Materialists: "There is no God because Science has not observed any evidence of him"

>Materialists: "There is no God because Science has not observed any evidence of him"

>A character in a SIMS game: "There is no Player One because I have not observed any evidence of him"

Choose both, fedoras

Materialists are not necessarily empiricists or athiests

Why did this thread got taken off Veeky Forums?

deleted because /sci got their tendies wet

It shpuld be deleted from Veeky Forums too.

Your forced meme is shit

Until anything hints to the existence of a God, what is the point of believing in one?

>inb4 the universe must have been created by an external cause
Yeah, but can you really care about that idea of a God?

I guess the sims is fully representative of reality

holy shit i hate atheism now

as long as you can escape any real thought by taking a metaphor literally

Therefore the logical conclusion is to acquire membership at the local desert cult.

>Player one must exist
Quick, let us mutilate our dicks and kill some infidels!

The correct belief is in fact that we're all one big videogame for a more advanced civilization. It seems awfully presumptuous of you to guess it's a god OP, especially with that metaphor.

Shit analogy is shit and will always be shit. Stop using it.

As usual it comes down to an argument about semantics, completely pointless.

Define god, and define exist.
The outcome depends on what definitions you choose.

Nice argument but unless you're already a Mormon transhumanist it won't support your notion of God

>As if characters in a SIMS game are sentient

Said the tree to the dog...

Which is why I believe in Allah.

If the Sims had our cognitive capabilities, they would quickly figure out the existence of an external player.

Shit thread anyways, I hope this bait gets deleted.

Player One ordered you to throw the baby in the swimming pool and remove the ladder.
You don't want to piss of Player One, last time he erased the entire neighborhood save for one household, and in a couple of generations he'll get bored and turn off the simulation forever.

Oh and if he's really fond of you he'll recreate you in the next installment.

Sure there is a possibility of stuff like we are just in a giant Sims game but that's all it is, a possibility. There is no good argument for this being the case or anything similar so why should we accept the existence of God or Chad the game designer?

Pretty much. The simulation argument has been considered by more rational people obsessed with existential risks and the conclusion was "well, guess we can't really do or know anything about it eh"

>simulation argument

Only after buying the Ikea™ Summer Collection Expansion Pack™ though.

Dude you invested too much into that joke.

>"There is no God because Science has not observed any evidence of him"
>"There is a God because dude it just makes sense tipsfedora.png"

>le universe is a simulation
>just like muh video games
>woah, so matrix bro

You're the fedora

That presupposes the SIMS character lacks any sort of intelligence or inductive reasoning capabilities.

If a SIMS chracter could really observe their world, they would find evidence of a player one. They'd notice sudden objects start to take form in ways that indicate intellgent design and intentionality.

A SIMS could ask its god (the player) to give him a sign, and we could choose to answer it. God never does such things, unless you believe in unverified anecdotes of miracles in the Bible.

Our world is not like a SIMS world. It is a false analogy to compare them in the same statement of logical equivalence.

A SIMS character has lots of evidence of an interfering force.

>Oh hey, a chair has just randomly appeared in my house
>Oh hey, my house is now 10 feet tall