/dbdg/ Dead By Daylight General

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE (embed) (embed)
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6 (embed) (embed)
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.0c)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:



>decide to give the game one last chance
>dodge SWF groups until I finally get a normal group
>level 1 trapper for a ritual
>my mask is clipping through my screen
>can't climb over a ledge because my controller is plugged in
>they all use the infinites
>trap both infinites
>they just break the traps while I'm gone and continue using the infinites

Yeah, no fun to be had here. Fuck the developers, fuck cheating survivors, fuck streamers

The Trapper has a nice ass.

>not playing for pips and points

You don't know how to have fun, man

Adios muchacho

>With all these survivor nerfs
What did they mean by this? No, seriously, I keep seeing all these claims of survivor nerfs, as if the latest patches have been removing all their perks and slowing their speed.
>Patch notes still not the latest patch notes
>No "[X] Edition"

I just copypasted, I'm lazy.


How unfortunate.

>Survivor hides for 2 minutes
>Sprints to door next to hatch
>If you blink and attack they'll just jump into the hatch



>can't hide in closets
>can hide in grass

we need more of this.

That ain't all of it right

the dude only has one other DBD picture, they are both great.

Friendly reminder

Dead game

Jason'll be back. He always comes back. Even in space.

What about Scream kinda killer. Fast movement, special ability is to take the mask off and become a Dwight.

What about a killer clown?

Special ability is to drug downed victims. Obscures vision.

Add ons can make it do other things, worse visuals, fake heart beat, delay healing/sab/repair, or make skill checks all fucked up.

ICP killer.

Sweet justice.
(found on Reddit)

>half of my questions in the Q&A are shitposts directly insulting the devs
>mod goes through and prunes the ones he doesn't like
>leaves all of mine alone



They won't actually read them, the mod will probably prune them later or deliver a final list with your questions carefully ignored. Best case is that the devs go with random number generation and somehow end up on yours.

They only have time to answer important questions like

Lore/Paragraph Question: Since there is an offering called "Vigos Shroud" that has the survivor burning it to start a trial as far away from the killer as possible, with it's description basically telling you that Vigo found a way to manipulate the mist. Are you thinking of making a perk that somehow manipulates the mist? Like within x meters the mist is slightly thicker, or a better chance of getting better items like the toolbox or medkit instead of the annoying and useless (to me mostly) flashlight. There is the perk "No one left behind" which is a perk that speeds up saving and healing survivors after the gates are powered, with the description of another survivor saying in a lost recording that it's simply unbelievable to leave someone behind. So basically the recording taught the current survivors to be altruistic like Clyde (spoiler alert Clyde died each trial trying to save people and the entity had enough of his altruism so Clyde was released, or died, doesn't realy matter), so couldn't the current survivors learn how to manipulate the mist like Vigo did? Thanks for reading this, Dead by Daylight is amazing!

Hahaha holy shit do streamers get mad about face camping

I spent a thousand hours in MSpaint to make a cleaner version for you guys. Turns out the pencil tool w/ the color selector can blend well enough.


Is this the power of prestige 3? Do further levels of prestige improve quality of bloodweb items?

Muh idea for a killer

>Wears gas mask
>Throws bottles of volatile chemicals that when broken create a green gas cloud, needs to fetch them like trapper, but bottles can't be sabo'd
>From survivor perspective, gas cloud is about as thick as thickest fog making it hard to see while in it, about 15-20 yards in every direction from where the bottle breaks, meanwhile killer can see just fine
>Movement in gas cloud is slowed and 5 seconds of gas will damage you
>Gas cloud persists for 30 seconds

Seems like it. Been getting a lot more those aids chains and mori's.

Too toxic for survivor streamers.

The good streamers dont

Hello /dbd/,

Out of these options, what would you use? I've been using Brutal Strength cause it's the only one I see here worth something, but maybe I'm just not understanding something here. Or I was truly fucked on bloodwebs.

Brutal Strength is the best of them there.
Distressing could be useful.
Insidious could be useful.
Spies is god tier but only at higher levels. But it may be okay at rank 1.

Distressing was my second choice cause I figured if I am this unlucky with my webs at least I could get the points to escape this hell.

Here's the next bloodweb. Only thing I'm not getting much of is primer bulbs.

I'm fucking shaking in rage right now, how in the fuck are basic box piles unnavigatable as killer to be able to hit a survivor

>The entity had enough of his altruism so Clyde was released or died
How can you ask a lore question like this while having no understanding of how the lore works


Dead game

I hate survivors so much


Reminder if you're complaining about survivor perks, you're just getting matched against players out of your league. Good billys and nurses dont even know or care what a survivor is running. Consider down ranking to 20 and learning some more.


What am I looking at here

This was actually so fucking cancerous to read

>Trapper is weakest killer
He's the most deadly by the numbers

>Wraith is too powerful
He's the least deadly by the numbers

>Wraith is too fast, make him take three hits instead of two
Wraith moves at the same speed as everyone else

>Wraith should be slowed down!
Even though that was the entire reason they wanted to add a hit

Only good idea this fucker had was to remove teachable perks.

Someone who should be nowhere near game development created a PDF full of suggestions for DBD. At one point he says the trapper (specifically the trapper) should be unable to attack within 32m of the hook

He said it for all of them, forcing any killer to not be able to do anything within THIRTY TWO METERS of a hooked person. What if a generator is nearby? Can other people just go in the hook range and heal to full before letting the person down? Can they just all fix the generator while the killer is forced to stay away? This is actually fucking retarded.

>Hillbilly auto-chainsaw away from the hook to prevent """"camping""""
Any time a survivor main claims that killers are always asking for buffs, just show them this pile of dogshit.


I enjoy the part where he seriously suggests removing outlines for hooked and downed survivors

>walk into Trapper's trap
>he hits me
>rather than struggle out, I just start to struggle and then stop
>he's too retarded to know to just pick up a survivor out of the trap
>he continues to swing at me almost 10 times as I keep struggling
>he kills the game and is mad in chat after

i hate sabotage but i have a ritual SMD dumb trapper

fresh from the crotus prenn assylum

>Triple prestige billy
>That perk combo
>Survivor baby crying

Das it man

You've got your bingo cards ready for tomorrow, right /dbdg/?

plus rusted chain to keep them wounded for the rest of the game

>The Trapper is the weakest survivor, he needs a buff
>We should be able to disarm without him knowing

wh what


Now that the dust has settled - Deerstalker or Nurse's Calling?

How the fuck did I forget to post the link? Enjoy yourselves.


Why not both?

a little bit excessive

i think deerstalker has the most overall effectiveness. with nurse's calling you can see someone being healed but you basically have to put them in your terror radius. that extra 4 meters makes a big difference, because you don't have a constant feed on their location until they're being tapped

that said though, with lots of experimenting i have gotten quite a few jumps on people who are healing with nurse's calling as billy. it's pretty nice, but the jury is still out. i might try using both of them for ultimate survivor control, but i'm not sure if it's worth two slots

Maybe if you're going a tracker build, with messy butcher and stridor or something. Overkill, but may as well.

>They all swarm the hooked guy so I patrol in circles and periodically down them all

Sorry, next time I'll just let you unhook him and heal him. Typical SWF lobby. Map and medkits on all of them.

Literally every game I play I get "Why did you camp?"

Survivors need to stop charging at the hook in groups of 3 if they don't want to get camped.

>Other 3 people somehow get downed at coal tower (that has no traps on it yet) by the time i get to around 90% on first gen.
>Start healing this guy
>Killer comes to pallet
>I let go of mouse button and hit space
>Jake goes to his side and drops pallet
>I get hit for free and then just say fuck it and stop trying.
>Pallets OP
>teammates OP

This is why survivor is harder than killer ranking up wise (At least if you play legit no infinites and such) IMO

>Green Mori some nerd
>Endgame I see he's the lowest level and rank 20

I feel terrible

>feeling bad about survivorcucks

Been there before, another con to hiding survivor levels/ranks.

>survivor fucks broke my hooks
>down them all and let them bleed out
>find the hatch
>hear the moaning of the last survivor near it
>it's by the basement
>hook them
>realize after that they were the only one not sabotaging

Don't worry about it, he was a rank 1 and probably dropped sab due to the point nerf.

I was just in a match with a Dwight player with a bald head. Was that one of those custom things they hand out to let's players?

I guess you got it if you went to PAX.

No idea if you're untouchable while up here. Discovered it during a bot match.


That's farther than a restraining order.

Test it in KYF

I'm getting hook camped super hard (even with the bm of hitting me so team knows, or should, even after i'm struggling) and one of them is just sitting next to me waiting for an opening that will clearly never happen, and the other two are across the map walking/crouch walking still...wtf

Turns out it was his 3rd game as killer, he's gonna go far. Even with all 3 of the others being retarded they still all escaped with only one of them getting hit once.

>Friday the 13th and Last Year are still twelve years away

I don't know how much longer this game can last me.

I don't believe Last Year exist

Meg is a monkey!

>mfw the twitter account is teasing the beta release date for the next kickstarter update
im hype as fuck tbqh

I just can't see this game coming out anytime soon with how little footage they've shown. I'd be shocked if it comes out this year.

Since you've posted that gore picture, I really hope the bodies are persistent for the rest of the match. I really dislike how bodies disappear in DbD because of the sacrifice system. That's not how slashers should work.

>hmm i know, i'll accuse him of drifting!

fucking survivorbabbies man

>Switch to a level 1
>Complain when you die

Such entitlement.

He didn't pip, he didn't have fun, nerf killer pls too hard :c

>Over 20 streams of DbD at 2am CST
>Only ONE is playing killer

Why is every twitch baby a survivor fag?

Killers can't crouch spam

Several reasons.

If you want to play with your friends or Twitch cultists, and it's not a private match that doesn't even feed the grind treadmill, then you need to play as a survivor.

At higher levels of play the game is biased in favour of survivors and popular streamers are usually above average in their play.

As a survivor, the game has tension. As a killer, the game has frustration.

Not much cancerous behaviour is possible as a killer, while survivor supports it in spades.

Can't wait until Friday is out. I can't imagine you can successfully teabag Jason in that game.

You have three other people to blame if things go bad.

But if things go badly as a killer, you have the entire dev team to blame. I'm not shitposting that's what i actually think.

To be fair, if you aren't the first to get hooked, but instead are the last or second last person to die, then it probably was their fault.

>Can't wait until Friday is out. I can't imagine you can successfully teabag Jason in that game.

>Repeated crouch spamming greatly increases the chance of your character falling over

If this isn't a thing, then I will kill the devs

Why do people keep shilling that Friday the 13th game? It looks like fucking garbage.

They're hopeful. The "gameplay" they showed for E3 or whatever looked horrible. Definitely early, rough, alpha shit. They're hopeful because, given time, the game might turn out not that bad. I believe its release date is something like "this year" but no specifics were released and I don't know of any new gameplay or anything in that realm being released.

If it releases this year it might be a heaping pile of shit. If it delays too, that'd be lame.

Judging from what the devs have said it has far more depth than DbD and isn't going to feature the victims as the real monsters.

You believe them?

I don't believe they're making up game mechanics in panels and videos, no.

I don't mean they literally said, "Our game has more depth than Dead by Daylight".