League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us

Foxiest contest winner!

First for TSM getting out of groups (in first).

1st for ez group

Xth for Annie a cute, CUTE!

QTest QT

is ioki streaming today? pls respond

filling janna with babies!

That's pretty much his identity.

Maybe they could balance it around cancer resets like Highlander.

So I just got my 1st rank 7 as Braum what should I start to get good at next? I enjoy tanky support and thinks like that.

stop advertisin mang I'm curious what the bugger thinks about stormraider's surge though given a double pen page

shit wolf


If you target fioras lunge at the side of an enemy does the lunge proc in a angle?

Leona and Nautilus are pretty good.


I should learn to play Rumble seems like the kind of think I should play. So now i just need to get like 500 more essence.

yfw you have 700,000+ mastery with Irelia


>Ruin enemy laner hard and start roaming and destroying other lanes with the lead
>Feel really bad for ruining my enemy laners game

How do I become heartless to ruining the fun of others?

i NEED a pro photoshopper to edit out MF in this pic. either get rid of her entirely or turn her into globules of thick white substances.

its for a research project.


he plays supp, he runs really cheesy shit like grasp on leona tho so i'd ask hm

Thanks for the help. I'm try out Leona I already started on Nautilus But I have not played him after the buff.

>there are still TSM fans in the current year
lol NA is always irrelevant TSM 0-6
EDG will win worlds

and I also win by sick predictions

though I did not win this one

>come back to gaming after a hiatus on gnu/linux.

YORICK. FUCK. NO. Is he popular now? I fucking hate that cancerous piece of shit. Is he still the same laning against him?

Rank the groups in terms of strength

>be playing top and jungle a lot
>I've been 4th/5th pick for the past 12 games
>fancy playing some Katarina, missed playing her
>queue up mid/top
>get first pick 6 times in a row
>enemy team cc stack

Jesus Christ.

how does Braum's E work against MF's Q or Bard's Q? does the second hit happen if Braum blocks the first hit?


I'm going to just throw this out there, since you're actively losing rank and your predictions, focus, and teamfighting ability are garbage.

Play Annie. Stop playing Karthus, stop playing Azir, play champions that are easy so you don't get shit on because you have no idea what you're doing.

also >Void Staff over rylais in a team comp with no real tanks, only bruisers

He's not aids in lane anymore.

Nobody knows how to build him too so expect feeding from them.

>When Zilean was in the process of his tune up he was going to have a Jayce like field to him that would speed up ally projectiles while slowing the enemy's
>Reading through many of their discarded ideas
So many interesting ideas. Such a waste.

Braum's E breaks all projectiles so ya it blocks them.

it destroys projectile

Nope. He's popular because total rework.

>not using winetricks or that one thing where you use a VM

No wonder you didn't read the patch notes. You're inept! :D

>Is he still the same laning against him?

It's a 50/50. He can no longer spam ghouls willy nilly. Now he has to last hit and spawn them through his Q. Q is an auto reset and heals him for a flat amount of health (like 12-82 health) which is double if he's below 50% the healed amount DOES NOT scale with additional AD. It is a static flat amount. His E is a skill shot, it slows and makes ghouls attack. W is basically a mini J4 ult but it can be destroyed.

Ult summons "Lady of the Mist" and a couple of ghouls. It lasts until it is killed. It can solo-push an entire lane. Any ghouls that die are replaced when a minion dies within range of Her. Also grants Yorick % damage against the same target. Unsure if it works on towers.

Lane phase is a little bit weaker. Sustain wise his mana doesn't drain as much, health sustain is a bit weaker. Split push is phenomenal.

I like skurleton of fat paychecks though


why does riot think that how they nerfed kindred to uselessness is okay

Last I remember installing it with PoL and shit isn't possible. Few monthes ago you'd get MD5 mismatch on every component and the scripts had to be manually updated or some retarded shit. Not the guy, but PCI passthrough is such a fucking hassle as to almost not be worth it.

he is still a lane bully. technically he his bullying is better than old yorick. so if u found old yorick to be cancer before u will still find him just as cancerous if not more so assuming the yorick is good.

rejoice tho, only like 3 mained old yorick. he is pretty much same status as a new champ. no one knows how to play or build him so he will constantly feed.

>Ranged jungler
>With a onhit heal ability,%HP damage and a slow
>can easily run away or ult if in danger

good fucking riddance

>>With a onhit heal ability


Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>play thresh

someonedo this plsss.

Ugh, finally hit Gold. Went from Silver 5 to Gold 5 in 2 weeks by mostly using herbs and spices lady. Darius was 10/1 early game because Shen fed. It felt good doing twice as much damage as anyone on the enemy team.

I did it guys!

>Shyvanaposts for 3 generals
>No replies, or any other shyvana posters on sight
>start getting worried


congrats to both of you desu

why even bother grinding when literally anyone here will boost you if you just pretend to be a girl

its like you dont even want free skins

>mfw I was silver 1 but everything went wrong and dropped to silver 4

>Silver to gold
>2 weeks
What the fuck

Post em

>tfw you want to queue ranked but you just fapped and a little blood came out of your pen0r but the doctor is closed so you are worried and can't really concentrate on the game even though you can't really change anything so actually playing a couple of matches and waiting until the next day is the most viable option

Busy day today

Same. Last season I was stressed because the silver I promos were fucking unfair compared to how hard I carried non-promo games and now I'm struggling to get out of silver V.

Thinking about paying some person to boost me to gold since this season sucked and ranked apparently doesn't matter.

Should I do it? Or keep trying?

I'm Silver 5, 13LP, MMR 1,109 btw

I love Lissandra!

Did ants come out too?

user, either you live on a fucking village in the middle of nowhere or you're just lazy as fuck.
Because blood coming outta ur penis isnt normal

its cheaper to buy a nice skirt and high socks my friend

Sion and Alistar.

You're dumb. Blood comes out of my penis all the time and I'm fine.
It comes out once a month

Keep trying. Just play a damage support and carry your shitter adc.

where the fuck were you when the brewposting epidemic was going on?

Tell me of the streamers playing on the supports, please

How do you deal with tryn in 1v1. I get pissed when I see him picked and then he all ins you with his ult of no counterplay

Stop pushing this meme, friend.


>Play balanced AoE Stun loli
>Master Yi on my team is feeling it
>I stun people and he goes apeshit on them
>Enemy /ff's at 20
>We both get S ranks

Is this what the Yi Zone is like?

but it was just alittle and its like 10:30 pm right now i mean i could go visit a hospital but i am not really sure that it is this urgent like waiting until tomorrow is propably smarter even though bleeding out ur urethra isnt normal its not hurting or anything so it can most likely just wait until the normal doctor is open but its still weird id love to play a couple rounds of lol since i need to climb out of silver soon but literally all i can do is post about my issue on various chans and hope a doctor user maybe reads it since i am kinda lazy and dont really want to wake my mother so we go to the hospital its not really sworth it i think

how the fuck do you kled? He feels shitty without attack speed but needs to build other shit to actually be a threat as well

Congratulations anonymous

>Not just dropping cc on Tryndamere when he ults.

Riot guts most OP champs to uselessness over a period of time.

If you really want to talk unfair though - they're gutting Aurelion Sol for no real reason whatsoever.

How old are you?

What champs beat tanks 1v1? My team ignores them whenever they're alone and I'm not able to take them 1v1 without trading off

user can read AND use the quote function! Color me impressed!


We all know youre lying and thtat you arent a girl

>Always go ham on enemy when you have W and Q up
>Never fight when your W isn't up
That's how you Kled

>mfw i will never be this fucking desperate

Because it's totally not gonna be on cd by the time you fought him to the point of him ulting

iv been playing a lot of OW so i can hit diamond again this season only plat rn 8{

? its true try it for yourself

step 1: make it known you are a female
step 2: "leak" pictures
step 3: have some cuck orbiter vouch for your honor as a woman
step 4: gold 5

enough people will believe the i dont like discord or my mic isnt working for long enough that you can get to your desired elo

Can Jinx play the trombone while riding a unicycle?

>enemy team kled can somehow fight dismounted and live long enough to get his mount back almost instantly
>your kled dies constantly and can never get his mount back when its gone

You should never be alone. A tank should kill a adc if they are by themself. But the one adc that is good at it is Vayne cuz of her sliver bolt.

How fucked is NA?

No, but she can play your meatflute while she rides on mine.

I'm fine with sharing.

>tfw my gf only plays aram with me and just did 10 eve jungle games, got placed in gold 1 and now does not care anymore

get good

ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki ioki

I hand typed that, no copy paste. thats how much i love him

Not at all?

Pick Teemo into him and send the Trynd picker into an endless rage.

If you don't like niche picking Gnar splits the matchup.

Tsm and c9 have a chance

How do you play fiora -correctly-

EU is more fucked

>He thinks CLG can beat ROX and G2
>He thinks TSM can beat RNG and SPY

what is "brewposting"

some mong forced himself because he was too poor to buy a shitty thresh skin so he would spam every thread with his stupid shitty images just like every lobotomized waifu/husbando moron

Splyce is dogshit
They nearly lost to UoL for christ sake.