Morally, why is pedophilia considered worse than sex between two minors?

Morally, why is pedophilia considered worse than sex between two minors?

I feel like kids shouldn't be having sex, period

you as a conscious agent are forcing your will upon a naive subject. you have knowledge of its detrimental effects, two minors are simply exploring their respective budding sexualities consensually

Choose one

how in the living shit is this history may I ask? And don't claim pederasty you faggot.

Children are on pedestal because women do not want plenty of children because women want to bend over without consequence

I agree the op is probably pol caliber stupid, but is this not a humane issue he's talking about? This isn't just a history board and there are plenty of threads that don't relate directly to historical topics that don't get pruned.

The only problem about pedo threads is that they are started by pedos, and pedos are generally not worth talking to.

Non breathing swimming is called diving.

Women control men so much through sex that no women nor men care when a woman is a pedophile.
Men love so much to be controlled and told what to do that they do nothing about this.

The first problem is people don't finish sexually maturing until about 15. so if a girl gets pregnant before then there could be health issues.

Second, getting pregnant without any economic independence is dangerous in a society where people are no longer marrying for life and single income households are hard to maintain. So an older person having a relationship with someone who hasn't finished high school is a high risk relationship.

Third, people are sexually competitive, and they will usually latch on to any way they can limit sex competition. Keeping younger, more healthy, or 'fertile' looking teens out of the dating pool makes it easier for older singles to find partners. Or so goes the argument.

Finally, some people don't reach mental maturity until their 20s or even 30s. So starting a family early on could be a risk for those types.

Getting pregnant solves a lot of problem regarding menstruation. But women refuse to get pregnant and they now have only the pills.

I disagree with your second point.

It's cruel to expect people to spend the first 3-5 years of sexual fertility abstaining. Plus it can lead to sexual dysfunctions in the form of masturbation or porn additions. Not to mention it's sort of hard to date if you are constantly dancing around not having sex. Not a very mature point of view, IMO.

Old women who get pregnant whines that their breasts are all flat and that they cannot loose the baby weight and that men are less dedicated to them.
A teen pregnancy permits to avoid all these nightmares.

early Pregnancy permits for women to survive their pregnancy better. their appearance is restored better and faster.
this contributes to the destruction of the ''perfect body'' of thin women as beautiful women since today with the patriarchy is it only the youth thin women who are praised. And they are excessively thin only because they do not get pregnant. A normal women is literally a teen girl after giving birth.

I don't know why the physical side of things is being discussed when it should be obvious to everyone here the primary issues with child sex abuse are emotional.

We aren't talking about underage sex in general, op is trying to make a case for child sex abuse specifically.

>But women refuse to get pregnant and they now have only the pills.
These young women negate their body and cannot be at peace with it. Women think that there is something wrong with their body and they try to hide it through pills.

>>I don't know why the physical side of things is being discussed when it should be obvious to everyone here the primary issues with child sex abuse are emotional.
Yes. THere is an abuse after liberals spend time and money telling ''abused children'' that they have been abused''''. Liberals know that whatever a child is told repeatedly, the child will believe it an take it seriously and develop its personality around this ''major'' event, where it can only be a ''victim''.

But of course, for liberals, there is no abuse when it is a teen girl who manage to feed her desire to be fucked by some teen boy. This is the beauty of ''abuse'' : it does not work when the parties are under the legal age [set by the liberals] to have ''non-abusing sex''

Ahh yes, the classic sex offender tactic of redirecting blame. It's society's fault for the trauma you cause.

Because there is no gross imbalance of power.

But all this suggests minors shouldn't be sleeping with each other, either

>the severe emotional trauma sex abuse survivors experience is all just fabricated by le liberal boogeyman
literally kill yourself and livestream it you sick fuck

Maybe not, but if we agree that a 15 year old cannot consent, a sexual relationship between two young teenagers is decidedly inappropriate

That's pretty much true. All statistics point to any underage sex having significant longterm consequences.

I wish we could discourage it without seeming like religious prudes

Yes, I would decide it is. It's pretty much impossible to stop them though, and I don't think they should be punished for it because they aren't fully culpable.

Sex education is a lot more effective than being religious prudes. Kids nowadays are having way less sex.

There isn't anything wrong with pediphilia

Age of consents are arbitrary and a holdover from dark age puritanical society

citation needed.

plenty of countries in Europe teach their teens the importance of romance and emotional health in sexual relationships. That is much better than the retarded conception you are advocating.

Explain why Muhammad 9 year old wife was mentally sound, showed no signs of an abused child, became the most devout Muslim of his wives and grew up to be an influencing member of the Muslim community?

Oh right because their society didn't push that sex with her 40 something husband was the worst thing imaginable.

If we agree that 15-year-olds cannot consent, then why do we teach it in sex ed? The simple answer is that they obviously have the ability to consent, but in certain situations such as with a much older person, the imbalance of power becomes a mitigating factor in whether that consent really counts.

>Oh right because their society didn't push that sex with her 40 something husband was the worst thing imaginable.
Or because she wasn't actually 9 and that Sunni authors kept making her age younger and younger because Shi'a authors kept claiming she was a whore before she married him.

>the source for the psychological profile of those child is the religious text as dictated by her husband, written a thousand years before child psychology

>the imbalance of power becomes a mitigating factor in whether that consent really counts.
yes exactly. for instance, a men who needs a viagra pill [which induce effects on the heart] is too weak compared to a 15 nympho. this situation advocates for a control of the age of people who want to fuck each other.

Are you seriously asking about someone's mental health from over a thousand years ago? Who's to say she didn't have serious mental issues resulting from being raped by a 50 year old man or whatever? Why the fuck would they write about their prophet mentally scarring his child rape victim?

Just another whiny pedo tactic of demanding outrageous evidence, while refusing to accept all actually existing evidence that proves how much mental harm it causes.

Why do we have drivers ed if the kids can't legally drive?

We educate our kids about plenty of things they aren't really allowed to do at their age.

When a kid starts driver's ed, he's usually at the age when he can legally drive though

No he isnt.

Drivers ed is literally for kids who are too young to drive. If you're 18 you can drive as long as you have a license. If you're under 18 you have to take drivers ed and then you can only drive under a set of circumstances including having an adult in the car.

>you have knowledge of its detrimental effects,

This is an argument in favor of an {adult, child} sexual relationship rather than a {child, child} relationship.

As an adult, you have the knowledge of how to prevent pregnancy by responsibly using contraceptives. Teenagers often don't have the knowledge or discipline to successfully prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Maybe it's different depending on where you live. In CA, you can get a license at 16, the same age most people start driver's ed. You have a permit for 6 months, and after that you can drive alone and enjoy all the privileges of a normal license except for driving after dark and transporting minors without supervision.

If a man initiates rape on a woman and at the beginning of the rape she is not consenting, but after the rape has started and she begins enjoying it and starts consenting, is it still rape?

> romance and emotional health in sexual relationships

That shit is literally not important. What is important is preventing pregnancy to prevent teenage pregnancies and to keep these kids out of poverty.

>mentally sound
>became the most devout Muslim


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protestants were pagans in disguise
the church/spanish crown let ottoman happen
lead to ww's

>tfw I will never experience sex as a child
>tfw I will never lose my virginity at 12

Yes because of intent.

>tfw my only sexual experiences were between 5-11

What if he could be reasonably certain she would enjoy it once intercourse was initiated? Then by definition, his intent was to initiate sex and not rape.

lol. you're such a basic bitch

Very robust argument.

He still intended to engage in nonconsentual sex.

If you steal someone's money to invest it and then give them back twice the amount later, you still stole from them.

Topics not pertaining to History or Humanities will be deleted.

The topic is completely related to humanities. It's a social issue.

Holy Christ you're being serious...

history and humanities

>to prevent pregnancy by responsibly using contraceptives.
only if you think that pregnancy is ''bad''

For adolescents it's pretty firmly considered bad, even in less developed cultures.

ehh not really

Teenage pregnancies is one of the leading causes of poverty

only because you define poverty as anything but providing children for the nation

>>Yes because of intent.
you cannot establish intent unless you read mind

If young women do not like sex, then why do they love to dress like this?
If young men do not like sex, then why do they love to try to be noticed by girl so that they get to fuck them?

Yea, really.

You initiated sex with someone did not consent, you raped them, it doesn't matter where it went. You objectively intended to rape them and hope they were liked being raped enough to consent retroactively, but before that moment, you are objectively raping them.

Intent is an explicit part of law, and it's incredibly easy to prove intent beyond a shadow of a doubt.

You're basically saying motive doesn't matter in law, when it is a basic principle of law.

>tfw missed out on ptp

yeah it's a holdover from a society that regularly fucked 15 year old girls, makes a lot of sense

that girl is a fucking stripper, you numbsack. She's getting paid to dress like that.


Sociology is a humanity

That's a 25-year-old professional stripper

I'd love to fuck her and all that but her booty is kinda flat

Not a great outfit on her

An adult can more easily coerce a minor to do things they don't really want then another minor. I've talked to a few victims of paedophilia and rarely is there a case of rape or such, it's generally that a minor doesn't dare to say no against an authoritarian figure. Minors often experience way more mental scarring from such a things then you might imagine. Two teens shyly trying new things is very much a different thing. Of course sometimes teens, boys mostly, can still coerce girls into doing things they don't want, but in a relation between two minors this is way less common then between a adult and a minor.

if her age ends with teen she's ready for my cream, to be honest