be Vel'koz support.
>Get the five man bot lane gank twice.
>Roam to mid while my Kat roams.
>Hold mid forever just by nuking the wave against a 1v2 and 1v3 while she cleans up bot and top over and over.
>Free objectives because my team had an additional mid-laner and theirs just had a Janna.
>Get Rylai and hit everyone with the LAZOR every team fight.
>Reset, reset, reset.

Don't get me wrong... Vel'koz has his weaknesses. Especially against Janna in the laning phase. But getting outpushed even down a level? That's not one of them.

Literally a top pick in soloq for bot and jungle and everyone knows it.

You say what you will about faker, but the mans hair was on point last championship. Will he be able to live up?

So you guys been talking about Reckful lately? Basically you have no excuse to be Bronze anymore, the guy has only been playing for 16 days without any previous moba experience and climbed out of Bronze 3 without queuing in a party, and never blames his teammates, only focuses on his mistakes

lol why is this thread dead?

muh dick

got more of these?