Since I have taken my car theory test I have become unnaturally engrossed in road signs

Since I have taken my car theory test I have become unnaturally engrossed in road signs.

What would you say is your favourite road sign, Veeky Forums? Mine is this one, as it looks like a robot standing tall and proud.

Pic related, as I like to see if they're chickenshits or not.


Fun ahead

I like that one because it reminds me of a really nice album.


Best sign you can see while driving the US.


don't be like the guy that has a fetish for kitchen tiles

Only acceptable answer

The best

>It's recommended you take this going 20
>and this one at 15...

>Blow through both at 50

I don't get them.

woooo yeah looks fun woooo hahah

woaaaaaaahhhhh hahah ease off the accelerator!!!

oh dear looks like we're in a spot of trouble here mates

>Australian detected
Still laughed

This, although it's only fun in Germany.

But how?

When I was a small kid, I loved to look for the differences of road signs whenever I was in a different country with my parents

pic related. top signs are german, bottom signs are czech





Yield signs in Colorado because sometimes they mean
>you have 1000' merge lane keep going
And others
>you're 1' from cross traffic, better full stop
Without any variation





haven't seen this one yet


Thius, polish express roads rules

I have. It's worrying, especially when you can see track-shaped dents in the road surface.

That basically means 'fucking floor it'. Especially when coming out of 'smart motorway' shit.

I am rather partial to the aesthetic of the 'rocks fall everyone dies' sign.

Outta my way niggas

I hope you all keep a copy at hand Veeky Forums

Are you autistic?

but I know my road signs

Are you not?

Traffic signs don't get my dick hard, no.

>evel knievil over cars with caution

>[incoherent screams of rage]



>Hello M8