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First for mercy

hana song

Reminder the canon Overwatch writer ships Mercy with Genji. Gets fucked pharmercy, shimadacest and whatever else they were shipped with fags.

Jamison Fawkes!

I just had the dumbest match
>We're starting with the well, not all that bad, could use Zarya ult for free kills
>Some fag insta-locks torb
>I try telling him to get off and be someone more useful but I get told people should play whoever they want
>End up going 1-1 and lose the final point because no one could even stand on the point
>People are upset that I'm calling the torb shit when he hardly contributed to the fight
>Just block the player
I can't stand those who think any hero can be used on KOTH when its only suited for certain heroes and not others

Shimadacest is pretty rare actually
Genyatta is the other big Genji ship

This general is gay as fuck.
but not as bad as other generals

So when shouldnt you play Tracer

Help me out /owg/
Do I buy this shitty game or do I jailbreak my PS3 to play Atelier and shit?

Where's the patch that lets me play dps, tank and healer at the same time so I can get a win rate higher than 18% and escape Gold hell?


>play competitive
>Diamond tier
>every match is 2-2-2 tryhard go meta or go home
>play quick play
>Hanzo-Hanzo-Genji-McCree-Bastion-D.va, on attack


>been playing like shit since the start of Season 2
>duo queue
>win four matches in a row
>third match was on Anubis, as Zarya I managed to survive and get rid of people and defend A long enough, including clutch killing a Genji to stop them contesting
>someone specifically says in chat I did well
>later get PotG
>3 golds and a silver as D.va/Zarya throughout
Feels good to do well for once.

Despite the fact that the canon OW writer ships them, he calls it a "random" ship, so it's still not canon and has no real basis.

You can like a ship and still recognize that it's not canon and likely never will be.

Whats the best way to keep a healslut obedient?

54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6e 6f 74 20 61 20 53 6f 6d 62 72 61 20 63 6c 75 65 2e 20 49 20 61 6d 20 6a 75 73 74 20 62 65 69 6e 67 20 61 73 20 6d 65 61 6e 20 61 73 20 42 6c 69 7a 7a 61 72 64 20 72 69 67 68 74 20 6e 6f 77


When they have 3 tanks.

I got placed at ~2400 and I just want to get to 3k

How do I actually start improving and gitting gud, I usually just play Lucio, Zen, Dva and Soldier/Pharah

I wonder how long it will take for people to realize that Soldier is still really meh if you are not playing him on defence in some map where you get to shoot a lot from high ground to enemies moving on lower elevation

Sure, he is decent pick for example on Gibraltar defence

But don't fucking pick him in KotH

I get the retard logic. "He has sprint so he can get to the point fast!" "He has AoE heal he can drop that inside the point when all allies are gathered there!"

But in action he fucking sucks there


replace dva with zarya or winston as your choice of an off-tank and play dps that dont suck

having your own heal in pub is good honestly
never trust the retards playing mercy/ana/zen, even lucio sometime

Except the fact that he said he wants to explore their love for each other in further media not game where genji shouts her name desperately when she dies. Get fucked. Genji and Mercy is canon.

Give it a week or two.

QP goes back to being okay once some people start getting bored with comp.

Try to avoid playing Lucio if you can aswell, I think supports are still getting screwed over on rank gain

>made a new account
>name myself Harambe
>only play Winston

>low gold, one hanzo main away from silver

Can I just quit?

Let them go without you for a bit, like the Amish with Rumspringa. Let them see the horrors that await them healing random shitter DPSs and Tanks.

Thats when they see how good they had it when they were glued to you. They'll come flying back.

Reminder that the best way to rank up is duo or trio stack with your buddies.
Soloq is lottery
4+ men stack will get you placed against 6 men 2-2-2 meta in 90% of matches.

Spread the wisdom

So we all know that 50 ranks = 1 rank in the old system

So they tried to tell us that they didn't like how volatile the system is/was, but they didn't exactly change anything.

They just increased the numbers and slapped a new label on it.

Anyone that was here for Season 1 and knows what is going on knows what's up.


Is there any reason as to why they've increased the level threshold to 80+ for the 300 competitive points (well, 3000 this season for grandmaster)

Anyone else getting depressed playing this game?

Hug her.

Not really

Maybe in placements it still might but since he has already done that it's fine

I'm going with this theory.

Considering that she knows that Ana's medical records were filed under a Jane Doe, and the hospital was unable to determine who she was, I'm going to assume that Sombra has information on whether or not agents are actually dead. It's her prerogative as to if she makes that information available to living Overwatch agents.


53 57 59 67 62 32 35 73 65 53 42 33 5a 53 42 6b 61 57 52 75 4a 33 51 67 61 47 46 32 5a 53 42 30 62 79 42 33 59 57 6c 30 49 48 56 75 64 47 6c 73 49 47 31 70 5a 43 31 76 59 33 52 76 59 6d 56 79 49 51 3d 3d

That's good to know

Get this game

Help me out pussyfarts

>that smug
Why is she so perfect?

There is no proof of this.

Going in with 6 or 5 isn't an issue so long as you force the random to play lucio.

I find 4 is the magic number. Every once in a while you get the 6stack tryhards, but not nearly as often as you go against other 3 and 4 stacks.

I'd rather take 1 in 20 games versus the top 500 stacks than I would only being able to carry 9 out of 10 games.

I-I don't have friends

What did he mean by this?


Nothing you do matters. It's all luck. You will never escape mmr hell.

They want the gold guns to be more exclusive I guess

Don't really care since they are ugly as fuck anyway

mei and pharah are such fucking bullshit characters

Who else has put hundreds of hours into this game and still doesn't have the trophy for grouping up one single time?

Plus people in the 40's last season got them from simply playing alot

I know Dummy and Seagull but who is the other four?


I meant no, it's not just you.

>complaining about one of the shittiest character in the game
Pharah really need a buff
the new Mei is fine, kind of overpowered but fine

Reminder that Ana abandoned her child to play dead.

mei can be frustrating sure but i fail to see how pharah can possibly be bullshit

she is really straight forward hero and also quite weak. she can do work in some maps if she has a mercy sticking to her 24/7 but thats about it

NiP strategy; the new meta or simply a meme?


Sombras Ultimate Ability was that you could select one person on the enemy team and completely reset their abilities (including their ultimate to 0%)

Who would be fucked the most? Mercy? What if there is no Mercy? Any healer in general?

Why? How many years will I get out of this game?

I dunno, just feels like I'm failing my team over and over again

mei just needs 50 less hp

she's too tanky as-is

>NiP strategy

Some teams are just uncarryable You can't win a 1v6

If there's anything I've learned from comp, it's that carrying yourself up is impossible under any circumstances unless you're way too low to begin with because of shit luck in placements or you genuinely get a lot better at the game

oh god my sides

Reminder that Batman abandoned his city to play dead and fuck a convicted felon

don't think it's anywhere near as uncounterable as the god comp used to be in closed beta

funny thing though btw that seagull's team used that strategy before NiP but they were unsuccesful with it so nobody remembers it

it was also before ana was added, their support trio was lucio mercy zen

3 tank
3 support
No dps

>Went 9-1 S1, 67.
>Went 3-7, low plat, S2.

Reminder for all the frustrated people out there, that this game is entirely luck based and there is nothing you can do. QP is the only way.

Jesus fucking christ... I'm not going to be an asshole and use names but I'm never adding anyone randomly from this general again. I purposely waited a few days to post this so they won't know who they are but they're bad. Really bad. I'm looking up all you fuckers on overbuff for now on before adding anyone. My fault for not doing that already though. Now I need to make excuses to not play with the people I have added since I'm too pussy to just delete them.

who's a not shit dps to play if I'm not super confident playing McCree

(I think) From left to right: milo, gods, pooks, enigma

What the fuck happened to Mei's ult?
It charges so fast now?
I was playing on Volskaya and EVERY time we pushed she had it up. Every single time, I'm not exaggerating.

Do you mostly play Tanks?

>slow as fuck
>half the time shes fucking her own team over
the only thing i'd change if give her icicle some drop at range

10/10 ass would sniff panties

mccree tracer reaper genji

you better get comfortable playing the ree then because he is easily the most cookiecutter "never weak, always either decent or good" dps hero

having a mccree in your team is never outright bad, all the other dps heroes are more situational

It's the self healing giving ult charge thing. I agree her ult charge rate is pretty stupid considering how large the range is now

Right of seagull is milo and to his right is gods. The guy next to dummy is pookz and the guy next to him is enigma.

Rate me, suggest ways on how to improve or just call me names. Idgaf.

it's the same as the self heal charging ultimate update.
It's just that people are better with Mei now and know how to use her resources

>Win game
>Get 25 rank points every time
Kill me.


It's all luck based, and that's what makes it so horrible. QP's no better.

It's a good game ruined by the people you have to play it with

>getting discouraged from placements
all you gotta do is grind your way up

i finished season 1 with 75 rank and i got 2600 out of placements in s2 which was quite disappointing to me

i am now 3300 though, i'm sure i'll get close to my s1 rank in due time

>>tfw no qt Smugberry to hold tight

So lads
I normally perform pretty well as soldier
Gold kills, damage, high accuracy, putting down biotic fields for fights or teammates
However there's one of his main jobs that I just for some reason cannot get a hold of
How the fuck do I get better at shooting pharah's out of the sky? For some reason they just always escape or their buddies always fuck me while I'm trying to focus her
Her and genji are just two heroes I can't shoot at to save my life. Tracers are no problem but these two just avoid everything I throw at them.

which ones and why?

Nope. I pick last and go whatever the team needs.

As such, my season 2 time looks like this.

I just won a ranked game on Eichenwald with a Bastion on my team on attack and defense, one tank and me as the only support, Zenyatta. How?

I want everyone in overwatch to stop fighting and get along, and watch a chill movie together

why not? almost anything can work in this game in uncoordinated pubs

> "we need a healer"
> "you pick it up" - said one of the 3 tanks
> "dude I'll just play symettra on attack" - numbani attack
why do I keep getting paired with retards.

who is the most reddit hero and why is it lucio?

If he couldn't contribute as torb he wasn't going to contribute as anything else anyway.

How do you grind your way out of silver? Please explain to me how I deal with Torbjorn, Symmetra, le Troll Mei, no dps and no healer on attack. Tell me your secrets.


>got ranked at 38 last season
>got so put out about it I messed around and got knocked down to 30
>then towards the end of the season I decided I'd actually try to grind
>got to 42 before succumbing how annoying the grind was

It doesn't sound like the new system for this season is any better though I haven't tried it yet.

>strong sense of morality
>best person in his class
Yeah he's pretty much reddit incarnate

Just do what I did and place in Diamond.