League of legends general /lolg/

Cute! couples edition

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1st for breast waifu

>its another Riven goes 0/10 in 15 minutes episode

Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.

life is lonely

Drunk doodle requests? (may or may not pass out before I finish)

Holy shit Illaoi is so fun. Watching all those tentacles smash repeatedly and turn every HP bar into bright red is the most satisfying thing in this game.

Is Diamond V the truest of elo hells? I have literally gotten S from every game but the all the players are so retarded

xth for supports that double as mid laners

What software/websites do people use to analyze their stats and get better?

Kled kicking Taliyah over her wall

still here?

Rec me a balls to the walls support like Leona who gives no shit and dives

Is he the most outdated champ?

His passive needs to be updated so badly. It's one of the worst steroids right now.

>Kill a champion, get 40% attack speed
>Kill a minion, get 20% attack speed
>If you've got the 40% bonus and you kill a minion, it doesn't refresh the attack speed bonus
>Doesn't get the bonus from destroying towers or inhibitors

His passive needs to be changed in such a way it's not completely garbage and relying on too many variables or it needs a complete overhaul because right now, it's the only part of his kit that feels like complete shit.

Guys, I'm unranked and doing my placements, and I'm getting gold+ opponents 80% of the time. Is it pretty normal?


Thx m8, I'm pretty new at this game. Do my stats effect the results of my placements too, or only the number of my wins?

wins and losses only.

I wish they would make his passive into a stronger ruunans after minion kill or everyone other auto after hitting enemy champion.

I feel that would fit into his kit more than the steroid.

>new champ
>looks like a skinny maokai


why is lolg so dead today

>ywn have a beautiful wedding with vladfag



Who is toyz? why does he have so much viewers? 105k+
He was a thing in s2 but why is he so hyped now?

>tfw probably banned soon because I said nigger in chat
hopefully it's a perma

>ywn jam with Pentakill Sona

Bring back old Yorick.

Pic related

Old thread: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-618-notes


Useful links:

I loved old Yorick, but new Yorick is actually more fun, and I consistently get S's with him

What are you doing here Saber

>play support
>enable and get carried by diamond jungler

ok league wasn't so bad after all!

fervor, deathfire, or thunderlords for Miss Fortune?

Being a slut, as always.

breed handholding and cuddling

>Cute! couples edition
>ywn be a cute couple with vladfag

Why haven't I just offed myself yet?

if you do leashed camp -> buff -> buff you will hit 3 off the 2nd buff camp.
you don't even need to do 1 golem, let alone both.

more like part of the unkillable and retarded champ that can 1v3 by being full tank

is reckful wearing his jew cap on stream?

this is fine

I used to frequent and shitpost /fgog/ daily, but then I became a man. Now I shitpost and cry about my team on /lolg/

Is triumph.gg a crock of shit? I go 2/8/17 (out of 20 kills on team) with 280 farm at 35 minutes on Jarvan and says Bronze 5 but the next game is 4/1/8 (out of 17 kills on team) and 210 farm at 29 minutes and says Diamond V.



Kinda looks like eminem

wouldn't be surprised if he's actually being viewbotted, but iirc he recently started a new team/company, so maybe he's relevant again

>wonder how much money I've spent on lol in the year and a half I've been playing

Plat shitter with 60 games 65% winrate MF here.

Thunderlords is a meme.
You don't need more damage, you're a truck.

Deathfire is even worse.

Fervor is ok if you max W second, which you should be doing.

Warlords is best versus tough lanes.
It heals you a ton if you use your passive right in lane and you can outstay any other adc because of it, while still dealing crap ton of damage.

It works so well that you don't need to build a bt later and can just focus more on armor pen and damage, a single Q that hits 2 enemies heals you for 1/3 of your hp when sieging.

If you don't like warlords then stick with fervor.

Theory/wishful thinking: one of the new Star Guardian skins is for Sona, and is at least loosely based on Sayaka from PMMM

triumph.gg is shit. It's not even updated correctly

Who says these? Id bet kindred but I dont recall

Also mystery skins when?

Should I learn Yasuo, or Fiora?

Time to post your top 5 champs and let others judge your taste. For clarification, it's the new Yorick not the old one. Site hasn't updated his list of skins as of now.

star guardian would be too similar to heartseeker, no?

Relentless combine harvester/10

All time most played: Jinx, Mf, Lux, Jhin, Gnar

So can someone explain what Triumph.gg is?

Is it judging your individual performances of games for where you'd be ranked?


I really hope one is for Diana, she needs a good skin and can fit the magical girl theme so well.
Syndra is also a great candidate.

Sona has enough good skins, let the other girls shine.

If the other 2 blue ones are males, then I honestly don't have an idea.
It's not ez and taric since they just got new skins, doubts it's Varus either.

xth for Leona is alpha and gives no fucks about your bullshit

Most played from left to right.

>tfw triumph.gg says I should be plat III or II
And I'm just struggling to get out of Silver I


>new yorick
Opinion invalidated

Oh yeah, and nice taste, though I didn't like old Yorick, but Nautilus, Skarner and Mordekaiser are based.

Exactly, I'm bronze 5 and most of my games are high silver to gold...I even had a plat


Meant new. And how can he even be on your top 5 anyway? He just came out.

4/5. That Yasuo gave me a bad taste in my mouth but other than that, your taste seems decent.

what could I have done better

Some sort of tuxedo mask Talon would be really awesome

shitter indeed

If it serves to alleviate it a bit, apart from feeding a bit when I started out with him I don't fit the Yasuo stereotype at all.

Keep in mind this is old Yorick not new (see: shit) Yorick.


>being alpha in any known Universe

Will suck dick for elo.

Do we really want lux/talon shipping

yes i know i have a good taste

yasuo ruined it

>yfw Riot gives in to reddit and tumbr and releases star guardian skins for male champions
>bonus points for star guardian urgot

>its 11pm and im feeling sleepy
>one win away from promos
Do I do it, bruh?

No. Because then you will want to play your promos.


>star guardian skins teased

the worst part is that i guarantee you at least one will be a memeskin for a male

I doubt anyone can post a worse line up.

Where can I go to make these neat champion collages?

Jungle only

>Yorick basically did not exist for years.
>Nobody but 3 autists played him because he was godawful.
>Finally gets reworked
>Everyone is in a fit because he got changed and he's not the spechul snowflek anymore.

Every fuckin time.

I'm not into chicks, bro.

if you're getting gold + opponents and keep winning, you'll place gold

just win/loss, the order of winning/losing is good too

Newfag detected

??i don't understand?

In no particular order

Cancer as fuck and a waifufag.

you can relax user and show your true colours
a true alpha has no intrest in making you feel inferior, only loved

ey bby girl u single n' qt?

I'm not a regular on Veeky Forums, yes

So whats a good criteria for this skin set? >Demacians?
Vayne. Taric Maybe?

>Relevant to the sky/stars?
Leona, Diana, Aurelion sol

Makes anime poses when transforming?
Taric and Vayne pose during their dances

Tbh I could barely even think of 5 that I still play, I'm pretty much just an Akali autist with an occasional AD game.

I loved old Yorick, and I love new Yorick. I just love Yorick in general


Faceless - EUW
Pls help me get out of this swamp, I don't want to have feeder in every game