Does love exist? If it does, why is it that in a city of 2.6 million, not a single girl will even speak to me...

Does love exist? If it does, why is it that in a city of 2.6 million, not a single girl will even speak to me? And if I have to do something to make them notice me like lifting weights or making more money, does that mean love doesn't exist?

you have to actually go up and talk to them user

What if you don't have anything to talk about because you're boring as fuck?

Love exists. That has nothing to do with girls talking to you. You don't need money or muscles but you do need interesting qualities and a good personality.

Do this: talk to every person you encounter. Make conversation with grocery checkers, baristas, and your neighbors. Talking with girls will follow.

Also, this is not /adv/.

Because you're an entitled little shit that thinks he deserves love.

No one deserves anything in this world, no one.

you just wing it

it's not like normalfags have anything thoughtful to say

Then stop using the limitless potential if the web to shitpost and read some interesting shit to discuss motherfucker

Don't fall for the meme, either everyone is normal or no one is user.

Answered in the first post. Girls don't talk to you because you aren't coming to them. Make sure you follow and don't give up.


You're lonely cause your an autist.

Either your afraid of opening up to people, or you're too dump to pick up social cues. It could be a mix of both.

What type of women are you into? Chances are, you're going to need to lower your standards, virgins always have high standards.

only women know how to love:

love of men towards women = love of women towards children = utopian unconditional love

love of men towards children = love of women towards men = utility towards more pleasures and less pains.

>>lower your standards
Don't listen to this faggot OP. There's nothing worse then fucking fat chicks.

provide for a woman, like a 40 yo divorcee. you know that this is your worth

It does, but not I'm the heavily romanticized way you view it.

All those books and stories about true unconditional love has corrupted people's views on love. Men now falsely believe women love in the same way as men, and women falsely buy in those Disney Princess forms of love.


Love is a biochemical reaction in the brain for women to choose high status males and for men to choose young attractive mates. So yes it exists.

Real love comes from knowing a person first and genuinely liking them. It has to happen naturally. And to increase your chances, you have to make an effort to communicate.

Have you tried approaching women as other people that you can befriend and build relationships with that are not necessarily romantic or sexual in nature, then seeing where those relationships ultimately ends up, rather than as potential partners from the outset?

What's so goddamn hard about this?

Because some retards can't stand anykind of relitionship with real people.

I'm in love and I know other people who are in love, so yes.