It's a James May wins the challenge against all conventional common sense episode

>it's a James May wins the challenge against all conventional common sense episode

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Those are the best episodes

>It's a Jeremy of all people makes jokes about Americans being fat and stupid episode

>beer gut = fat
lmao just how hurt is your gargantuan American butt, user?

You realize he's even acknowledged himself as fat, right.
>It doesn't count because I'm only fat in this area
Fuck off landwhale.

Top gear used to be so based. British TV didn't have all the PC shit like American TV does.
Not it's just a bunch of cucks

>its a red haird dude episode

>British TV didn't have all the PC shit like American TV does
You're fucking full of shit.

t. Britcuck

Clarkson is a fat bumbling idiot.
That's exactly why he makes jokes about fat bumbling idiots.
When you see an intelligent fit man making fun of fat stupid people, they're a dick. When you see a fat stupid man making fun of fat stupid people it's fun.

Just as said, but I'll elaborate. Of course he calls himself fat: calling yourself something you often belittle is the oldest and easiest get-out-of-jail-free card to play.

Look at his arms. Look at his legs: they're pencils. He doesn't even have an ass. He has little actual body fat.

>it's a James May starts to talk about an interesting topic like old planes or the history of a location before the camera cuts away and we never hear the rest of it

>it's a Hamster sucks Porsche's dick again episode

>jeremys ford GT is broken again

>car alarm audible in distance

>it's another Jeremy is tired because he was woken up at 2am to be informed that his Ford GT was stolen again episode

>it's a purple stripy rugby shirt episode

There are two whole series of this for free on dailymotion.

who /hype/ here?
>May probably decided on the decor

I mean BBC showed Jeremy drinking a gin and tonic and driving when they were going to the north pole and got bitched out about it. Doesn't sound like they're afraid of PC to me.

Don't forget about the Reassembler.

I didn't know about it.

Thank you based user.

The second season he starts talking about the war again.

Is dat sum rcv

James "Uncle Albert" May.

those are the best episodes of any series

>you disappoint me Ramsay

He wasn't driving he was sailing.

What does PC means?

>inb4 Personal Computer

Pringle Clipper

it sands for political correctness gone mad, Stu

>Clarkson looks more like a grandpa than ever
>Hammond grew a goatee
>May lopped his luscious locks into a slick, suave, shorter cut
Hype at 110%

Beer gut is not fat? Shit man what a relief, I had it all wrong.
How have I not seen this before?

>conventional common sense

Given what the typical audience for the show is, their definition of "common sense" is not view of knowledgeable people who know something about cars that wasn't derived from a comedy TV show or videogame.

Premium Cuckold

if all americans looked like this no one would call them fat.

Comfirmed for scholar and gentleman. Also muh nig.

>it's a loosely factually related to cars retard fest episodes
shit i may have summarized the whole series

>it's an "user needs to let people know how much he dislikes something they like" post.
Where did the hamster touch you, user? I know you didn't come here to shitpost, because if you hated top gear so much, you'd just hide the thread.
Did may give you the ol' boarding school biltong bump?
Please tell me, I want to help you get through this

5000 hours in photoshop

i think he's pregnant

i was touched by someone fat with bad teeth but i don't remember which of the 64 million brits it was

i don't even really dislike top gear, it's just entertainment for the masses. from that standpoint it's pretty much perfect. in the same way that call of duty is perfect entertainment for the masses but meh if you're into guns, warfare, or anything like that

That's a VFR400, user.

NC30 iirc, probably wrong though.

Doom is so much better amirite?

My god... 64 million child molesters. No wonder the bbc keeps sweeping sexual chicanery and pedophilia under the rug. It's all so obvious now.

rocket and plasma spam ruined the pvp desu
to make the other weapons as effective you have to double or treble their dpm

as for enmity's wolfenstein 3d is much more sophisticated

Bruh what the fuck

I don't know I only play obscure deep japanese games

it only supports 4 players
and works via the serial com ports
was a massive pain in the ass to set up but once working is solid
we even went so far as to put a telephone in each room and then used the Telecom test codes to make a party line

there was no screen looking and you did not have to tell your opponents where you were
but often monsters were left on so you could infer where people were by following the trail of destruction and noise

His unshakeable love of Porsche is disgusting.

>its a doom lan episode


oh yes i quite like the refinement of the vintage pistol


What the fuck are you on about. There's never been multiplayer in doom OR doom ii. Are you using zandronum?
as I said it was a pain to set up old style configuration

cute i remember doing this back in the 90's with other games

good times

cant belive that shit ran with such low speeds even then.

>dat netcode

modern id shit over carmack era without romero around

>dat kikestarter fail
wheres my demo bitch?

does anyone else find May hard to like sometimes?

James has no engineering or technical background, so when he starts talking about complex things, I find it hard to take him seriously. he's a journalist, not an engineer

Not really. May's behavior and talk show someone who's genuinely enthusiastic about technology, and not just someone who happens to have a lot of theoretical knowledge because of his academic background.

as a wunnabe i dont think engineers make good people persons honestly

its like when you see the engineers on youtube shows and jlg they are just boring people who think on a different level.

Think engineering explained meets a talk show host which is essentially what tg uk was.

it just doesnt work.

>good times
oh hell yes
there is nothing quite like a lan where you can feel the energy of your opponents and hear muffled screams of suffering in the distance

>cant belive that shit ran with such low speeds even then.
alot of what started showing up in houses in the 90s were things in the 80s that were commertal grade computors and network systems that could run small businesses like an entire petorl station
as business speed up and we got the "obsolite" systems and thats really the story of how home computors came to be same goes for cell phones it was parents off loading old work items

old software is ascetic. when there is so little resorce nothing can be done without purpose and running when it is not needed

but speed in the modern sense its like haveing a larger plate with so much extra space for unneccery food
shure you could use this extra power for good or just squander it all and its mostly the latter that happens

>James has no engineering or technical background, so when he starts talking about complex things, I find it hard to take him seriously

I think it's actually a plus. I'm an Engineer who now works in the business side, basically translating between the two sides: explaining technical things to BD/Marketing and BizDev things to Engineers. My teams have people with both technical and non-technical backgrounds, and for what James does (explaining technical concepts to non-technical audiences), non-Engineers are actually better: they understand the audience better and focus on the details that the audience feels are important without getting into the weeds like engineers tend to do.

here is something ill never understand the detail of
I've watched for hours videos of how the parts interact

and when someone asked me how vetch works It did not even occur to me to say that its just two profiles per cam one for getting started and the other for keeping going

>engineers know how things work
lmao, when will this meme die.

an engineer analyzing a machine is no different than a normal intelligent person analyzing a machine.

the only difference is you can ask a mech engineer "will this break" and they have the schooling to run the numbers.
most if not all intelligent people took physics either in school or on their own and the only thing that allows you to know how things work is experience with that specific thing.

>It's an Americans get butthurt and complain about the episode after it airs episode

>it's a government recalls their Ambassador to the UK after some light hearted banter episode

>it's a someone calls Americans butthurt episode

This is the single truest post in this entire thread. Thank you for pointing out something important most people miss: Once you take an expert from their field, they're just as useless as anyone else.

it's his signature look

>why is /tv/ here with there episode thread?

Oh, we're using the "It's a [thing] episode" meme on Veeky Forums now huh?

based shotty
love doom

I want that fucking shirt

As an engineering student, this is too accurate. People ask me questions about their car problems, and all I'll ever do is approach it like any reasonably intelligent person could do.

It's the real-life equivalent of putting forth the effort and googling a computer problem

I like how he said that he has a talent of making both cheap and expensive clothes look bad on him.

>Cheshire May
