/sbg/ - Starbound General

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Patch 1.10 is out

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Post ships

Anyone got any particularly interesting custom weapons they'd like to share with the class?


Saved a few from here
spawnitem rareshotgun 1 '{"level": 10 ,"rarity":"essential","elementalType":"electric","altAbilityType":"spray","seed":20,"shortdescription":"Crystal Maze","description": "Avian in design, this shotgun appears to be powered by the crystal in the center.","tooltipKind":"base","animationParts": { "barrel": "/items/active/weapons/ranged/shotgun/barrel/5.png??replace;404040=927040;808080=DAC782;606060=BE9F55;343434=BE9F55", "butt": "/items/active/weapons/ranged/shotgun/butt/10.png?replace;404040=927040;808080=DAC782;606060=BE9F55;343434=BE9F55", "middle": "/items/active/weapons/ranged/shotgun/middle/6.png?replace;404040=927040;808080=DAC782;606060=BE9F55;343434=BE9F55"}}'
/spawnitem rarespear 1 '{"level":10,"seed":4,"rarity":"legendary","shortdescription":"Spade","animationPartVariants":{"handle":7},"elementalType":"poison"}'
high noon:
/spawnitem ironrevolver 1 '{"twoHanded":true,"level":10,"rarity":"Legendary","primaryAbility":{"energyUsage":25,"fireTime":0.9},"altAbilityType":"spray","altAbility":{"energyUsage" : 625}}'
/spawnitem ironrevolver 1 '{"twoHanded":true, "tooltipKind" : "base","shortdescription":"Peacekeeper","description": "It\'s high noon somewhere in the universe.","rarity":"essential","level":10,"primaryAbility":{"energyUsage":62,"inaccuracy":0.02},"altAbilityType":"rocketburst","altAbility":{"projectileType":"standardbullet","energyUsage":148.8,"inaccuracy":0.03,"burstCount":6},"animationCustom":{"sounds":{"altFire":["/sfx/gun/revolver2.ogg"]}},"animationParts":{"muzzleFlash": ""}}'

Well, this got out of hand quickly. I need to learn self control.

Looks great user

looks really good tho user!

What it gonna be? some sort of dilapidated control tower?

Thanks, user. I guess it wasn't a waste of time.

No idea yet. But that sounds good. I plan on building a underground bunker beneath it.

nth for dead general

>page 9 again
What would you do without the glorious Miniknog, /sbg/?


when and where do I set up a base? I currently have tons of stupid bullshit pcked into a shipping container and some chests on my tiny ass ship

Preference. Do whatever you want, user.

Yeah, it comes down to what biome you like.
I personally enjoy the bog planets from a mod named Bloated Universe

This guy has been busy since 1.0 hit...



I was going to start on an underwater base but I don't feel like getting caught up in all that tonight. Maybe just some exploring and hunting for inspiration for a while.

This is the first time I've been left speechless.



you you gonna build under your lighthouse?



Underwater bases are pains in the butt to build with constantly removing the water and stuff. I wish you good luck!


>removed ability to press the same button to empty your hands again
Goddamnit stop removing things! This is when you should be ADDING shit, not taking it out.

Fucking hell, chucklefish, how much worse can you get?

To be fair, the default "hide hand item" button has always been the "Z" button. It's still a pointless thing to "fix" though.

Same reason I gave up building underwater on a poison ocean planet. Twice the annoyance.

Good night /sbg/

Isn't it angering that this is pretty much the only sex mod Starbound has? :^)

Sleep tight.

Everyone on this planet, or even this system will be none the wiser that this simple trashed and decaying building is actually a recruitment base for the USCM.

Humanity will rise again from the ashes.

Or something around that silly idea.

>not a secret underground bunker
It's like you didn't read the USCM operations manual.

Nope. Sex mods are shit.

>boot up save file
>everything seems to be in order
>warp to outpost
>warp planetside
>nope it crashes
Well bugger.

user, please. This is just the communications tower. The bunker comes next.

Well, that's good then.

I plan on building a road next to the tower, with a cover in it that leads to a sewer with a hidden door that leads to a USCM bunker.

Not really, theres also a gay burd mod and I've been working on a bunch of lewd content for Zinc's server.

Inspire me to do something with this game.
Or better yet, with my life.

>With this game
Build a gas station on a scorched planet.

>With your life
Put the game down and go outside. Go see a movie or something.

>Build a gas station on a scorched planet.
It will never be able to pump gas. And even if I did set up some elaborate machine for it, the toil of filling the well would always fall to me, because colonists are useless.
Beside, my internet is too shit for multiplayer as oft as not.

>Go outside. Go see a movie or something.
I don't have money yet, and I live in the middle of the woods. No one in this speck of a town knows me, and I doubt I'd like to spend much time with them.

I've been writing and reading recently, but felt like doing something vidja.

Hm. Did they ever make drains have a cooresponding spout item, or are the devs still absolutely useless?

Pretty much absolutely useless, yeah. And they keep fixing things that aren't broken.

I... I didn't mean a real working gas station. I just meant like, a little shop thing. It doesn't have to be functional, just look good. Building stuff can be satisfying in its own way, and you can always show us the pictures.

But to answer your question I think I saw a mod to that effect, something that talked about making waterfalls with the system.

Funfact: If youre playing something that is not human, you should uninstall.

>not wanting to drown visitors in erchius liquid

I mean shit, if you CAN get it to work, by all means make it happen. I just pulled an idea off the top of my head to give you something to do.

>But to answer your question I think I saw a mod to that effect, something that talked about making waterfalls with the system.
Found one that made a spout. Outdated and kills the game now. Going to dig around some more.

Friendly reminder that if you're playing Starbound sans Frackin Universe you're still playing babby mode.


To those Chucklecuck devs lurking here (yes fuckers, I know you do) what the fuck did you do to the USMC bases? It is impressively retarded the decisions you guys make some times. I hope you are planning on improving them and adding them again.

Also, does anybody have that webm of the guy who made a hylotl statue flipping everyone off, fishdick erect, and then he fills the balls with alien liquid? It has been posted probably a year ago

Still tweaking some attack animations.

/spawnitem raredagger 1 '{"level":10,"seed":0,"rarity":"legendary","shortdescription":"Prototype Kunai","inventoryIcon":"/items/throwables/throwingkunai.png","largeImage":"/items/throwables/throwingkunai.png","animationParts":{"handle":"","blade":"/items/throwables/throwingkunai.png"},"elementalType":"poison","primaryAbility":{"stances":{"idle":{"armRotation":0,"weaponRotation":-120,"weaponOffset":[0.6,-0.1],"allowRotate" :true,"allowFlip":true},"windup":{"armRotation":40,"weaponRotation":0,"weaponOffset":[0.6,-0.1],"allowRotate":true,"allowFlip":true},"fire":{"armRotation":-75,"weaponRotation":0,"weaponOffset":[0.6,-0.1],"allowRotate":true,"allowFlip":true}}}}'

/spawnitem rarebroadsword 1 '{"level":10,"seed":0,"rarity":"legendary","shortdescription":"Prototype Katana","inventoryIcon":"/items/active/weapons/bossdrop/soluskatana/soluskatanaicon.png","animationParts":{"handle":"/items/active/weapons/bossdrop/soluskatana/handle.png","blade":""},"elementalType":"fire","primaryAbility":{"stances":{"idle":{"armRotation":-40,"weaponRotation":-10,"twoHanded":true,"allowRotate":true,"allowFlip":true},"cooldownTime":0,"fire1":{"twoHanded":true,"allowRotate":true,"allowFlip":true},"fire2":{"armRotation":70,"weaponRotation":-190,"allowRotate":false,"allowFlip":false},"fire3":{"twoHanded":true,"allowRotate":false,"allowFlip":false}}},"altAbilityType":"travelingslash","altAbility":{"cooldownTime":0,"energyUsage":40,"projectileType":"firespinswoosh"}}'

I'm trying to get a dungeon to spawn in the space above planets, am i doing this right?

RIP ideas. Incompetence is the doom of us all.

And I'm not sure what I'd want a rainwater catchment system for. I don't think any planets rain healing water.

It'd be useful if that fuel conversion plant that one user had was still a possibility, but that mechanic got removed too I think.

I'm going to install the latest version of mysterious stars and do... something.

/spawnitem commonspear 1 '{"level":10,"seed":10,"rarity":"legendary","shortdescription":"SonSon\'s Staff","animationParts":{"handle":"/items/active/weapons/melee/spear/handle/7.png","blade":""},"elementalType":"fire","altAbilityType":"elementalspin"}'

r/trump is that way, user.

you are worst hylotl. you are the hylotl idiot you are the hyotl smell. return to ocean. to our avian cousins you may come our planet. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha , avian we will never forgeve you. fish rascal FUck but fuck asshole hylotl stink avian sqhipere shqipare..fish genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead fish..ahahahahahAVIAN WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget earth.avian we kill the Kluex , hylotl return to your precious sea….hahahahaha idiot hylotl and avian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE FISH FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Novakid+Human+Apex+Floran=kill hylotl…

>mining on a moon
>get loads of liquid fuel
>start jumping back up my 3 wide tube
>stop to get some more fuel
>fuck up the rope to get back in my tube
>ghost suddenly bursts from the bottom of the screen
>mfw it's approaching sanic speeds
>tfw barely got to the surface in time
Fuck all you guys who think wall jump is a shitty tech

>mysterious stars / peculiar planets havent updated
Fuck. Guess I'm using Frackin.

>mfw forgot my face

But how will human escape?

>dumb autist trying to drown some fish

Don't talk to me or my Emperor ever again.

>have to fuck around in a lab for hours to be able to progress

he sacrificed himself for the greater good

He will be remembered.

>sacrificed himself for the greater good
>died trying to drown fish
You're right, the genepool will be better off.

they're frogs, frogs dont breathe water

>Running into the Hive biome for the first time

It's just worms and those weird blade-armed creepy guys. Assuming you shoot everything, it's no worse than any other biome.

>Talking so casually about an area filled with alien egg sacks

user, I walk amidst an almost constant stream of bullet.

>hatches are 5 blocks wide
>lights are 2
Just fucking kill me now

damn, was hoping the broadsword could be changed from fire to frost, but it just poops out a generic item if I try.

Glad I'm not the only one.

This shit all day.

Anyone actually find a Novakid village yet?


Fuck fishing.

You newfags know there are 1-wide lights as well, right

I actually like the cooking system.
I know that most of the buffs (aside from a few meals like the ultimate juice) aren't worth caring about, but it adds some flavour and stuff to do in starbound. You guys always complain that there is not enough to explore, and I know that you're right but I can personally fill this hole at least a bit with the different meals you can cook.

guys,i need want to play some starbound with you

my only question is,is there any vanilla server in which we can play in ?

and if there is no vanila server to play on and i need to install mods,does it actually matters where i download them ?

would something change if i decide to download them on steam instead of nexus ?

in order, no/read the op, no, no

Choo Choo. Anything I could improve, lemme know.

>Anything I could improve, lemme know.
You could improve on your choice of race
You could play hylotl!

got 'em gud

ded thred

Well, it is a dead game.
I kinda wish. Then the modders could take over and just fix everything.

>Want to make a custom weapon
>have never modded anything in my entire life
>unpack assets folder
>look inside
>What in the fuck am I looking at here

Try "ice" instead. Worked fine for me.

Finally made it to steam

More screens incoming when i'll feel less shitty

I'm well aware there are single block wide lights, but sometimes I want to use different lights.


...Question. Does this cause errors if the EBS mod is present? I see you mentioned "any mod that alters body/armor sprites", so I wanted to verify if that was included.

is there a list anywhere of all the weapon types that work with spawnitem?

unnpack your assets

I swear to god this needs to be in the op.
Before asking spawning questions, fucking unpack the assets, its literally /spawnitem [folder name]

I don't think it will give errors but it might overright itself but i don't know what EBS is

I still need to test compatibilities further but for now i haven't seen anything giving errors, only Colourbound made weird things on the avian/harpies

EBS is Enhanced Body Shape.
Essentially it embiggens the smallest chest into something more noticeable. It's sister mod, the EEBS, goes beyond that into the ridiculous territory.

the best is to try, one will replace the other but there won't be any errors i think

I wonder if there's a load order like in skyrim...
if you don't want to try i'll try it myself when i'll be done with what i do

It didn't SEEM to, at least while on-ship or at the outpost, but when I tried beaming down to a planet the game crashed. So I don't know if it's that, or something else. And I can't remember which log file is the one I'm supposed to be looking at.

Change elementalType, not fire1-3.