League of Legends General - /lolg/

Tradition is the corpse of wisdom edition



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xth for best girl!

>Zed OP thread

I'm fine with this. I wonder why /lolg/ doesn't really like him that much

>tfw eagerly anticipated Mordekaiser's VU
>no more pizza feet
>no more grey blob man
>actually cool looking mace and an colour scheme that matches the rest of the shadow Isles champs

42 days isn't considered a lot of playtime...


Sejuani is the cutest girl in the entire League!

Because he's Pantheon in lane but falls off after 30 minutes into a wave-clear machine.

Also his """""""Mains"""""""" are terrifying because they'll lose you the game. An actual Zed main is rare as fuck and by god they are scary.

I like Zed alot but even I feel pressure when laning against him.

Zed's pretty great. But so many people are butthurt by the champ that he's just become taboo at this point. Its impossible to like the champ without being considered edgy or being associated with the leaver/flamer/trolling/feeding/ crowd. Same for yasuo, same for riven, same for vayne etc etc.

I love Lissandra!
I'm sorry,
who are you'????
if you like being wrong, then yes, she's the cutest girl

I'm generally fine when playing with or against zed/yasuo as long as they don't feed like fucking degenerate bronze keeds, if you know what I be saying

Not anymore. Canonically it's Jhin that's evil and Zed's a good boi he didn't nuffin

Nth for The Yasuo Experience

Jhin did nothing wrong. He wanted to make the world beautiful the best way he could.

He is the definitive Win Lane Lose Game champion.

No champion, not even Pantheon, comes goddamn close to how often Zed wins lane, yet he has one of the lowest game winrates of mid lane.

This leads to a barrage of 10/0/2 Zed's blaming their "shitty team" for losing the game, which CLEARLY had nothing to do with Zed doing goddamn nothing past the 20 minute mark, and thinking they're actually good at league and they're just held back by shit teams.

Oh and there's the fact that he's so edgy that plants break when he walks past them.

What makes Tank Ekko good?

>people blame yasuo players for feeding/solo playing
>they don't realise same players are most likely as bad with any other champ
Just ban him in lobby, ezy

Technically we still don't know what happened in that tower. He's more neutral than anything.

But the makes for a GREAT super villain with that laugh

Also its kinda fun to imagine Zed doing normal things with his Shadows like clean the temple or go shopping for pringles.

It doesnt matter user. Actual character and personality dont matter when it comes to the word "edgy"

If your power or appearance is in anyway related :

>The color black
>Anything remotely gory.
>Anything remotely dark (morality wise)

Then you're viable in being considered edgy.


>Shen, Zed and Jhin embody the three main roles of the game (top, mid and bot).

>Shen, Zed and Jhin embody the three primary colors (blue, red, yellow)

>Shed, Zed and Jhin embody the three basic moral alignments (good, neutral, evil.)

Ignore what bronze shitters here say, he's not that good anymore.

Important Lore reminder:
>Mordekaiser isn't currently living in the shadow Isles
>He's stalking the Noxian slums preparing to take his castle, which is currently the Noxian capital, back

Reminder that literal retards that haven't finished highschool like and are browsing this general and giving expert advice to others.

Thats actually pretty cool. How's jhin yellow though? Isnt his getup more white-ish?

>queue jg/mid
>get mid 3 times
>queue jg/top 2 times
>get top 2 times

fuck this, I'm done. I don't even care that I won 3 of those 5 games, if I can't play the role I want I'm not playing this fucking game

>Mordekaiser gets reworked
>now uses mana
>now scales off AD and is incentivize to build off tank like Yorick and other bruisers
>now has a generic dash/steroid/linear CC skillshots/% damage kit

How mad would you be?

Not mad because he's finally good instead of a speshul snowflake

not mad/10. I don't even play that shit


And you're playing in EUW too I bet, where plat players struggle to hit 5cs/min.

I'm a college major
good job user

>primary colour

Let me guess

No even mad tovarisch

Morde hasn't been the same since his old cancerous self was removed
now post rabbit butt

Mathematically there's no such thing as a negative ratio, they're all above zero. Their defining feature is being above or below 1.

>Canonically it's Jhin that's evil

But Jhin ain't even a full-blown psychopath or sociopath, he legit ends up feeling bad for the people he kills and deep down, he actually wants to be caught and-or executed. The false persona that we currently see now is just just a defensive psychological by product of insane mental-gymnastics to dissociate his murder addiction and said feelings of guilt through elaborate fantasy delusions, like imagining the world as his personal stage.

>being a literal retard that doesn't understand what the words he uses mean


tfw you'll never go to Ionia's Summer Camp


>posting the butt of an infertile waste of space

What server?

So if I make 0.5 dollars for every dollar I spend, my income is positive?



>it's another "i'm wrong but since i can't let anyone know i'll just play around with words in order to make myself right"
even if it's not mathematically negative, you still suck therefore it's negative

>Morde could end up god tier like Soon
>could end up horrible like Fiora

I'm not sure what to think.

why the fuck does my team troll every fucking game? adding to my 3 previous losses in a row i lost to bard oneforall with a vayne team.
every fucking game no one ever ganks, no one ward. fuck this retarded player base. i can't report enough.

His killer nickname is the Golden Demon and he says that gold is his 'power color.'

Gold = yellow

Yes. You are just too retarded to manage money and spend more than you earn, like a true american.

I didn't post your butt, silly user

Your spending to revenue ratio would be 0.5.

Do you know what 0.5 is? A positive number.

I wish these shitter faggots would stop picking ez and cait. None of these people know how to play them at all.

I want to hug riven and be her friend!

Sure bud
Also who the hell study math anymore, it's like the comp sci of actual science.

How many league waifus does /lolg/ have?

What are some unconventional junglers that still function?

rape her

Kindred can be good if you can get past her terrible early game and get a couple successful ganks.

me on the right

Then how are they going to learn how to play them?

You posted Riven's which was canonically stated by a riot employee to be infertile.

hugs and cuddles and loving!

>Yes. You are just too retarded to manage money and spend more than you earn, like a true american.

You do realize that of every country in the world, America has the second highest average income right?

Let's not forget that Europes finances are literally held up by Britain, France, and Germany and that if you're not in one of those countries, you are leeching off of them.

>kindred is an unconventional jungler

literally how can other toplaners hope to compete?

I honestly get triggered when my adc picks Ezreal now.
I had to support Gosu the other day and watch as he E'd into the Thresh and Lucian while the chat called me shit when we died. Wasn't fun.

Ezreal just takes too long to do damage imo.

Caitlyn is entry level.
You don't "learn" how to breathe, user.

>You do realize that of every country in the world, America has the second highest average income right?
uh, no

What champions are usually played by those with the autism

who is riven holding?

And but user, last night your mother regaled me about how she had you chemically castrated to prevent you from making more useless sacks of shit like yourself enter this world

Then I pounded her asshole for a few hours and gave her bus fare home.

>what is luck?

>You will never cuddle and comfort Sona, assuring her she's perfect after people bully her and call her a cow

isn't that akali?

would you an hero if you played with the old champ select?

>Beating GP with Riven
>Champion with one of the worst early games vs champion with strong early game
Gee I wonder also that GP build is garbage you beat a shitter congrats

Yasuo, Zed, Riven, and Master Yi.


Me retard

Learn yoself how to read

Every champion in the game except Yasuo

Ah right my bad.


We're number 1.

Are you angry, user?

No just in a jolly shitposty kind of mood

now beat it nerd before I knock your sister up and your teeth out

What're some fun and viable champions that are difficult to learn and master?

I notice I seem to gravitate towards champions with a higher skill cap in general (Azir, Evelyn, Aurelion Sol, Thresh, Zed, Yasuo, Zac). Anyone have any recommendations? How are the new Ryze and Yorick in this regard?

I won't, user. I promise you that.



> Tresh
> Skill cap

Pretty much every toplaner is autistic. A mentally healthy human being can't regularly deal with the kind of shit that is solotop, let alone draw enjoyment from it.

i wanna fuck that pancake


They shouldn't because fuck them

What kind of shit is toplane?

Not him but, you can do it user! I believe!

Everything unconventional

You can make anything work top-lane.

Even Nunu Top

you've been playing for that long and aren't even plat?

jesus, I started last year around this time and I'm plat 3 already.

>do good several games in a row
>people call me a lucker that beat a shitter every single time


Nobody is talking about imcome you dumb monkey. If you spend more than you earn you are a literal retard, no matter how much you earn.

>unconventional is for autists

I dont get it, wouldnt you be more autistic for doing the same thing over and over again

>look muh match history
no one care kys

>Lee Sin
>Mordekaiser (the most delusional players) (huehuehue)
>Garen (and higher than level 30)
>Diana (and not maining her)
>Teemo (unironically)
>Urgot (special snowflake syndrome)
>Free rotation Karthus'
>Old Yorick players (advanced special snowflake syndrome)
>Lissandra mains
>Gangplank one tricks
>Graves top laners
>Quinn botlaners
>Lux supports
>Zyra players who lose

>Liandry's Lulu


>shit job with low pays

haha sure you're a retard because your country's economy is fucked up haha

can we talk about americans who're indebted for life because of their shitty credit tendencies?