League of Legends General - /lolg/

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Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

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xth for loving your waifu

Lulu is best girl!

Vayne is sleeper cute

I haven't played in a few years, any advice for getting back into things? I left in PreS5 for reference if that helps.

On the off chance that Vayne doesn't abort the fuck out of his children, what will they look like?

don't bother, its shit now.

Bard Buffs when?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums EUW


Does LSI still work? if not whats the replacement for it?

The playerbase in general has gotten better

Just play some normals, learn about the new champs and items
There's a lot to absorb

I finally tried jungling on my new account.
It was a gold elo game, but I did pretty well.
I think ammumu and wukong are pretty strong, anyone care to give some advice on these champs?

Reminder that waifufags and waifu related posts should be expunged and deleted from lolg and real life itself.

Theyre the scum of humanity and waifu posting in general is degenerate pass time. Remember to report and disregard these untermensch.

Fiora is fine though. Post fiora

Hitlora please.

Literally every current multiplayer game is shit in one way or another, it's no big deal.

Lolreplay and lsi merged.
It's pretty good.

Jesus, why don't you kill yourself already?

Aight, I let my little brother play on my account so I own a few of the never champions already, all my mains are different though so I don't have many comfort picks.

amumu runic only

Amumu is W E Q max, usually building cinder, tabis and then banshees if they have AP is pretty damn good.

Not much to say about him, he's just a solid jungle that can be tanky and deal some damage or build more ap bruiser and deal lots of damage

on the off chance you die, can it be a suicide?

I went runic>sunfire>abyssal.
Was the build on champ gg.
What about wukong?
I still need to buy either him or evelynn.

When is the next PBE update, tomorrow? I want to see the new set of skins before I waste my money

buy evelynn instead she's cuter and quite strong right now

>EU shitfest is still going
are either of these teams going to get out of group stage?

Not him but tell me build and how to play.

I got safecracker from a mystery a while back and its gathering dust.


Is your first clear still pure suffering if you don't have a dedicated rune page for her?

Cuteness isn't a stat I'm concerned with on this account.
I already play the cutest champ of all.

>Guy says he's a fill support
>Loses me the easiest lane
>Tell him he's useless
>Entire team turns on me
>It's 30 mins in and we've almost won
>They notice he doesn't have a sightstone
>Only then do they believe me
Alright you solo role monkeys let me tell you an undeniable fact about supports. They are all absolutely terrible until proven otherwise. Anyone that says otherwise is a support player and the supports I've played with from lolg are actually worse than normal.

Both lose the game single handedly if they get invaded early.

Both have really strong ults.

Both have mediocre early clears.

There's quite a lot, the most important thing is pressure and knowing your damage.

watch at least the first 15 minutes of youtube.com/watch?v=Bify4pffPfE

and the beginning of this youtube.com/watch?v=nXbpkuthbLk

yes, but on the plus side nidalee and elise (sortof) can share it

>fill support

as in he got autofilled? of course he's going to be garbage if he never plays the role, why trash talk him?

>tfw you stopped playing this shit game

Feels good being finally free.

Post YFW your region isn't being represented by a team named Unicorns of Love



>mfw NA is being represented by Constantly Losing Games and Turd Shit Manure
Feels good to be EU master race

Because he willingly entered the game with a role he knows he can't play to not only make his ADC's game miserable but also ultimately ruined 40 minute's of his entire team's time with a loss.

We're trying our best. ;_;

I love Lissandra! she's a plush and pure qt who lactates ice cream!

Redheads are for _________

what runes do ya run on trinity tank ekko?.

what the fuck

Harsh measures have to be taken user. Waifu fags shit up every edition. We need camps

Do you not understand what autofill is

It's not the same as fill, if you're in an autofilled queue you can queue up as Jungle/Mid and still get support

If you mean FILL as in one of his two selected roles was fill and then he got support, then sure, that's fucking retarded, but you were specifically asked if he was autofill

>when some random goes full super saiyan

>play with a thresh support
>get a good fight with their mf blitzcrank lane
>almost manage to kill her
>thresh flashes back to our tower with 3/4 hp and ults at nothing
>i get exhausted and die

that's just justice

Holy fuck. EU games are so damn boring

Heavy breeding

It wasn't autofill, he chose fill. And in the scenario that he got autofilled with a game losing role he could have dodged.

Then wtf is autofill?

and queue for 30 more minutes because I'm a god but not good enough to carry him

as red hplvl/armor yellow mr blue armor quint

hp laning vs ap, armor laning vs ad

A bad thresh is worse than useless.

I just play mages myself.

>people are actually bad at support

Do you think Kat wears lacy underwear like that?

How do I draw goo that good?

you get forced to use fill

and Grasp of the undying runes or normal ekko runes (thunderlords)

That doesnt make any sense. Why would you be forced to fill? Are you sure that is a thing?

team wtih most koreans always win

IF there aren't enough players at your "skill level" you're getting autofill

But that's a whore, user. It surely can't be waifu material

D2+ get forced autofill sometimes because finding games was taking way too long.

Ive never seen that before and im D3

Shitty drawfriend here.

any requests, keep it funny.

I believe it's also a thing at the lowest end of bronze 5 too


renekton doing reptile things with shyvana and cassio

I only have sexual ones :/

Not best, but surely the cutest!

tf and graves drinking some alcohol.

Panth and Morgana in a baking contest

>bottom % of players forced to auto fill

Goddamn that is the best thing I've heard all day.

>Play jungle
>Mid and adc have zero idea what to do when I get anywhere near their lanes when I try to gank for them
>Play mid
>Jungle keeps invading and dying, then support dies trying to save him
>Play adc
>Either pentakill solocarry or tickle damage
>Play support
>Have zero control over the game because cc doesn't automatically make team do damage
I refuse to play top because it's all tank carries like ekko or yas

10 minute queues just to get stomped and there's nothing I can do about it because riot does everything they can to prevent solo carrying.
3 years for me, and it's never been this bad.

gragas and jax having a drink.

>implying he needs buffs
Bard's pretty strong right now, if he gets buffs he'll become fotm and no-one wants that

Velkoz Brand and Zyra arguing over dinner

>play jungle
>people call for a gank
>they pushed the enemy under their tower
>go back into jungle
>they get ganked
>it's my fault
I hate this piece of shit game

what if there was a gamemode where you could select a champion and then select their 4 abilities from all champions abilities?
only 1 ult allowed ofc

Just play dota friend :)

On it.

no, you play with fervor now

This pls

stay for the countergank, user

or lane gank

It's normally to be hitting the tank as adc during team fights right? Unless their enemy adc is really out of position and you can flash and hit them?

>50 min game
>2 normal dragons taken


Technically abyss elo has the same problem as challenger just on the other end of the bell curve.

And by abyss, I mean those guys stuck at B5

memecorns would be decent if they actually had a jungler

>EU clown fiesta
fucking shut this shit region down holy shit

Akali holding a smartphone and poking kennen with the charger, and kennen is like fuck off I'm not charging your fucking phone

>it's me vs them because my laner is farming when a fight is right there

hit what ever you can
stay in the back

When the minion wave crashes into tower go in with your laner. It's free gold at that point.

lulu picking her nose


guess that lane is lost, then

gank a different one

you've spoiled my bait BabyRage

adc is to kill the frontline, mid is to kill the backline

I can't imagine the sort of players that occupy such a hell.

Fucking EVERYONE forgets the tattoo like Jesus fucking Christ.