League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Shes best waifu
Shes also a pure plush qt who lactates ice cream!

First for nothing

1st for me

Leagues Biggest Bust!

Does this mean she has no sexual drive? I do not know enough female biology .

Worst lore
Worse voice lines
Worst gameplay

Now watch as Jhinfags go nuclear for 750 posts straight.


Which adc should I buy next?
I have to choose from this list:
Vayne, Lucian, Draven, Ezreal, Kalista, Twitchand Kog Maw

>Guy hovers Varus mid
>3 of teammates, including me, voice displeasure about this
>Ask him politely not to shitpick double ad
>No reply
>Guy above me bans it
>"wtf man"

Is Draven fun?
Is he good?
If the answer is yes, How do i play him.

Fiora is so fun, I haven't tried her since pre-rework when I went 32/4 and nearly killed the enemy nexus solo while my whole team was farming jungle creeps. Back when I was in bronze

Granted, the guy i just had was against a Tryn and a all AD team so getting Radniuns meant I was able to tank everything. Now if I could only get good with her

I'd go ezreal

It just means she cant get pregnant

>mfw people say dominant, mildly angry Pentakill Sona isn't best Sona

all of your waifu's are shit all waifuposts below and above this post are meaningless get help

>That guy who uses "It's just a normal" to justify literally everything

Bait's too weak to take.

I'm playing Twitch right now and he's surprisingly fun. Laning phase is kinda shit though. Just don't get Vayne, Kalista, or Kog'Maw. Lucian is a solid and fun pick, too.

>playing like a retard in ranked
>called out
This is why we need public exectuion

That's because Classic Sona is the best


The bait was taken the previous thread, I'm just laughing at it.

But it's a fucking normal. Who cares.

She can't get pregnant period. She's infertile.

Singed's gas really fucked up her body.

I am saying this unironically the first time in my entire life and actually mean it.
kill yourself.

This is the common issue between the people who want to win and the people who play ranked but don't really give a shit about winning. Try hards vs casuals. It never fucking stops either, I used to hope there'd be less of them as I got higher up the ladder, but no. It is not so.


reminder to ALWAYS KILL SECURE no matter how much your adc bitches about this "Kill steal" nonsense

Which Sona is the most smug?

>arcade sona will never beat you in video games with a winning smug expression in her face

>Be jungle
>Our mid is coming from base
>Grab a couple creeps from under his tower that were about to die
>"i fking quit"

Seriously nigger.

>ywn cradle vladfag in your arms

Why continue living?

Post the cutest and best champion in league! Bard!

>playing against yasuo and cassi
>oh sorry you wanted to flash? nope
>oh sry u wanted to deal damage from distance? nopt
>oh u got knocked up? how about sec more?

>it's a top, mid and jungle (you) do fairly good but your botlane feeds 20 kills at the 20 minute mark and you end up losing episode

baron is just retarded

it guarantees that team with the least amount of retards will always, 100 %, win

because you can't win against baron

it's not possible

baron is cancer.

good thing you decided to roam, gank, and TP bot since you were winning and controlling your lane. Man, that must really suck. There's just no way at all that a mid, top, or jungle could ever help bot lane. Just absolutely impossible.

Don't you mean

> baron is just retarded
You're of those guys that spam pings on baron when the enemy teams dies don't you

Lulu is a cockslut and not even a nice looking one at that. How much of a fucking failure at life must you be to be an ugly whore with no redeemable qualities? Oh she's too stupid to let us know good.

>You can't carry as support they said
>You're too reliant on your adc they said
You just gotta pick an assertive support and win the lane on your own, not some healcuck bullshit that relies on your mongoloid ADC.


you can, just don't fight in the middle of like a triple super minion baron wave
Unless it's at Nexus towers then it's do or die time.
Personally I think it's duration should be reduced.
Elder is super strong but you have to make use of it quickly.
Barons like ok everyone recall and start pushing waves back from our inhib don't worry plenty of time to siege and let 4 individual cannons chip turrets down

Tristana is best girl


Any girl in particular?

Post Sion


You find yourself running on a trail, in some dark woods you aren't too familiar with. The stomping of heavy boots and scraping of branches against metal are all you hear from behind you and all you can see is your breath in the freezing night air. You keep running, ignoring the screams of your muscles and the pain in your chest that want you to stop

Eventually the crunch of dirt and sticks turns into the echoes of stone, you've found yourself in some sort of cave. Continuing to run, you end up smashing into a wall. Nothing left to do but turn and face your pursuer, and you get a glimpse of the woman. She's equiped in a gorgeous suit of golden armor, glistening as though she was the sun itself. Illuminating the cave around you - and the exit to the left of her you stupidly ran past. She walks up towards you, raising her sword in the air

"All right, that's enough" she says in a warm voice as she sets it aside. "You did well, you'll make a fine member of the Ra-Horak. Come on I'll show you the way back to the temple, just don't walk into anything again

I'm going to keep posting this you degenerate

>ywn come back home to Tristana posing seductively for you

Just let it all end.

Daily reminder to stay motivated in your life!


you are actually the most disgusting breed of faggot and it has nothing to do with your choice in epic edgy porn

stop trying to force yourself its just obnoxious


I would gladly pay whatever absurd some of money would be necessary to watch lulu get disemboweled and force-fed her own putrid guts.

I despise you literal subhuman trashes more than anything i've had the displeasure of seeing on the internet. Some consider lissfag to be the supreme autist of this general, but I consider you lulufuckers to be the supreme autists of this board. Fuck you all.


How goes the climb /lolg/?

I never started it


this desu
I don't think I've played a ranked game in something like 7 months

>caring about normals
Imagine a picture with a man with a absurdly twisted head and a very big grin.

would likely to lick her feet tbqh famalam

I need people to play with and in voice chat. Playing with randos gives me uncontrollable, rampant cancer.

lol okay

keep posting then

>make a character with no mobility, no CC, no utility, no range, and no siege potential
>make a character who's only damage
>don't make his damage particularly high relative to champions with other qualities

Why is Mordekaiser such a mess bros?

I played with a morde adc the other day, it went terribly. He ended up being something like 2/18

Pretty good, I'm in promos for D4 right now.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums when

>no siege potential
>no siege potential


Gift me the frejilord taliyah skin and I'll write you two 500+ word gurosmut fics featuring champions of your choice, I'm open for negotiation on the number of fics, or word count

>I played with a top laner as my adc the other day, it went terribly

well, yeah.

>0-13 in 40min
i hope you die in a fire

How did Sion fight when he was alive? He's like twelve feet tall, wields an equally massive axe heavy enough to cause a miniature earthquake when it hits the ground, and runs a billion miles an hour with an unstoppable charge that, when finally ends, leaves a fucking explosion. His design is almost like it was taken out of a cheap fantasy novel.

>Mordekaiser's presence in a game artificially inflates how contested dragons are, and since Mordekaiser is strongest only after he's killed the dragon it's harder for your team to win dragon teamfights

Darius swings around a 104 pound axe with one hand. Everything in league is like a cheap fantasy novel

>"How did Sion fight when he was alive?"
>Proceeds to list every singe thing that would make everyone crap their pants at the thought of fighting Sion.

Geez user, how do you think?


I don't know. I was just typing it out as the thoughts came along. My bad, user.

Getting those 3k essence needed for an ultimate skin feels anything but.

t. shitters who play normals tilted and ruin games for others when they lose 4 games in a row in ranked

grow some nuts shitters

i can disenchant my other shards, but they're all pretty good
>corporate mundo
>project leona
>heartseeker ori
>matador alistar

>you will never take young shyvana to your home to gently raise,protect and take care of her

colored version when?

>haven't played in forever
>decide to play
>teamate doesn't notice he's being ganked by 4 people
>use danger ping 2 times and walk back
>he doesn't
>flames me saying "OMG WE COULD WIN THIS!!!11"
>keeps flaming me
>mute him
>he refuses to join team (probably still raging like a fucking nerd cuz of his mistake & thinks it's everyone elses fault

So nothing has changed huh? still the cesspool of the internet :^) nice.

there is a 0% chance of one filling on NA until later in the day for worst coasties to get on

it's gotten worse recently

But user, the skin sales! I can't afford to save all of this money!

Used to be a Diamond Annie otp in S5

Haven't played S6, but watching streams and with all the item changes and shit I don't think I wanna play Annie

What otp to play guise

>he cares about normals
>he gets tilted online by people not caring about normals
Get a load of this guy.

There is nothing wrong with a champion that puts a focus on certain objectives.

Annie feels largely the same, only her tibbers is a hell of a lot better now. Itemization changes on annie allows her to deal just as much damage as she used to while shredding tanks at the same time.

>(You) win the lane, but everyone else loses theirs
> plot twist, you're the jungler

Cassiopeia, Anivia
What's wrong with otping Annie not like she's bad right now

Also protobelt exists, so you can flash ulti without flashing.

The entire point of ranked is that it's supposed to be about winning and going up ranks. Ya know, it's why it's called RANKED.

I literally just specified why it's a problem.
>it's just a game chill out nerd

>Protobelt is teased
>Everyone loses their mind because they think it will magically make annie overpowered

>Go gank bot
>They both die as I'm getting there
>Go gank mid
>Get him fb
>Go gank bot
>They go in way before I'm close and scare them off
>Recall, gank top
>Get him kill
>Bot gets doubled
>Gank mid
>Get him kill
>Bot get doubled
>Go gank bot
>ADC takes two tower shots and dies
>"bg jungler never ganks"

It was gonna make her overpowered.

And then they nerfed Annie.

Protobelt is still the coolest shit.
Like the amount of damage you can do with it is crazy.

>casuals in ranked
>as you go up the ladder
M8, you have a problem. that or you're going up from bronze IV to bronze III, which is an even bigger problem

>Everyone feeeds their asses off, but their comp has no tank, so your Wu, Anivia,TK, Vayne and Irelia win vs a fed Riven, Jinx, Vi, Soraka and Diana.